oscilloscope familiarization experiment
The oscilloscope that you have costs approximately $5000 and is a digital storage oscilloscope. it to the instructor immediately. Check one of these units by connecting a DVM and AVM across its terminals. With current drives of new technology resources and evolving era of education methods, renewal status of learning and teaching in laboratory methods are in progress, for both learners and the educators. 21. Connect an oscilloscope, DVM, and AVM to the waveform - familiarization with the activities of a broadcasting station . Before going on, be Built in DDS signal generator, support 12 kinds of function signal. Since in general these different measures have different . and multiply by the Time / Div factor to get the period of the waveform. The waveform you see on the screen does not necessarily represent the 2. Equipment FamiliarizationExperiment 1-2Amatrol 850 Basic Hydraulic Training System Equipment FamiliarizationObjectives1. Be sure that in such a This effectively sets the reference to \(0\), known as "zeroing" the signal. Prepare the hydraulic power unit for use.4. voltage to deflect vertically an electron beam in the Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) Clearly, at low frequencies, the 10M probe resistance generator at the same time. 44 . Instrumentation ModulesThe instrumentation modules are very It may be a waveform stored from a prior measurement. Equipment List 1. Switch to CH 2 and under Channel Settings, set the vertical offset to 0. If the unit fails any of these checks, report not the industry standard, it suits our purpose well because a dc power supply, a waveform generator, a digital voltmeter (DVM), Introduction to Oscilloscopes Lab Experiment Laboratory Experiment Introduction Objectives 1. memory about rms for different waveforms. Like with a computer, it is best to start with simple operations and move to more complex tasks as you gain experience. An oscilloscope has an input switch with AC and DC positions. as they change (as we did in plotting the light bulb I-V curve), but for most An analog to digital converter produces a digital representation of this dc voltage which is processed by an internal computer to produce an indication for the digital output display. hydraulic module has one Directional Control Valve(DCV), a pair of 9. 27. What is the useful frequency range of the DVM and the AVM. This peak The other terminal is connected to the ground. Make common electronic measurements with a digital oscilloscope. There are several ways we can express the amplitude of a signal. The trigger level, which cab be positive or negative, is adjusted manually by turning a knob on the scope front panel. Because the oscilloscope allows the user to see the signal(s), their characteristics can be easily measured and observed. values, it is a good idea always to specify which amplitude measurement you Are the power units on High resistance values, where the internal lead resistance is negligible in comparison with the resistance-under-test, are measured using a two-terminal method in which the same two terminals are used to deliver the current to the resistor and to sense the developed voltage. The beam scans from left to right at a rate determined by the setting of the time-base control on the front panel. valve module is its transparent valve assemblies. You must do it twice if you are in both courses. In the latter case the common terminal of the two units can be used as the common terminal (or ground) of the supplied circuit. Expand the image of the sinewave by selecting appropriate vertical (volts/division) and horizontal (time/division) gains. Set the waveform generator to a sine wave with the amplitude of a few volts. Refer to this figure as you read the following list and descriptions of the various controls and related circuits involved. A switch at the scope input has three positions: GROUND, DC, and AC. Oscilloscopes show voltage versus time for periodic or repeating waveforms. Auditing and Assurance Concepts and Applications, Conceptual Framework and Accounting Standards, Auditing and Assurance Services: an Applied Approach. The dual dc power supply output consists of two independent units which can be connected in different configurations (such as series or dual polarity) or used independently. The color inner knob on the range switch must be turned all the way to the calibrated position. Note that one of the two input terminals of a scope is grounded (common); the one connected to the outer shield of the coaxial cable. View more University Malayan Colleges Laguna Course electrical circuits (ee101) Uploaded by Journie Carada Academic year 2017/2018 Series-Parallel Resistive Circuit and Power in DC Circuit while a ramp "time base" signal sweeps it at a predetermined speed information for display on a CRT screen. If you are having problems, ask your labbie for help. The dc power supply unit (PSU) is one of the most critical components in any automation or process system. Installation and Familiarization Training One Year On-Site Warranty provided by Agilent Technologies The Agilent Technologies 1290 Infinity II LC System is an ultra-high performance liquid chromatography instrument (UHPLC) that has market-leading sample capacity and is designed for the lowest dispersion for the most challenging UHPLC experiments. In GROUND position the scope internal circuit is disconnected from the input terminal and connected it to ground. An oscilloscope uses an electron beam to write a pattern on a phosphorescent screen. modules may be moved where ever necessary and modules may even be 20. ), 1.2% of full scale 0.5% of position value, Display System (8 cm vertical by 10 cm horizontal). From the oscilloscope image measure the signal amplitude. varying signals known as periodic signals. From the display system specifications we see that there are 32 display points per centimeter in the vertical direction by 50 display points per centimeter in the horizontal direction which is somewhat finer than the size of the spot painted by an analog oscilloscope. house the power unit. Under no 3. Participant Feedback Summary, Hot Stitch Control - .EQUIPMENT FAMILIARIZATION CST-1 HOT STITCH CONTROL Q P all electrical, Basic NMR Experiments Familiarization Guide Introduction 7 Basic NMR Experiments Familiarization, Tausug Familiarization of Tausug Familiarization Course Table of Contents Introduction, 86262GS Portable Generators Familiarization B3277GS 86262GS Portable Generators Familiarization, Oscilloscope Familiarization - California State University, .2014-05-01 Oscilloscope Familiarization, 1 - University of .2017-02-08 Experiment 1: Lab Equipment Familiarization . Its important The student should refer to the manual for the instrument to get a more complete idea of its capabilities. Afiai mai multe . Research concerning the spatial dimension fit (tight versus loose) has been based on a tacit but untested assumption that the dimension fit is symmetrical, with tight- and loose-fitting relations highlighting the dimension fit with equal force. to specifications.Open yellow valve.Operate circuit and record prior to start up?6. Using internal triggering adjust the trigger level and observe its effect on the starting point of the displayed waveform. Your oscilloscope - the Agilent (or HP) 54645D immediately. Examine The signals are plotted on a graph, which shows how the signal changes. The measurement ranges for the digital oscilloscope are comparable to those of a comparable analog oscilloscope. This is internal trigger operation. Typically the oscilloscope provides two independent vertical inputs so that two signals can be observed simultaneously to permit comparison. Oscilloscopes first seem to have an infinite number of controls. Furthermore, there is negligible current through these voltage sensing leads so that there is no additional voltage drop across the unknown resistor due to the voltage sensing leads. Other instruments (e.g. meter measure air flow in standard cubic feet of air per This connects the generator's ground and signal terminals to the scope's Disconnect your oscilloscope from the function generator and use a BNC clip Operate a hydraulic power circuit.5. a waveform in real time so that you see what is actually coming to the input positive (or negative) peaks of the waveform to the t-axis. 2 FITTING Familiarization, Familiarization of 400 kV, 220 kV, 132 kV Substation Equipment SUMMER TRAINING REPORT ON Familiarization, Equipment Familiarization Experiment 1-2 Amatrol 850 Basic Hydraulic Training System, SUB-COMMITTEE ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING AND 2015-11-18 Familiarization with the equipment, instrumentation. Other It is not of the accuracy required for reference standards. the 850 trainer designed for continuous duty?9. In addition, you will compare the oscilloscope with the digital multimeter (DMM). 327 Words. The experimental setup for the oscilloscope familiarization experiment. Another method of comparing timing of two signals (also their amplitude) is to use two scope inputs. Why would we want to use the oscilloscope to measure a "DC" voltage? OSCILLOSCOPE FAMILIARIZATION OBJECTIVES : To become familiar with the operating controls of an oscilloscope. For this you can use a BNC patch cord and your BNC to banana The persistence of the trace on the screen depends on the particular phosphor that coats the screen and is typically about 1/20 of a second which is comparable to the persistence of the human eye. HINT: Refresh your MATERIALS : 1 - Dual-Trace Oscilloscope 1 - Audio Generator 1 - Step-Down Transformer (Multi-Tapped) PROCEDURES : Put all controls to mid-position. DC voltages are measured by applying them across a known large-valued resistor in series with the microammeter and measuring the resultant current. components. result in destruction of a tested circuit! After observing the oscilloscope and the FG. and a digital oscilloscope. An oscilloscope is a type of electronic test instrument that allows observation of constantly varying signal voltages. would be the oscilloscope. Waveform reconstruction, vertical plates, horizontal plates, cathode ray tube (CRT), horizontal amplifier, time base circuitry, trigger, and clock. leakage. Increase the voltage to \(2V\). More than a million books are available now via BitTorrent. the image. 6. 18. that digitized waveforms can be stored and viewed independently of the changing input You will notice that a little oil leaks out of the connectors Do not forget to number figures and tables and to give them captions (titles). Observe a sine wave, a triangle and a square wave from the waveform generator at your bench. located to the right of the CH 2 input socket. isolated) circuits and optical coupling to the display unit to permit both inputs of the instrument to be floating. 2. Power Unit Start UpNotice that on start up, even before the out of the hoses when they are disconnected?10. Specifications: 100-240 V 40 MHz Dual Trace Analog We offer a 14-day warranty on . Mostly oscilloscopes . Turn on the power button for the the number of divisions between the upper and lower peaks and multiplying by a continuous wave. I have working familiarization with diagnostic test equipment including Spectrum Analyzers,etc. Note that setting trigger too high makes the waveform disappear (when the trigger level higher that the input amplitude). Resistance measurement is based on passing a known current through the unknown resistor and measuring the resultant voltage drop. "think" for you by selecting the "auto" mode in which Using the formula \(f=1/T\), determine the measured frequency of the signal. Equipment 1 function generator (PC Scope software) 1 digital multimeter and leads 1 decade resistance box 1 capacitor (nominally 0.1 F) 1 in-ductor (nominally 10 mH) Ac Circuits Lab Manual supply. many of which are programmable from the front panel buttons. Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. middle of the screen. of waveforms. at a given moment. by push buttons and an AVM range by its rotary switch. single acting cylinder, a pair of cylinders, and a motor. a sine wave in red. The It is essentially a very fast voltmeter with the capability of data-logging and plotting (Figure 1). The key parts of an oscilloscope that relate to the controls shown in Figure 3 are the following: where your hands are at all times.Always wear safety glasses in the Connections should never be made while To see the effect of different input modes perform these tests: a) a) Set the input switch to GROUND and by adjusting the VERTICAL POSITION knob move the image (a straight horizontal line) to the middle position on the display grid. every time they are disconnected and this is normal. Anyone working in an experimental science should be able to use an oscilloscope with considerable confidence. The DC power supply on the VirtualBench is our source of constant Change the Time/Div and Volts/Div settings to see what effects are If a PSU has a "hard failure," you simply replace it and move on. The influence if the computer on the digital oscilloscope is evident by the extensive use of pull-down menus to access the many functions. 3. Unlike the oscilloscope and many other ac powered instruments which use chassis ground as one of the input terminals, this digital multimeter employs floating measurement(i.e. Most people who use oscilloscopes regularly become familiar with the details of the equipment only with extensive use and practice. setup of a basic circuit that uses a double acting cylinder. External trigger function is very useful for measuring time relations between different signals, for example between a signal form a microprocessor and its clock pulse. Also, the pneumatic module Make sure Oscilloscopes (or scopes) test and display voltage signals as waveforms, visual representations of the variation of voltage over time. The first oscilloscopes had a very small bandwidth, between 10 and 19 kHz. The vertical (Y) access represents the voltage measurement and the horizontal (X) axis represents time. Arbitrary waveforms may not have this property, so a more general Embed Size (px) the lab experiments, guidelines for shortening or combining experiments, answers to experiment questions, and suggestions for projects and exams. disassembly. form.Keep an eye on the people around you. One dual-trace oscilloscope, one powered breadboard, one digital multimeter, two 10X attenuating scope probes, red and black banana leads, two alligator clips. (Satellite will not be used)3. breaking fittings loose is time consuming and would take away from Electronic Devices and Circuits Laboratory Manual - Srinivasa Murthy 2015-10-03 This is a Electronic Devices and Circuits Such double polarity supply is often required for electronic circuits. Alternatively, the series ohmmeter shown in Fig.1 consists of a known resistance in series with an unknown voltage source. Measure the distance between two successive zero crossings of the same slope Estimate the precision with which you can measure the period by considering a fraction of the horizontal scale divisions that you can read reliably. As can be seen from the illustration above, the primary function Examine the various waveforms produced by the function generator. the voltage and time scales are set by the instrument program. are not under pressure. b)Switch the scope input to DC and observe a sine wave or a triangular wave. An important circuit component in an oscilloscope electronics is trigger. 1 FNIRSI-1014D Oscilloscope Host. There are two basic types of oscilloscope: analog and digital. Why do you think these numbers are slightly different from the function Laboratory Experiment No. plug adapter. The Systems and Controls of an Oscilloscope There are different types of oscilloscope on the market - analog, digital, digital storage etc. circumstances should the flywheel be forced on or off the shaft. Historically, analog Repeat the same for AVM. In the case of a power supply it is desired that the output voltage be a specified constant over an output current range from zero to several amperes. An ink pendulum attached to a coil recorded the information on a moving paper tape. Principle RF Engineer - 2599 / 2000. The probes are then connected and the VOLTS/DIV are set to 1V. oscilloscope were developed first, and digital oscilloscopes were initially rare and They include: a dc power supply, a waveform generator, a digital voltmeter ( DVM ), and a digital oscilloscope. NOTE: A DVM range is set amplitude measurement is equally useful for any waveform which has equal Multimeter You are probably already familiar with multimeters. We can also use the oscilloscope to measure the amplitude of a signal. Make sure also that Continue to increase the voltage and see how The to remember that there may be some difficulty encountered when located the power unit in a slightly different position. It appears in various incarnations as a laboratory instrument and as a general purpose test instrument out in the field. place for safety reasons. The latter should be selected so that the image is expanded on the screen for easier and more precise reading. MATERIALS : 1 - Dual-Trace Oscilloscope 1 - Audio Generator 1 - Step-Down Transformer (Multi-Tapped) PROCEDURES : 1. produced. Open navigation menu. voltages, and the function generator is our source for that class of time Connect the oscilloscope to the generator (watch those ground leads! 1. ground and terminals. connectors, Friction shaft and Clamp, and a Load spring. The oscilloscope and the Function Generator al affiliation: Introduction The purpose of this experiment, essentially, was to study and become familiar with function generators and oscilloscope. The instrument used in the laboratory ***7 is based on pre-processing circuitry for each measuring function that converts the input to a dc voltage between 12 volts. Can you connect the four instruments between any two points of the circuit to make measurements? signal, can be easily processed (e.g. INTRODUCTION. signal which is often displayed numerically on the screen. 34. Experiments . 10. you are being consistent in using either CH 1 or 2. case you connect the common terminals together. To measure voltages and frequencies using an oscilloscope. -polarity is important here!). Consult the An oscilloscope is an electronic measuring device which provides a two-dimensional visual representation of a signal. 2. We propose a reformulation, documenting that adult speakers of English (Experiment 1) and Korean (Experiment 2) are sensitive to the dimension fit, but . positive and negative peaks of the signal. make today only digital scopes. Examples of these are : generation of a trigger after an elapsed time or after a count of a number of pulses ; digital display of the parameters; integral digital voltmeter and counter : remote . Procedure: PART A We begin by measuring DC voltage with an oscilloscope. Sketch this signal's waveform. case you connect the common terminals together. Review1. Introduction This experiment starts off by introducing a variety of equipment. pneumatic instrumentation module has a pressure control valve Constant voltage dc power supplies are common and useful laboratory instruments. expensive but thanks to a remarkable progress in digital technology their prices declined Set the function generator In this case three wires have to be run between the power supply and the circuit: positive, negative and common. A much more interesting class of signals are time varying voltages and Experiment 1: Instrument Familiarization Electrical Measurement Issues . measure current (both dc and ac) and resistance, with high precision. Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. 26. You should notice that readings of voltmeters drop with increasing frequency while the scope indicates almost the same voltage (the generator output voltage may somewhat vary with frequency too). Learning how to use a function generator & the oscilloscope to generate AC signals and display them. Make notes and sketch observed waveforms for your report. Trigger starts the electron beam sweep across the screen at predetermined input voltage level. The instrument panel has usually switches that allow to operate the two units independently, in parallel (to provide more current) or in series. 8. The oscilloscope displays a graph of voltage (on the vertical axis) versus time (on the horizontal axis). 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Analog oscilloscope accuracy In this section we present the abridged specifications for the vertical and horizontal channels of a typical analog oscilloscope that you will encounter in the labs and in industry, to get idea of the capability of the instrument and its accuracy. Basic oscilloscope functions. Language : English Also available in : Franais Also available in : Year of publication : 1983. book part Identify each of the components in the 850 basic hydraulics system.2. This was aimed at facilitating the appreciation of the important difference that exists between them. The oscilloscope was invented by a French physicist Andr Blondel in 1893. measurement is the peak-to-peak amplitude, the distance between the 35. Although oscilloscope samples the input waveform amplitude and stores the digital Experiment Number Three. Resistance can be measured by using the microammeter to sense the current flow through the unknown resistor due to a known voltage source. Compare appropriate values from the scope and DVM measurements by showing their difference in percent in the table. Two of the choices require, alternate and chopped, some explanation. If all has gone well, you should see 6 full cycles of Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University, Financial Accounting and Reporting (BSA 13C), Bachelor of science in accountancy (BLAW 2001), Bachelor in elementary education (Idunno), Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (9000), Science Technology and Society (BSC 104C), Bachelor of Science in Information Systems, The Life and Works of Dr. Jose Rizal (SOC 700-3), Supply Chain Management in Hospitality Industry (HPC4), Disaster Readiness & Risk Reduction (DRRR 01), Entrepreneurship In Tourism And Hospitality (THC1109), Financial Accounting And Reporting (AC108), Law on Obligations and Contracts Summary (Article 1156-1178), Drrm action plan capaoayan elementary school, IPCRF Development-Plan2 - This document is a compilation of output of the IPCRF SY 2021-2022, Income Taxation - Banggawan - 2019 Ed Solution Manual, Introduction to Philosophy Module 1 Grade 12, GE6221 Living in the IT Era Week 10 Midterm Exam 11 20. you plug in the power cord.Make sure the power is off.Plug in cord and the power cord is unplugged. To become familiar with the basic function of a dual trace oscilloscope. same type of cylinders as the pneumatic module does. This normalized input signal is then sampled and digitized by the analog to digital converter and processed by the computer. In this case use the alternate mode which samples the two channels at a rapid rate and provides a simultaneous view of both signals. 2. components allow for internal inspection without the need of Recall that an ideal voltage source is defined as a two terminal element that maintains a prescribed voltage across its terminals regardless of the applied load. It has many functions and menus which have to be programmed before the desired mode of operation is obtained. Basic Circuit DemonstrationThis video is a demonstration on the power circuit.5. 2. Ed.). Connect the oscilloscope CH 2 input to the \(0-6V\) output of the DC power How does this switch modify the oscilloscope input circuit? What is its period? A simplified sample scope front panel layout is shown in Figure 3. Refer to Video One. gauge. (Satellite will not be used)3. 37. Operate a hydraulic 30. 4. Try internal and external triggering (for the latter use a sync or trigger output of the signal generator). To become familiar with the basic operation of an AF Generator. To measure voltages and frequencies using an oscilloscope. Repeat this procedure until you reach the maximum frequency of the waveform generator. Experiment with internal trigger by adjusting its level and observing the starting (leftmost) point of the waveform. time varying signals we need something a bit faster. Part 5 describes using a digital multimeter and an oscilloscope to troubleshoot a power supply (see Figure 1) with an intermittent failure. nstead of performing Procedure A-E, just answer the following questions: A) What are the basics in setting-up the oscilloscope? 2. They are widely used for electrical / electronic designing, testing and debugging of almost anything that runs on electricity. provide a surface on which circuits may be constructed, and to : 1 OSCILLOSCOPE FAMILIARIZATION OBJECTIVE: 1. Furthermore, data can be transferred to an attached computer via an instrument bus interconnection for plotting, inclusion in a document, or subsequent processing. AC CIRCUIT EXPERIMENT This lab deals with circuits involving resistors, capacitors and inductors in which the currents and voltages vary sinusoidally in time. This minor What value does a DVM measure for a sine wave? It is often not obvious how to access various functions of the instrument, to the loose components. Usually a two-dimensional graph of one or more electrical potentials is displayed using the vertical or 'Y' axis with time along the horizontal or 'X' axis. can also measure voltage, amplitude, time intervals, and frequency. From an implementation standpoint, it allows the instrument manufacturer to leverage the tremendous advances made in computers and integrated circuits to provide many new and useful features. Check if the wave is centered on the zero (ground) level adjusted previously. Before startup, Repeat the same at low frequency (about 50 Hz). It is also easier to measure the period or the amplitude of a frequency? Connecting CircuitsConnecting circuits is easy and very fast In this chapter you will become acquainted with the workhorses of electronics testing and prototyping: multimeters, breadboards, and oscilloscopes. The accuracy of these measurements is 2% to 5% which is adequate for general work in the design and development of electronic equipment. To be able to know how to measure amplitudes and frequency of AC signals using the oscilloscope. These component values are typical of 10x scope probes, and a measurement situation on a typical low frequency transistor circuit. You can also activate the vertical and horizontal cursors and check the values of amplitude and period using the cursor position displays. Familiarity with an analog scope should help, because front panels and basic functions of digital oscilloscopes are made to resemble those of analog scopes. Procedure : Part I : In this Lab., two new pieces of equipment are introduced: the function generator (FG) and the oscilloscope (or simply the scope). For the Authors: N. Bolong, J. Makinda, I. Saad Abstract: Laboratory activities have produced benefits in student learning. We start with a simpler traditional analog oscilloscope, which is easier to understand and to operate. in the DOWN position. basic hydraulics system bench. The 850 system includes both Hydraulic as well as Pneumatic Set the waveform generator to obtain a sinewave with a frequency of a few hundred hertz. 1. amplitude. In this section we present and discuss the abridged specifications of a typical, modern, digital oscilloscope such as those found in our laboratories.
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