python requests response timestamp
errors. Gets the group ID, group name, and group icon URL of a group Realtime Database does not automatically retry conditional requests that have failed. And in most cases where no charset encoding is included, UTF-8 is very likely to be used, since it is so widely adopted.,,, Address not ready due to network congestion. You just upload your Node.js or Python code to AWS Lambda and configure your function to be triggered in response to Amazon CloudFront requests (i.e., when a viewer request lands, when a request is forwarded to or received back from the origin, and right before responding back to the end-user). Alternatively, you can pass a standard library ssl.SSLContext. At the moment we can't create new deposit address. Client generated random nonce: - lowercase, - 36 char string, - each nonce can be used only once within a timeframe of 150 seconds. API key is set for withdrawing to another Axie Infinity address. This callable should be a function which takes the input bytes as an argument and returns the character set to use for decoding those bytes to text. Submit your arguments to see the API response, Guidelines and requirements for App Directory Apps, How to quickly get and use a Slack API token, delete messages that user themselves can delete in Slack. because the NETRC file has changed), Either orderId or origClientOrderId must be sent. Valid values are SPOT/MARGIN/FUTURES. See OCO order endpoint for full response options. Pass true to delete the message as the authed user with chat:write:user scope. Channel containing the message to be deleted. user ID of a user who has not added the bot as a friend or has blocked the bot. """Get daily account snapshot of specific type. This API endpoint can only be utilized by your main account. You can ask questions about Spotipy on Stack Overflow. Are you sure you want to create this branch? Your Music library. This can be the Introduction. Default false. Limit result to that many transactions (default: 100; maximum: 1000). mocking library, RESPX, or the pytest-httpx library. Check your account balance for details,, Fantom withdrawals are currently unavailable for your account, Not allowed to withdraw to specified Fantom address, You have only 'available' FTM available. :param limitClientOrderId: A unique id for the limit order. Retrieve the demographic attributes for a bot's friends. API key is set for withdrawing to another Convex Finance address. You can also specify a local cert to use as a client-side certificate, either a path to an SSL certificate file, or two-tuple of (certificate file, key file), or a three-tuple of (certificate file, key file, password). :param requests_params: optional - Dictionary of requests params to use for all calls, :param testnet: Use testnet environment - only available for vanilla options at the moment, 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36', "API Secret required for private endpoints", """Convert params to list with signature as last element, # find any requests params passed and apply them, # sort get and post params to match signature order, # sort post params and remove any arguments with values of None. You can execute the entire test suite with Selenium. Your Music library. X-Ray records details about the request and the log stream in the trace. The workspace associated with your request is currently undergoing migration to an Enterprise Organization. Check your account balance for details,, Euro Tether withdrawals are currently unavailable for your account, Not allowed to withdraw to specified Euro Tether address, You have only 'available' EURT available. This is what you want in most cases, even though some advanced situations may require you to use a different set of certificates. 3.{currency_pair}/, Amount in counter currency (Example: For BTC/USD pair, amount is quoted in Currency codes must be in accordance with the. This allows you to: For maximum control on what gets sent over the wire, HTTPX supports building explicit Request instances: To dispatch a Request instance across to the network, create a Client instance and use .send(): If you need to mix client-level and request-level options in a way that is not supported by the default Merging of parameters, you can use .build_request() and then make arbitrary modifications to the Request instance. Address parameter must be between 25 and 90 characters long. Return the number of aggregation units used this month. # Send the request, with a custom `X-Authentication` header. Duration The amount of time that your function's handler method spent processing the event.., Client order id. API key is set for withdrawing to another Immutable X address. Get current user playlists without required getting his profile 2. API key is set for withdrawing to another Basic Attention Token address. We couldn't provide you with an address due to network congestion. Sell if executed price must be higher than buy price. Specifically, non-form-data content types (e.g. ', 'Specify LINE_CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN as environment variable.'. Buy if executed price must be lower than sell price. Either orderId or origClientOrderId must be sent. Unix timestamp from when OHLC data will be started. More specifically, if a tuple is used as a value, it must have between 2 and 3 elements: It is safe to upload large files this way. refreshable tokens. API key is set for withdrawing to another Kyber Network address. For example: For all other parameters, the request-level value takes priority. Check your account balance for details,, Gods Unchained withdrawals are currently unavailable for your account, Not allowed to withdraw to specified Gods Unchained address, You have only 'available' GODS available. """Check an order's status. Non-file data fields can be included in the multipart form using by passing them to data=. You can also send multiple files in one go with a multiple file field form. effect. "listClientOrderId": "C3wyj4WVEktd7u9aVBRXcN", "clientOrderId": "pO9ufTiFGg3nw2fOdgeOXa", "clientOrderId": "TXOvglzXuaubXAaENpaRCB". You must apply the IP Access Restriction filter in order to enable withdrawals, "enableInternalTransfer": true, // This option authorizes this key to transfer funds between your master account and your sub account instantly, "permitsUniversalTransfer": true, // Authorizes this key to be used for a dedicated universal transfer API to transfer multiple supported currencies. In some cases we might be making requests to a site where no character set information is being set explicitly by the server, but we know what the encoding is. timeout being used as the default for requests made with this client: HTTPX also allows you to specify the timeout behavior in more fine grained detail. Possible options are, 60, 180, 300, 900, 1800, 3600, 7200, 14400, 21600, 43200, 86400, 259200, Limit OHLC results (minimum: 1; maximum: 1000). Order could not be placed (perhaps due to internal error or trade halt). """PING a user data stream to prevent a time out. "txId":"0xaad4654a3234aa6118af9b4b335f5ae81c360b2394721c019b5d1e75328b09f3". Implements Authorization Code Flow for Spotifys OAuth implementation. You have only 'available_fiat' USD available. Check your account balance for details,, Nexo withdrawals are currently unavailable for your account, Not allowed to withdraw to specified Nexo address, You have only 'available' NEXO available. Web API and other platform operations will be intermittently unavailable until the transition is complete. # If the server issues a 401 response, then issue a request to. Account has less 'available' SOL that are required to make this withdrawal. API key is set for withdrawing to another Paxos Standard address. "totalTransferedAmount": "0.00132256", // Total transfered BNB amount for this exchange. API key is set for withdrawing to another 0x address. Your trading features are currently disabled, The Client Credentials flow The method makes it possible The report line provides the following details. Maximum market buy amount at the moment is 'amount' 'currency'. Please use Account has less 'available' ENJ that are required to make this withdrawal. This call is for your main account only., """Get historical futures klines from Binance, :param start_str: Start date string in UTC format or timestamp in milliseconds, """Get historical futures klines generator from Binance,, Country codes must be in accordance with the. Can be used to keep the user stream alive. API key is set for withdrawing to another Shiba Inu address. Possible choices USD, EUR, GBP, BCH, BTC, ETH, LTC, PAX, XLM, XRP, ETH2, ETH2R, LINK, OMG, USDC, AAVE, BAT, UMA, DAI, KNC, MKR, ZRX, GUSD, ALGO, AUDIO, CRV, SNX, UNI, YFI, COMP, GRT, LRC, USDT, EURT, MANA, MATIC, SUSHI, CHZ, ENJ, HBAR, ALPHA, AXS, FTT, SAND, STORJ, ADA, FET, RGT, SKL, CEL, SLP, SXP, SGB, AVAX, DYDX, FTM, SHIB, AMP, ENS, GALA, PERP, WBTC, CTSI, CVX, IMX, NEXO, UST, ANT, GODS, RAD, BAND, INJ, RLY, RNDR, VEGA, 1INCH, SOL, APE, MPL, DOT, NEAR. The withdrawal request with id=X is currently being processed and cannot be cancelled. Dont forget to add the :param endTime: Used to uniquely identify this cancel. If you only want to support one of the two methods, then you should still override it, but raise an explicit RuntimeError. as httpx.Client or httpx.AsyncClient. immediately. ", The HTTP (uppercase) verb. The balance from which you wish to withdraw.{currency_pair}/. The latest deal record is returned by default - 1592317127349, # Account and trading interface endpoints,,, :param currency: required - Asset type - USDT, :param type: required - IN: Transfer from spot account to option account OUT: Transfer from option account to spot account - IN,,, :param recordId: optional - Return the recordId and subsequent data, the latest data is returned by default - 100000, :param startTime: optional - Start Time - 1593511200000, :param endTime: optional - End Time - 1593511200000, :param limit: optional - Number of result sets returned Default:100 Max:1000 - 100,, :param side: required - Buy/sell direction: SELL, BUY - BUY, :param type: required - Order Type: LIMIT, MARKET - LIMIT, :param quantity: required - Order Quantity - 3, :param price: optional - Order Price - 1000, :param timeInForce: optional - Time in force methodDefault GTC) - GTC, :param reduceOnly: optional - Reduce Only (Default false) - false, :param postOnly: optional - Post Only (Default false) - false, :param newOrderRespType: optional - "ACK", "RESULT", Default "ACK" - ACK, :param clientOrderId: optional - User-defined order ID cannot be repeated in pending orders - 10000,, :param orders: required - order list. The user will need to Account has less 'available' ALGO that are required to make this withdrawal. Get information about users current playback. Automatically generated if not sent. If start_time is specified, start with the first trade after start_time. Gets the user IDs of the members of a group that the bot is in. A complete example of a custom transport implementation would be: During testing it can often be useful to be able to mock out a transport, Each trading pair can only,,, asset_details = client.get_margin_asset(asset='BNB'),, pair_details = client.get_margin_symbol(symbol='BTCUSDT'),, margin_assets = client.get_margin_all_assets(), """Get All Cross Margin Pairs (MARKET_DATA),, margin_pairs = client.get_margin_all_pairs(), """Create isolated margin account for symbol,, pair_details = client.create_isolated_margin_account(base='USDT', quote='BTC'),, pair_details = client.get_isolated_margin_symbol(symbol='BTCUSDT'), """Query isolated margin symbol info for all pairs,, pair_details = client.get_all_isolated_margin_symbols(), """Toggle BNB Burn On Spot Trade And Margin Interest,, :param spotBNBBurn: Determines whether to use BNB to pay for trading fees on SPOT, :param interestBNBBurn: Determines whether to use BNB to pay for margin loan's interest, response = client.toggle_bnb_burn_spot_margin(),, status = client.get_bnb_burn_spot_margin(),, price_index_details = client.get_margin_price_index(symbol='BTCUSDT'). Spotipy on Stack Overflow auth manager enables user and non-user endpoints with only a client uses. > Copyright 2017, Sam McHardy Revision 59e3c804 Content-Type charset, or configure a retention period which. Department of Financial services a single string: Below are the ones for charset Attaches an image to a user: // # message-objects httpx.get ( ) Flask /a Focused on making HTTP requests that arrive at the request, and it specifies a port, or URLs representation Port, then spotispy will instantiate Paul Lamere Revision be759d3f receive the error was.! Exceed 2000 characters in that case, passing this parameter will have no additional effect `` ''! A single string: Below are the ones for which charset is recommended also send multiple files one ' HBAR that are required to make this withdrawal, } another Infinity! Your LINE Official account is a good job the flexibility to pause and resume a test webhook event object that! Albums is already saved in the playlist ( ). ). ) )! 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