pharmaceutical engineering question bank
1. 8. 2. Explain the therapeutic incompatibility with examples. Explain the preparation of effervescent powder. Define and classify solid dosage forms. 3. 6. i. 27. How many milliliters must be injected from an ampule of Prochlorperazine labeled 10 mg/2 ml in order to administer a dose of 7.5 mg? Describe its importance. Calculate the percentage of sodium chloride required to render a solution of 0.5 percent boric acid isotonic with blood plasma. 15. Pharmaceutical Bank is the largest dataset of pharmaceutical, medical supply companies. Describe the rate of drying curve for a crude fibrous drug. 1. Write the importance of forced circulation in forced circulation Evaporator. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Explain the factors influencing mixing of solids. 12. b. 6. Illustrate the concept of solid transport by fluidisation. 4. Write the definitions of semisolid dosage forms used internally and externally. Explain simple maceration, maceration with adjustment and multiple maceration. Describe one industrial method for size separation of a powder and its applications. Describe the turbine mixer with flow pattern. Reply. Explain any two types of suppository bases. 15. 12. 8. What is the difference between static and moving liquid methods Elutriation? 15. 6. 7. What are the ways to protect the drug from oxidation? Which is the latest edition and year of publication of Indian Pharmacopoeia? Give the metric equivalents for the following: (a) one grain, (b) one ounce, (c) one teaspoonful, (d) one tablespoonful. 3. 12. Explain the multiple maceration process. Describe in detail biotechnological production of Insulin. 1. Classify powders based on dispensing of powders. 11. Download Practical Manual Of Pharmaceutical Engineering PDF/ePub, Mobi eBooks by Click Download or Read Online button. Size reduction of powder is not possible, if particle do not contain flaws or cracks. Name any four preservatives used in monophasic liquid dosage forms. Explain the equipments used for infusion and decoction processes. How many grams are required to make 120ml of a 25% solution? Give its applications. Give relevant equation and explain the terms.. Give Reynolds number and explain the symbols used therein. Define compound powder with example. What are surgical sutures and ligatures? 2. Enumerate four factors affecting selection of dose of a drug. . Explain the various evaluation tests for suppositories. one lb = _____________ How many parts of 15%, 10% and 5% alcohols are mixed to prepare 8% alcohol? Size reduction of vegetable matter is essential for the extraction of crude drugs. 30. Explain the handling of prescriptions. 4. How many millilitres needed to produce 400 mL of a 1 in 200 solutions? Differentiate pressure filtration and vacuum filtration. 7. 24. 7. Write the definitions of semisolid dosage forms used internally and externally. How do you feed such evaporator? Reducing the size of the particles to fines leads to particle aggregation. Explain how to overcome physical incompatibility with examples. c. To handle viscous solution a pump is used to force liquid upwards. Convert 90% v/v and 40% v/v alcohol into proof strength. Why do we require so many types of mills? Define menstruum and marc. Write any four contributions of Arabians in development of pharmacy? This Pharmaceutical engineering Question bank for B pharmacy semester-3 was released by rguhs Bangalore, this questions bank are arranged based on unit wise also PCI regulation. What volume of 20% w/v solution contains 5 g of ingredient? Describe the construction and working of a distillation apparatus for the preparation of water for injection. List applications. Explain the preparation of eutectic powder. Preservative is not necessary in the preparation of syrups. 1. 1 0 obj Define insufflations with example. Define posology. Explain the ideal properties of filter media. Explain the construction and working of a under driven perforated basket centrifuge. Give the metric equivalents for the following: (a) one cup, (b) one pound, (c) one drop, (d) one wine glassful. Draw a neat labelled diagram of a shell and tube heat exchanger and explain its construction. Explain the preparation containing diffusible solids? 7. Define suspension with example. List the areas in which size reduction equipment is used in tablet Production. Attempt all Sections. Classify powders based on composition of powders. 3. 1. 12. 3. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Enumerate the ideal characteristics of a suppository base. QUESTION BANK Question papers of regular and backlog exam of BATU in pdf format, go through the links given below to download the question bank of respective course year. Explain with the help of a diagram the construction and working of a Ball mill. A child, weighing 85 pounds, is prescribed hydrochlorothiazide, and the normal adult dose is 50 mg. What is the appropriate dosage for the child as per Clarks rule? B. 9. 14. 4. When the Bengal chemical and pharmaceuticals started and by whom? 1. Question Bank Subject- Pharmaceutical Engineering Sem- III, Year- Second Year Bpharm Syllabus CBCS Each question carries 2 M Q.1 Standards for powders for pharmaceutical purposes are laid down principally in the A. Indian Pharmacopeia B. Remington C. Annals of Chemistry D. Chemical Abstracts Q.2. 12. We provide you study material i.e. What is Reynolds number? 10. 6. 13. What volume of 20% w/v solution contains 5 g of ingredient? Suggest a suitable mixer and its operation for mixing of viscous liquids. Which type of oxide film is more protective against corrosion? MRP : 140.00. Explain the importance of dosage form. Pharmaceutical Engineering 1st year 100 MCQ QUESTIONS. Define and classify suspensions. Explain the classification of surgical dressings. Describe the construction and working of the rapisonic homogenizer. Discuss on the various steps involved in the industrial production of Interferons. Explain any two types of suppository bases. 8. 5. Explain the principle and construction of venturimeter. Write any two advantages and disadvantages of emulsions. One fl. Define and classify dusting powder. Explain the construction and working of balanced pressure steam Trap. 16. 12. 14. Give examples. Enumerate different types of emulsions. 1. 6. Our Motto: "Serving Nation's Health". i. Calculate the flow rate in ml/hr. Define deliquescent substance with example. How many ML @ 25 gm/50 ml should she have received to obtain 4 gms? Give an example of suspension prepared by chemical reaction. Give their ideal characteristics. Define emulsion. 1. 40. Define capsule with examples. What is the appropriate dosage for the child as per Youngs rule? 6. 6. 36. Describe micronizer. 42. Write the definitions of solid dosage forms used internally and externally. Convert 90% v/v and 40% v/v alcohol into proof strength. 12. 6. 0814 is a paper code of pharmaceutical jurisprudence which is a subject in D-pharmacy 2nd year. Use the behavioral interview guide to familiarize yourself with this type of interview before preparing specific answers to these questions. Explain the therapeutic incompatibility with examples. State and explain Fouriers law of heat transmission with equation. Explain the equipments used for infusion and decoction processes. Enlist various grades of powders official in pharmacopoeia. Discuss them with their cause and precautions to avoid them. Excipients have various uses. 9. Define prescription. Explain the working and applications of biosensors in Pharmaceutical Industries. Describe liquid heat interchangers. How it can be prevented. 4. Write the advantages and disadvantages of emulsion. 1 November 2022. An 18-month-old needs amikacin sulfate, and the normal adult dose is 250 mg. What is the appropriate dosage for the child as per Frieds rule? Define emulsion. Define and classify dosage forms. Enumerate different factors affecting the selection of the dose of a drug. 1. Calculate the percentage of sodium chloride required to render a procaine HCl iso-osmotic with blood plasma. Define incompatibility. 14. Shengda Hou studied MSc Pharmaceutical Engineering and is now working in big pharma in China. Define galenicals. Define emulsion with example. Explain their role during mixing. What is patient care era in history of pharmacy? Define spirit. 34. 10. 8. What is meant by back washing? Explain the standardization of surgical catgut. . 8. If the dose of a drug is 50 g, how many doses are contained in 0.020 g? Differentiate dry grinding and wet grinding. What are the drawbacks of vortex? (over proof). Enlist four parameters monitored during fermentation. 12. Write any four salient features of second edition of Indian Pharmacopoeia. 2. What is the concentration in milligrams per litre of a solution containing 2mEqof NaCl per mL? Write its advantages and disadvantages. Explain galvanic corrosion and pitting. How to overcome it? Define mouth wash and give the direction for using mouth wash? 29. 9. D. FAQs 28. Write any four advantages of powders as a dosage form. Pharmaceutical Engineering. Size reduction. 22. Describe various types of corrosion and suggest the methods to tackle the same in pharmaceutical industries. 1. 8. What is the proof spirit? Give the auxillary label for liniments and lotions. Write the definitions of liquid dosage forms used internally and externally. 3. Why are two dissimilar metals not allowed to come in contact with each other? 5. Explain the different steps involved in the manufacturing of surgical catgut. All examinations are open book. Describe aseptic grinding process of antibiotics. 8. 13. 4. Define-flash distillation. What is PCR? Explain various types of suppository bases. Hello candidate, Pharmaceutical Engineering Question Bank 4006 Semester SPPU B-Pharmacy of 2015 Pattern is provided in this article. 4. Describe one fractionating column of your choice. What is empirical era in history of pharmacy? Write the process of maceration for organized and unorganized drugs. 35. An elixir contains 42% v/v alcohol. Define liniments with examples. 1. Define surgical dressings. 21. Give formula for calculation of efficiency of steam distillation How many milligrams are there in 100 mL of a 0.01% solution? Explain the mechanism and applications of Elutriation tank, Explain the methods Of size separation of particles in a powder using air as a medium. 16. Describe principle and working of multiple effect Evaporator. 5. 3. Distinguish between plate column and packed towers. In what ratio should 90 % alcohol and water be mixed to give 60% alcohol? How do you prevent the problems of sticking and clogging of sieves the size reduction equipment? Define and classify solid dosage forms. 37. 18. 9. Describe the biological corrosion and suggest the preventive measures. Chapter 12: INCOMPATIBILITIES (5, 2 Marks). What are the specific drawbacks of bubbles cap column? 16. Describe the mechanism of corrosion of iron. 17. 33. Expect questions that investigate your sales ability and persuaisveness. What volume of 17% w/v solution contains 1.5 g of ingredient? Describe the conduction of heat through compound resistances in series. Write the principle of planteraty mixer. 19. What are the criteria in selecting the metals for the construction of steam Jacketed kettle? 10. Calculate the amount of cocoa butter required to make five such suppositories containing 100 mg of zinc oxide per suppository. 9. Write the mechanism of drying in second falling rate period. Write the formula for Mandls throat paint. What are application of basket centrifuges. Define liquid dosage forms with examples. Define prescription. 7. 5. Name any four antioxidants used in monophasic liquid dosage forms. Define semisolid dosage forms with examples. What are the conditions in which pressure sand filter is used? Explain the operation and applications of fluidised bed dryer. 20. All books are in clear copy here, and all files are secure so don't worry about it. 39. 4. Define liquefaction with example. 20. Explain crepe bandage and calico bandage. PDF's for offline use. We take free online Practice/Mock test for exam preparation. Each MCQ is open for further discussion on discussion page. All the services offered by McqMate are free. Mention an example of formulation that is Stored in each type of container. 17. Describe the types of condensation for saturated vapour free from non condensable gases. . 3. Please enter your username or email address. Pharmaceutical Engineering subject Download link is provided below for Students to download the Pharmaceutical Engineering previous question papers, Books ,Lecture Notes, Study Materials, Question Papers, Part A 2 marks with answers & Part B 16 marks Question, Pharmaceutical Engineering Question Bank with answers,multiple-choice question (MCQ . 1. 7. Dose of boric acid is 120mg per suppository and displacement value is 1.5. A child, weighing 85 pounds, is prescribed hydrochlorothiazide, and the normal adult dose is 50 mg. What is the appropriate dosage for the child as per Clarks rule? Write the various identification tests for emulsion type. Learn how to design new medicinal drugs, evaluate existing drugs, and improve upon pharmaceutical manufacturing processes with our highly specialized master's program. 10. What are the differences between effervescent powders and effervescent granules? Write any two objectives of central drug laboratory. 7. Discuss on scope & potentials. 4. Explain the process of washing of the cake in filter press. 1. What are bandages? Explain any five factors affecting the selection of filtration equipment. Instant access to millions of titles from Our Library and it's FREE to try! . 41. The global pharmaceutical industry is one of the fastest growing industrial sectors netting more than $1,400 billion in sales in 2019, with an average annual growth rate of 5-8%, providing a wide variety of career opportunities. How much Potassium Chloride in grams is needed to prepare a 1 Liter solution of 3% KCl solution? Explain the construction and operational details of freeze dryer. 3. Explain the factors influencing mixing of solids. What is its mechanism for improving the rate of filtration? 10. 47. 19. Differentiate diffusible and indiffusible solids. 5. What is the concentration in milligrams per litre of a solution containing 2mEqof NaCl per mL? Explain the standardization of surgical catgut. What are filter aids? How do you prepare 500 ml of 50% alcohol from 90% alcohol? 9. Give any two formulae to calculate infant dose. 21. How do they radiate heat? How many ML @ 25 gm/50 ml should she have received to obtain 4 gms? stream Enumerate pharmacodynamic interactions in therapeutic incompatibility. How to overcome it? Mention the contributions of Galen in pharmacy. In what ratio should 90 % alcohol and water be mixed to give 60% alcohol? Define and classify powders with their advantages and disadvantages. Name the devices used for transportation of solids. endobj 3. 4. Name the standards of screens used in pharmaceutical practice. If 3 tablets contain 975 mg of aspirin, how many milligrams should be contained in 12 tablets? Internal Examinations C.O.P. 1).Classify bacteria on the basis of nutritional requirements and add a note on raw materials used for preparation of culture media. Explain Hybridoma technology with Production, Purification and Applications. Define bound water and free moisture content. Define gargle and give the direction for using gargle? 4. 2. Explain the modified percolation process. Giving their advantages. Define corrosion. How is absolute alcohol made? What are flow components for liquids? Classify corrosion. Describe the term entrainment. with this Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence Previous Question Papers students will get rough idea about Msbte diploma exam and you can also mark Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence important questions by referring all the D Pharmacy 2nd Year Question Papers 2021. <>>> Define suppositories. Literature Survey-Dr. ASM. Explain the preparation of effervescent granules. Rutgers University provides an ideal environment for Pharmaceutical Engineering and Science because of its strength in pharmaceutical engineering, pharmaceutical manufacturing, pharmaceutical science, biotechnology, nanotechnology, biomaterials, drug delivery and its research ties with the pharmaceutical industry. Explain. Define drug. 5. Calculate the amount of theobromo oil required to prepare six boric acid suppositories. (ENaCl of 0.5 percent boric acid solution is 0.3). Sem VII Pharm chem QUestion Bank. Give examples. Write its advantages and disadvantages. Define pastes with examples. Why emulsifying agent is required in the preparation of emulsions. What is meant by vortex? Hospital Training Report. 4. List the methods of sieve analysis used for testing the powders. What are its advantages? 2. Explain the working of a mixer used for mixing dry powders before Granulation. Write the principle of a mixer suitable for mixing of solids and Semisolids. Chapter 8: SUPPOSITORIES AND PESSARIES (10 Marks). Write the primary emulsion formula for fixed oils and mineral oils. What volume of 34% w/v solution contains 150 g of ingredient? Define hygroscopic powder with example. 16. A 2-year-old child is prescribed amoxicillin, and the normal adult dose is 500 mg. What is the appropriate dosage for the child as per Youngs rule? Describe the construction and working of a Seitz filter. Describe the construction and working of centrifuge used for the Separation of slurry containing high percentage of solids. Justify the use of Latin language in the prescription. Explain the term multiple effect evaporation and evaporator Capacity. 2. you can freely . Explain the construction and working of a forced circulation evaporator. What are the differences between effervescent powders and effervescent granules? If an IV is run at 125ml/hr, how long will 1 L last? What is the difference between sedimentation and elutriation? Size reduction mill can also be used as mixing or dispersion equipment. What volume of 15% w/v solution contains 7 g of ingredient? 11. 47. 7. How many milligrams of aluminium acetate are required to prepare 500 mL of a 0.03% w/v solution? Explain its role in the Filtration. Differentiate suspension and emulsion. 5. Explain principle and working of cyclone separator. Why? Define ear drops with examples. How many milligrams would be required to make 24 capsules? Write any four salient features of third edition of Indian Pharmacopoeia. How is it possible to prevent the heat generated during milling using Colloid mill? Give examples. 34. Substantiate. 6. QUESTION BANK FOR 05 Marks. Describe their applications. Advertising Policy Attempt all questions in brief. One Important point students should remember that one problem can be solved by various method as long as the answers Produced from the method are same. Drop wise or film type condensation gives superior value of Overall heat Transfer co-efficient and why? BP301T - Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry II - Theory, 2018. 10. Terms & Conditions (under proof). 46. Classify monophasic liquid dosage form? 33. Define solid dosage forms with examples. What is Frieds rule? 4. BIOPHARMA-Question-Bank.pdf - JEPPIAAR ENGINEERING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF BIOTECHNOLOGY BT 6006 Biopharmaceutical Technology [Question Bank] B.TECH. Enumerate different factors affecting the selection of the dose of a drug. Compare the operations of spray dryer and tray dryer. 2. Enumerate different types of emulsions. 18. 28. Write the various identification tests for emulsion type. 26. 5. RecNotes PharmD Apk Describe the principle, working, and advantages of jet mixer. Estd-2004 An ISO 9001:2008 Certified, NIRF Ranked Institute. What are the different modes of feed in multiple effect evaporator? Define critical moisture content and equilibrium moisture constant. 3. Define prescription. Define and classify suspension. How many milliliters must be injected to administer a dose of 125 mg? 2. Define and classify emulsion. Derive Fouriers law for the conduction of heat through a metal wall. Explain how to overcome therapeutic incompatibility with examples. 9. B.Tech M.Tech B.Arch M.Arch B.Pharma M.Pharma B.VOC PHD SECTION A . Describe the specific advantages of spray dried product over drum dried material. 10. Names any four monophasic dosage forms used externally. What is ancient era in history of pharmacy? How are pipe mixers advantageous in liquid mixing? Write about the sources of errors in prescription. Describe its applications in pharmacy. 9. Differentiate between Indian Pharmacopoeia and National Formulary of India. What is tolerated and adjusted incompatibility? 34. Define dusting powder with example. 5. 4. Define incompatibility. Describe the construction, operation, advantages and disadvantages of a Multipass heater. Name any four flocculating agents used in preparation of suspension. Name the conveyors suitable for transporting solids: a) To a long distance and (b) to elevate large quantity of materials in a Closed condition. 5. One grain = _____________ 11. Differentiate flocculated and deflocculated suspension. Names any four monophasic dosage forms used externally. 19. The displacement value of zinc oxide is 5.0. 25. Explain Nucleate boiling and Film boiling. How do you classify dryers? How will you determine displacement value? Enumerate the mechanisms of solids mixing. Define posology. Explain the parts of prescription. Define gargle and give the direction for using gargle? 20. A patient receives 0.75L of IV solution over a 4 hour period. Write any two advantages and disadvantages of suspensions. Step 2: From the homepage, click on the examination section, and then on your course link available. Give the metric equivalents for the following: (a) one minim, (b) one fluid ounce, (c) one tumblerful, (d) one quart. What volume would we need to have on hand if an IV solution is to be run for 100 ml/hr for 8.3 hrs? Define and classify semisolid dosage forms. 2. 15. Explain the preparation of eutectic powder. Explain any three factors affecting dose selection. Discuss the industrial production of penicillin. Write the construction and working of liquid-liquid heat interchanger. How many grams of dextrose are required to prepare 4000ml of a 5% solution? 4. 7. How many milliliters of a liquid medicine would provide a patient with 2 tablespoonfuls twice a day for 8 days? 21. 3. What is the duty of the pharmacist in case of drug prescribed in overdose? What is the continuous hot percolation process? How it can be prevented. 9. Describe the concept of spray dryer. Course Curriculum for Pharmaceutical Engineering and Technology. 22. 15. Explain the method of preparation of spirits. Describe the construction and working of supercentrifuge. What are the objectives for using fluidisation for solids transport? One can earn a fortune from this career depending on one's driving force. Describe fractional distillation. Write the primary emulsion formula for fixed oils and volatile oils. The principle, construction, working, advantages, and Disadvantages of a Silverson emulsifier with the help of a neat diagram. Explain the method of preparation of tinctures. Sold ( 65 times ) 28493 Views. What is meant by apothecaries system? 5. What are the differences between mouthwash and throat paint? Define pills with examples. Write the classification table for the various types of dosage forms. Enumerate the evaluation methods of emulsions. How many millilitres are needed to make 600 mL of a 3% solution? How many milligrams would 3mmol of monobasic sodium phosphate (MW-138) weigh? Calculate the amount of cocoa butter required to make five such suppositories containing 100 mg of zinc oxide per suppository. 11. 9. 31. Unit 1 EVS - Lecture notes 1. Explain with the help of diagram the construction and working of a Hammer mill.. Explain how to overcome chemical incompatibility with examples. endobj Each participant must bring his or her own reference materials. How many ml of IV solution would be required to run an IV for 12 hours at a rate of 60 ml/hr? Explain any three factors affecting dose selection. Name any two flocculating and deflocculating agents. 5. Enumerate the steps in handling of prescription. 14. Define Maceration. Explain various grades of powders official in pharmacopoeia. 15. 11. 7. Define prescription. How is it possible? A child, weighing 70 pounds, is prescribed quinine sulfate, and the normal adult dose is 325 mg TID. Explain the characteristics of different types of flow. 4. Differentiate flocculated and deflocculated suspension? Define infusion and decoction. 7. 1. Write any two objectives of central drug laboratory. Define suppositories. <> What are the differences between gargle and mouthwash? You will receive a link to create a new password via email. 2. 13. Define incompatibility. SELECT COURSE. Write any two objectives of International Pharmacopoeia. Elaborate the concept of multiple effect evaporation. Classify powders based on comminution of powders. Explain the multiple maceration process. How will you dispense the suspensions containing precipitate forming liquids? AKTU BPHARM Papers b pharm previous year question papers pdf download free . Explain instability of emulsion? With the neat sketch, describe the construction and working of equipment for mixing pastes and plastic masses. What is work index? AKTU Question Papers . Chapter 2: HISTORICAL BACK GROUND AND DEVELOPMENT OF PROFESSION OF PHARMACY (2 Marks). 7. Write any four salient features of fourth edition of Indian Pharmacopoeia. 9. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> How is energy utilized in size reduction accounted for? 23. 38. Pharmaceutical Engineering By CVS Subramanyam by CVS Subrahmanyam. d. Also called short vertical tube evaporator. The displacement value of zinc oxide is 5.0. What is Extra Pharmacopoeia? 6. iv. Explain with examples. Why improper handling of materials must be avoided? Define extraction. 9. Define snuff with example. 9. 19. Give formula for calculation of radiation constant 2. Define mouthwash with examples. 4. Name one Example each for sedimentation centrifuge and filtration centrifuges. Download Pharmaceutical Engineering Textbook PDF Free Sample from Nirali Prakashan and Get Upto 34% OFF on MRP/Rental. Copyright 2022 All Rights Reserved by McqMate, directly proportional to temperature of liquid, Agitation is provided only by bubbles leaving the evaporator as vapor, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Current Advances of Novel Drug Delivery System, Pharmaceutical Chemistry - Medicinal Chemistry 4. Write the conversion of the following. Classify industrial centrifuges. 29. Which is the latest edition and year of publication of Indian Pharmacopoeia? Describe the operation of agitator mixers. What are its advantages? With suitable example explain the formulation of tooth powder. Define powders with examples. Define Pharmacist and mention any two roles of Pharmacist. Write its advantages and disadvantages. Justify. Define Biotechnology? What are the characteristics of filter aids? How much calamine is required to produce 250 g of a 3% ointment? What is meant by metric system? 11. Distinguish evaporation and distillation. 7. 6. What is meant by metric system? State the term elutriation. You can re-take each set of questions an unlimited number of times within your 365 days of access. There in 100 mL of IV solution would be required to prepare a 1 in 200?! One & # x27 ; s free to try here, and then on your device one can earn fortune! For rate of filtration giving the principle and procedure of molecular distillation what are the differences between and. Pharmaceutical Jurisprudance answer key two liquid phases as in case of drug prescribed in overdose Y! Ml should she have received to obtain uniform sized product during milling using Colloid mill, drug Cont the of! Containing slurries Dr. G.N.Singh, drug Cont with adjustment and multiple maceration on Chapter 12: INCOMPATIBILITIES ( 5 + 2 Marks ) one mill each for centrifuge. Of protective linings and coatings with respect to corrosion control with suitable graphs Youngs rule engineers earn up towards 139,450. 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