microalgae applications
Adv Healthcare Mater 5(20):26672678, Khalifa SA et al (2019) Marine natural products: a source of novel anticancer drugs. The large share of this segment is mainly attributed to the booming nutraceuticals sector . Molecules. Infant formula fortification is a high value market for DHA and contributes to almost half of the microalgae based DHA market 7 . The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Nanoscale Res Lett 9(1):17, Nouri F et al (2017) Preparation, characterization, and transfection efficiency of low molecular weight polyethylenimine-based nanoparticles for delivery of the plasmid encoding CD200 gene. doi: 10.1007/s00217-005-0105-z. PMC Lectins are proteins that attach to specific mono and oligosaccharides. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. J. Phycol. Enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose requires less energy than the chemical process, although it is highly selective (Fu et al., 2010). and Nostoc sp.). Your comment will be reviewed and published at the journal's discretion. Mostafa SS. Application of auxins to C. pyrenoidosa increased the chlorophyll and aldohexose content, as well as the growth rate (Piotrowska et al., 2008). Technol. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, This PDF is available to Subscribers Only. To date, however, there are no scientific papers focused on producing bioethanol from chrysolaminarin. Iwamoto and Siraiwa (2012) conducted a study using 10 microalgae, in which six species (Bellerochea sp., C. reinhardtii, D. tertiolecta, Isochrysis galbana, Skeletonema costatum, and Tetraselmis sp.) This represents an advantage, as lignin interacts with cellulose and forms a crystalline structure with high recalcitrance that hinders the binding of hydrolytic enzymes (Chen et al., 2013). J. Anim. In addition to the antibacterial activity of microalgae, biocompounds have exhibited antibiofilm activities, which play a key role in the treatment of infectious diseases. In terms of biochemical engineering, the optimization of abiotic parameters such as temperature, light, pH, and nutrients can provide desirable characteristics (Gardner et al., 2011; Simionato et al., 2013; Wu et al., 2013; Zheng et al., 2014). Furthermore, some microalgae lipids (e.g., polyunsaturated fatty acids) have shown antitumor activities against cervical and breast cancer. Currently, delivery carriers such as liposomes and polymeric nanoparticles [58] are applied in chemotherapy, and two or more drugs may be used as dual drug delivery. Degradation of paramylon by Euglena gracilis, The effects of nitrogen sources and temperature on cell growth and lipid accumulation of microalgae, International Biodeterioration and Degradation, Effects of amylose, corn protein, and corn fiber contents on production of ethanol from starch-rich media 1, Effects of nutrients and light intensity on the growth and biochemical composition of a marine microalga Odontella aurita, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, Heterogeneous aspects of acid hydrolysis of -cellulose, Improved genome annotation for Zymomonas mobilis, The Zymomonas mobilis regulator hfq contributes to tolerance against multiple lignocellulosic pretreatment inhibitors, Salinity manipulation as an effective method for enhanced starch production in the marine microalga Tetraselmis subcordiformis, -Amylase is not required for breakdown of transitory starch in Arabidopsis leaves, Effects of corn stover as carbon supplement on an integrated anaerobic digestion and ethanol fermentation process, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Starchless mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii lack the small subunit of a heterotetrameric ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, Use of a Tn5-based transposon system to create a cost-effective Zymomonas mobilis for ethanol production from lignocelluloses, Induction of D-xylose uptake and expression of NAD(P)H-linked xylose reductase and NADP+-linked xylitol dehydrogenase in the oleaginous microalga Chlorella sorokiniana, Ionic liquids-based hydrolysis of Chlorella biomass for fermentable sugars, The Author 2015. In this context, the introduction of genes involved in ethanol metabolism to optimize its production and excretion is a worthwhile approach. The Vice-chancellor of Research and Technology, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran, financially supported the study (Grant No. In general algae can be referred to as plant-like organisms that are usually photosynthetic and aquatic, but do not have true roots, stems, leaves, vascular tissue and have simple reproductive structures.They are distributed worldwide in the sea, in freshwater and in most situations on land. 2018 Dec;26(2):105-116. doi: 10.1007/s40199-018-0213-5. https://doi.org/10.1557/adv.2015.22, Article Microalgae-based biofuels and bioproducts. The first use of microalgae by humans dates back 2000 years to the Chinese, who used Nostoc to survive during famine. Biomaterials 34(36):92109219, Rea I et al (2014) Diatomite biosilica nanocarriers for siRNA transport inside cancer cells. Microalgae are able to enhance the nutritional content of conventional food preparations and hence, to positively affect the health of humans and animals. Chem Nat Compd. eCollection 2022. Pharm Biotechnol Curr Res1(1):5, Georgianna DR et al (2013) Production of recombinant enzymes in the marine alga Dunaliella tertiolecta. Diatom silica microparticles have been used for the delivery of two drugs in the treatment of GI diseases. Chem Commun 46(34):63236325, Sasirekha R et al (2019) Surface engineered amphora subtropica frustules using chitosan as a drug delivery platform for anticancer therapy. Proteins of Spirulina could reduce inflammation and allergies, and peptides of C. vulgaris could prevent cell damage. In cytokine storm, the level of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1, IL-6, TNF-) and chemokines (CCL2, CCL3, CXCL10, CXCL9) increase, thereby causing the hyperactivity of the immune system and acute lung injury (ALI) [32]. Such examples of these recombinant proteins are E2 protein, which is used in the vaccines against classical swine fever virus, D2-CTB fusion protein (D2 fibronectin-binding domain of S. aureus containing cholera toxin B subunit), which is used in the oral vaccine against S. aureus, and E7 oncoprotein, which is applied in the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines [9, 22]. 1998 Jan-Jun;40(1-2):87-107. The most used ethanologen, which is currently also the most efficient for processing major feedstocks, is the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Markou et al., 2012). Cultures of microalgae with a truncated chlorophyll antenna size are more photosynthetically productive under bright sunlight due to elimination of overabsorption and wasteful dissipation of unneeded energy (Melis et al., 1998; Nakajima and Ueda, 1999; Polle et al., 2003; Kirst et al., 2012). The microalgae that produce these lipids are Haematococcus, Spirulina, Schizachyrium, and Crypthecodinium [14,15,16]. ChemPlusChem 80(7):11041112, Uthappa U et al (2018) Xerogel modified diatomaceous earth microparticles for controlled drug release studies. Microalgae, as a kind of natural resources, have been recently used as novel biological materials, and have attracted a great deal of interest in this field. Marine Microalgae with Anti-Cancer Properties. Such examples are indoles, phenols, fatty acids, and volatile halogenated hydrocarbons. Int J Pharm 359(12):280287, Aw MS et al (2011) Silica microcapsules from diatoms as new carrier for delivery of therapeutics. Google Scholar, Hamed I (2016) The evolution and versatility of microalgal biotechnology: a review. Mini Rev Med Chem. As a result, the virus could not attach to the host cell, indicating the antiviral effects of MGDG [26]. Del Campo JA, Garca-Gonzlez M, Guerrero MG. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. Another approach also involves hydrolysis and fermentation by only one organism (the microalga), but instead uses a genetically engineered organism to allow the reactions to proceed without the need for anaerobic conditions (John et al., 2011; Oncel, 2013; Razeghifard, 2013). Mar Drugs 14(12):225, Hayashi K et al (2019) In vitro and in vivo anti-herpes simplex virus activity of monogalactosyl diacylglyceride from Coccomyxa sp. Microalgae Studies and Applications. Guo et al. Hayes M., Skomedal H., Skjnes K., Mazur-Marzec H., Toruska-Sitarz A., Catala M., Isleten Hosoglu M., Garca-Vaquero M. Microalgal proteins for fedd, food and health. 17.1). official website and that any information you provide is encrypted For more than 20 years, the members of the MICROALGAE . The macro- and microalgae were the most representative species in that biotope (ocean and ground water). On the other hand, free diatoms have shown extremely low cytotoxicity against Caco-2, HT-29, and HT-116 (colon cancer cells), thereby enhancing the sustained release and permeation of mesalamine and prednisone in the GI tract [64]. In addition, silica NPs modified with cationic reagents (e.g., cationic amino silanes) are used for gene delivery. The structure of floridean starch. https://doi.org/10.1517/17425247.2014.935336, Article Genes related to lipid and carbohydrate synthesis pathways and photosynthesis can be manipulated in order to have more efficient microalgae in terms of bioethanol production. Brnyikov et al. Chlorella is another important microalgae in the food industry, which has a high content of protein, carotenoids, vitamins, and -glucan (free radical scavenger and immune system stimulator). However, the following constituents are generally seen. (Dr. Jules Siedenburg) The five microalgae applications examined clearly hold promise, both as avenues for . In these strategies, microalgae are modified to maximize biomass production and carbohydrate content (Radakovits et al., 2010). Microalgae are also applied in cosmetic products, environmental biotechnology, and animal feeds [1, 6,7,8]. Efremenko ENikolskaya ALyagin ISenko OMakhlis TStepanov NMaslova OMamedova FVarfolomeev S. Geun Goo BBaek GJin Choi DIl Park YSynytsya ABleha RHo Seong DLee C-GKweon Park J. Giroux MJShaw JBarry GCobb BGGreene TOkita THannah LC. The authors declare no conflict of interest. Antibiotics 9(1):9, Santoyo S et al (2009) Green processes based on the extraction with pressurized fluids to obtain potent antimicrobials from Haematococcus pluvialis microalgae. (2013) observed an increase in the production of bioethanol when Scenedesmus abundans biomass was treated with cellulases after hydrolysis with H2SO4. Hence the use of solubilizing agents may be necessary, such as ionic liquids (Zhou et al., 2012), which can also be used for destructuration and depolymerization of starch granules (Sciarini et al., 2015). eCollection 2022. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Investigations into the influence of salicylic acid on growth and changes in nucleic acid and protein expression, and pigments and sugar contents in C. vulgaris, were also performed, revealing an increase in number of cells (40%) and protein content (60%) (Czerpak et al., 2002). Using synthetic NPs for the delivery of anticancer drugs is an important approach to the improvement of chemotherapy effectiveness. Endo-amylase hydrolyses the -1,4-glycosidic bond and produces dextrin. Wu XZhao RWang DBean SSeib PTuinstra MCampbell MO'Brien A. Yang SPappas KMHauser LJLand MLChen G-LHurst GBPan CKouvelis VNTypas MAPelletier DA. The nano-additive application . Keywords: can grow in sewage waters, and because this organism can produce a large quantity of lipids, it can be used for concurrent water treatment and biodiesel production (Mahapatra et al., 2013; Ramachandra et al., 2013). In this case, the optimal condition, which produced a starch content of 58.2%, was a salinity of 20% under high irradiance and N depletion. Microalgae (especially C. reinhardtii) are viable options to be used as vaccine transporters as they are safe and contain a single chloroplast, which expresses proteins with high accumulation. Raceway ponds and photobioreactor technologies have been applied in microalgae wastewater treatment, including brewery wastewater. Starches consist of -glucans and are constituted of two molecules: amylose, a linear polymer composed of several thousand -1,4-linked D-glucose residues; and amylopectin, a branched polymer composed of -1,4-linked D-glucose residues and an -1,6-linked branch (Stick and Williams, 2009). Dittami S.M., Heesch S., Olsen J.L., Colln J. Transitions between marine and freshwater environments provide new clues about the origins of multicellular plants and algae. 2021 Jun 5;20(1):112. doi: 10.1186/s12934-021-01601-7. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3579738, Yang X et al (2020) Clinical course and outcomes of critically ill patients with SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a single-centered, retrospective, observational study. Natural diatoms modified with polydopamine are efficient carriers for the delivery of curcumin in cancer therapy [61]. Epub 2018 Sep 21. Microalgae farming is a promising alternative to couple the anthropic emissions with the production of food and feed. Accessibility In the past decade, diatom biotechnology attracted great attention as an important area for the research and production of high-value compounds with pharmaceutical applications [39]. Phycocyanin is a phycobiliprotein extracted from microalgae such as Arthronema africanum, Spirulina platensis, and Porphyra haitanensis, which inhibit the growth of human hepatocellular carcinoma, lung/colon cancer, and leukemia cells [18]. The ability of microalgae to accumulate lipids is very promising from the point of view of practical application. Microalgae-based application. 3 Biotech. Microalgae are natural biofactories that are rapidly gaining topical prominence due to their long-term sustainable and versatile applications as food and feed, for biochemical and bioenergy production and in the mitigation of global climate change (Ratnapuram et al., 2018; Vu et al., 2018).Microalgal biomass is a natural food source for many important aquaculture organisms such . Int J Mol Sci 17(6):962, PubMed Central Trends Biotechnol 27(2):116127, Shankar PD et al (2016) A review on the biosynthesis of metallic nanoparticles (gold and silver) using bio-components of microalgae: formation mechanism and applications. Due to their high nutritional value, microalgae such as Spirulina and Chlorella are being mass cultured for health food. Microalgae have been widely used as biofertilizers and are envisaged to positively impact agriculture as biostimulants, biopesticides . The first facilities for commercial production of Chlorella were developed in Japan, whereas Mexico pioneered Arthrospira cultivation in the 1970s ( 17 ). Astaxanthin is a carotenoid with anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and antioxidative properties, as well as other therapeutic activities. Yao et al. Mol Biol Rep 48, 47574765 (2021). Conversely, -amylases appear to be essential for starch degradation and are therefore excellent targets for gene knockout to obtain a starch-rich phenotype in plants. Fu W, et al. The first stage involves attachment and the penetration of the virus into the host cell, the second stage is the replication of the virus in the host cell, and stage three is the release of the virus particles from the cell. Photosynthetic organisms possess different polysaccharides. Before https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.16527.41127, Dolatabadi JEN, de la Guardia M (2011) Applications of diatoms and silica nanotechnology in biosensing, drug and gene delivery, and formation of complex metal nanostructures. Therefore, diatom-based nanoparticles are a viable option for the delivery of anti-cancer drugs and reducing the side-effects of cancer chemotherapy. via phosphorylation. In a study in this regard, Hayashi et al. A -1,3 glucanase that hydrolyses paramylon to glucose was isolated from Euglena gracilis (Euglenozoa) and was found to be necessary for the utilization of glucose in glycolysis (Vogel and Barber, 1968). Graphical abstract of the presented study. 2011 Aug;91(4):905-15. doi: 10.1007/s00253-011-3441-x. Overexpression of endogenous genes was carried out to maximize some native advantageous characteristics, such as tolerance to different inhibitors produced during lignocellulosic pretreatment (Yang et al., 2010). Ghasemi Y, et al. Curcumin has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer properties. Studies have indicated that these microalgae have potent antiviral activities. 2021 Dec 10;11(12):1860. doi: 10.3390/biom11121860. * In the case of C. vulgaris FSP-E, carbohydrate accumulation predominates under nitrogen starvation. Microalgae pigments also have health . Currently, research is ongoing towards the advancement of microalgal-biofuel technologies. Based on this direction, three kinds of medium (modified anaerobic digestion wastewater, anaerobic digestion wastewater and a standard growth medium BG11) were used to culture microalgae towards achieving high-quality biodiesel products. MeSH Spirulina is a blue-green microalgae with high protein content, several vitamins, - linolenic acid, and tocopherol. 2012;12:276314. Agri-food applications of microalgae can help mitigate and adapt to climate change. In addition, this paper offers prospects for improving the valorization of microalgae residues by integrating anaerobic digestion and agronomic application of microalgae in an innovative eco-friendly biorefinery in cascade. In general, viral infections are divided into three stages. Emerging prospects of macro- and microalgae as prebiotic. Until recently, the application of microalgae in wastewater treatment had only been restricted to the laboratory. The cellulose content of this species can reach 33% of dry mass, and a hydrolysis yield of 62% can be reached, which demonstrates the possibility of obtaining fermentable sugars not only from starch but also from cellulose. The first use of microalgae by humans dates back 2000 years to the Chinese, who used Nostoc to survive during famine. Microalgae are capable of producing various types of bioactive molecules, including carotenoids, polysaccharides, vitamins, and lipids. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help Also, resource utilization of multifunctional microalgae is discussed, to provide a theoretical basis for the application of microalgae in soil improvement. Biotechnological Applications of Microalgae: Biodiesel and Value Added Products presents the latest developments and recent research trends with a focus on potential biotechnologically related uses of microalgae. Due to the rapid rate of microalgal growth and their high photosynthetic efficiency, these organisms can be cultivated industrially (Miao and Wu, 2006; Hahn-Hgerdal et al., 2007). Nanoscale 6(4):20732076, Delasoie J et al (2020) Photoactivatable surface-functionalized diatom microalgae for colorectal cancer targeted delivery and enhanced cytotoxicity of anticancer complexes. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Mar Drugs 16(6):179, Huang C-Y et al (2017) A review on the effects of current chemotherapy drugs and natural agents in treating nonsmall cell lung cancer. The breakdown of the starch particle is not as well understood in microalgae as it is in plants. In addition, streptomycin was adsorbed inside the pores and into the hallow diatom structure due to surface adsorption [50]. For instance, Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus sp. Today, cancer is considered to be a leading cause of death across the world [11]. Curr Opin Biotechnol 59:157164, CAS Introduction. Microalgae are an important source of proteins, essential amino acids, carbohydrates (e.g., glucose and starch), -3 and -6 fatty acids, and vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, A, C, and E. Spirulina has a high content of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and -linolenic acid and has shown therapeutic effects on various health issues, such as arthritis, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. Microalgae are highly capable of storing energy macromolecules and this potential may be increased by abiotic and genetic manipulation. Z. mobilis is growing in importance for ethanol production. Based on application, the microalgae market is mainly divided into nutraceuticals, food and beverages, cosmetics, animal feed, and others. In addition, diatom shells have unique 3D structures and are used for the production of NPs for drug and biomolecule delivery. The potential of microalgae for bioenergy and biofertilization. Formation of Lutein, -Carotene and Astaxanthin in a, Antioxidant Potential and Capacity of Microorganism-Sourced C. Production of Biodiesel from Underutilized Algae Oil: Prospects and Current Challenges Encountered in Developing Countries. 347368. government site. Cyanovirin-N is a lectin extracted from cyanobacteria (Nostoc ellipsosporum), which has exhibited anti-viral activities against HIV, influenza, and the Ebola virus. Assessment of the Effects of Edible Microalgae in a Canine Gut Model. RCC486. Biomedicine 7(4):23, PubMed PubMed Central Microalgae are renewable, sustainable, and economical sources of biofuels, bioactive medicinal products, and food ingredients. Abolhasani MH, Safavi M, Goodarzi MT, Kassaee SM, Azin M. Daru. Starch and cellulose are the most well studied carbohydrates derived from green microalgae for bioethanol production (John et al., 2011; Chen et al., 2013). Nanoscale 7(47):2006320074, Uthappa U et al (2019) Facile green synthetic approach of bio inspired polydopamine coated diatoms as a drug vehicle for controlled drug release and active catalyst for dye degradation. Frustule structure is composed of silica and has notable properties for drug delivery, such as highly-ordered three-dimensional (3D) pores, chemical inertness, microchannel, and uniform nanopore structure. Food Res. Microalgae have recently attracted considerable interest worldwide, due to their extensive application potential in the renewable energy, biopharmaceutical, and nutraceutical industries. Would you like email updates of new search results? How Microalgae is Effective in Oxygen Deficiency Aggravated Diseases? Microalgae as a Potential Source of Bioactive Compounds and Functional Ingredients 4. Renew Sustain Energy Rev 92:394404, Yan N et al (2016) The potential for microalgae as bioreactors to produce pharmaceuticals. At the specific pH of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, this complex attaches to HCT-116 colorectal cancer cells, and the anticancer drug is slowly released under light irradiation, thereby increasing cytotoxicity against HCT-116 two-fold [63]. Mar Drugs 17(9):491, Rigby S, Fairhead M, van der Walle C (2008) Engineering silica particles as oral drug delivery vehicles. TrAC Trends Anal Chem 30(9):15381548, Maher S et al (2018) Diatom silica for biomedical applications: recent progress and advances. Laboratoire de Gnie des Procds et Matriaux, Ecole Centrale Paris, 92295 Chtenay- Microalgal biomass can be used for bioethanol production through fermentation processes using fungi or bacteria. Himmel MEDing SJohnson DKAdney WSNimlos MRBrady JWFoust TD. 2017;53:731745. Diatom is a eukaryotic unicellular microalgae with a unique cell wall known as frustule. Adv Healthcare Mater 7(19):1800552, Chao JT, Biggs MJ, Pandit AS (2014) Diatoms: a biotemplating approach to fabricating drug delivery reservoirs. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in Therefore, diatom-based nanoparticles are a viable option for the delivery of anti-cancer drugs and reducing the side-effects of cancer chemotherapy. Commercial applications of microalgae. 9910307639). Google Scholar, Lordan S, Ross RP, Stanton C (2011) Marine bioactives as functional food ingredients: potential to reduce the incidence of chronic diseases. Microalgae: therapeutic potentials and applications. Thus, the authors suggest that O. aurita holds promise for uses in the production of this -1,3-glucan. Moreover, sulfated polysaccharides extracted from microalgae stimulate the human immune system. However, consistent applications exist only in the dairy industry and aquaculture. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Before PubMedGoogle Scholar. produced a monoclonal IgG antibody in engineered Phaeodactylum tricornutum against the nucleoprotein of Marburg virus, which is a leading cause of hemorrhagic fever in western Africa [24, 25]. Pharmaceutics 11(10):537, Cicco SR et al (2015) Chemically modified diatoms biosilica for bone cell growth with combined drug-delivery and antioxidant properties. It is an unusual facultative anaerobic Gram-negative bacterium that utilizes a very efficient ethanol fermentation pathway (Kalnenieks et al., 2014). Microalgae description. The five microalgae applications examined clearly hold promise, both as avenues for fostering climate resilient food production and as climate change mitigation measures. International Conference on Microalgae-Based Biofuels and Biotechnologies scheduled on March 20-21, 2023 at New York, United States is for the researchers, scientists, scholars, engineers, academic, scientific and university practitioners to present research activities that might want to attend events, meetings, seminars, congresses, workshops, summit, and symposiums. Studies have indicated that the administration of this carotenoid to COVID-19 patients could alleviate cytokine storm, thereby preventing ARDS and ALI [31]. Gnanomoothy et al. Owing to their benefits, microalgae are considered to be effective alternative host cells. Some carbohydrates, lipids, and phycobiliproteins that are extracted from microalgae have shown antiproliferative and apoptotic effects on various cancers. An official website of the United States government. Wikipedia Microalgae for biodiesel production and other applications Chlorella is a genus of about thirteen species of single-celled green algae belonging to the division Chlorophyta.The cells are spherical in shape, about 2 to 10 m in diameter, and are without . (2013a) optimized carbohydrate production by C. vulgaris FSP-E by imposing nitrogen starvation and found that after a four-day starvation there was an increase in its carbohydrate content to 53.1%. Recent advances in the bio-application of microalgae-derived biochemical metabolites and development trends of photobioreactor-based culture systems. The combination of these two treatments increased carbohydrate hydrolysis and ethanol production. Microalgae are an invaluable biomass source with potential uses that could lead to environmental and economic benefits for society. Google Scholar, Mostafa SS (2012) Microalgal biotechnology: prospects and applications. In a research in this regard, Miceliet al. It gives an analysis of microalgal biology, ecology . PLoS ONE 8(4):e61473, Hempel F et al (2017) From hybridomas to a robust microalgal-based production platform: molecular design of a diatom secreting monoclonal antibodies directed against the Marburg virus nucleoprotein. Microb Cell Fact 16(1):131, Fu W et al (2016) Algal cell factories: approaches, applications, and potentials. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Can be found in Tate et al contributes to almost half of the complete set of features of producing types! Antiviral activities, make sure youre on a federal government site in other groups algae! The possibility of improving starch and lipid content and bioethanol yield of selected species of microalgae in a in Biomass ( Chen et al., 2014 ) algae-based oral recombinant vaccines using curcumin for therapeutic purposes is associated bioethanol! Potential may be toxic and have antimetabolite activities modified to be an effective in! 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