golang cross platform

The achievement visible on the Tiobe Index triggered even more interest in Go amongst developers. Indeed, the world is a beautiful place to live in. go-flutteris a package that brings Flutter to the desktop. gotk3provides Go bindings for GTK+3 and dependent projects (includingcairo). QT is a popular (commercial) framework for building cross platform apps. set GOARCH=amd64. glfw is a Go bindings for GLFW 3. gotk4is a GTK4 bindings generator for Go. Thegolang.org/x/image/font/sfntpackage parses SFNT font file formats, including TrueType and OpenType. . zig v0.9.1 Download the source code git clone https://github.com/lucor/paw.git Compile for target linux amd64 #golang #programming #technology #network #IoT. Add to this that the toolkit is open source, under the permissive 3 clause BSD license, and will always be freely available. Theimagerepository holds supplementary Go image libraries. We use OpenGL (through the go-gl and go-glfw projects) to provide cross platform graphics. In client_golang prior to version 1.11.1, HTTP server is susceptible . Believe it or not, the app can be programmed to handle 10000 requests each second with the help of the Golang language. https://dave.cheney.net/2015/08/22/cross-compilation-with-go-1-5, https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/WindowsCrossCompiling, https://www.infoq.com/news/2015/08/go-1-5, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33113190/how-to-create-a-statically-linked-golang-executable-with-go-1-5, http://matthewkwilliams.com/index.php/2014/09/28/go-executables-are-statically-linked-except-when-they-are-not/, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16747021/how-do-you-statically-link-a-c-library-in-go-using-cgo, https://www.osso.nl/blog/golang-statically-linked/, https://blog.codeship.com/building-minimal-docker-containers-for-go-applications/, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16747021/how-do-you-statically-link-a-c-library-in-go-using-cgo, https://github.com/golang/go/issues/12808, https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7677699, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33113190/how-to-create-a-statically-linked-golang-executable-with-go-1-5, dh1tw.de Tobias Wellnitz, cross-compling golang with static c libs using Docker, go build -a -tags netgo (for further hint on static linking, but CGO_ENABLED=0 has been enough for me), GoLang: Cross Compiling for Linux and Windows platforms, GoLang: Vendor directory for github branches other than master, GoLang: Installing the Go Programming language on Ubuntu, GoLang: Installing the Go Programming language on Ubuntu 16.04, GoLang: Installing the Go Programming language on Ubuntu 22.04, GoLang: Installing the Go Programming language on Ubuntu 20.04, Docker: Base image when deploying a GoLang binary in a container, GoLang: Running a Go binary as a systemd service on Ubuntu 22.04, Linux: socat used as secure HTTPS web server, Linux: openssl to validate whether private key and TLS certificate match, Linux: sed to replace across multiple files in directory, Linux: ssh-keygen to check whether ssh private key and public cert are keypair, GCP: fix kubectl auth plugin deprecation warning by installing new auth plugin, GCP: gcloud to change VM instance service account and API scope, GCP: gcloud csv format with no-heading for Bash parsing, GCP: LDAP authentication for Anthos VMware clusters using Anthos Identity Service, GCP: listing IAM roles for user, group, and service account in project and organization, Bash: extend timeout for idle ssh sessions using TMOUT, Kubernetes: KSA must now create secret/token manually as of Kubernetes 1.24, Ansible: accessing a fact from a different host using cached facts, Terraform: creating an Ubuntu 22 template and then guest VM in vCenter, Kubernetes: Anthos GKE on-prem 1.13 on nested VMware environment, Ansible: embedding a timestamp in a file name, Python: migrating pip modules to newer Python version on Ubuntu, KVM: Creating a bridged network with NetPlan on Ubuntu 22.04, OAuth2: Configuring Google for OAuth2/OIDC, Kubernetes: copying files into and out of containers without kubectl cp, Kubernetes: Keycloak IAM deployed into Kubernetes cluster for OAuth2/OIDC, Python: Flask-OIDC protecting Client App and Resource Server using Windows 2019 ADFS, Gradle: interactive JDWP debugging of bootRun gradle task in Eclipse IDE, Java: Spring Security OAuth2/OIDC protecting Client App and Resource Server, Microsoft: configuring an Application Group for OAuth2/OIDC on ADFS 2019, Ubuntu: Installing .NET SDK 6 on Ubuntu 20.04, Gradle: fixing the gradle wrapper for a Java project, KVM: Creating a Windows2019 ADFS server using Powershell, KVM: creating a Windows2019 Domain Controller using Powershell, KVM: configuring a base Window2019 instance with Sysprep, Kubernetes: accessing the Kubernetes Dashboard with least privilege, Java: creating OCI-compatible image for Spring Boot web using buildah, Buildah: Installing buildah and podman on Ubuntu 20.04, Kubernetes: custom upstream for domain with CoreDNS, Kubernetes: independent resolv.conf for CoreDNS with K3s, Kubernetes: independent resolv.conf for CoreDNS with kubeadm, Prometheus: installing kube-prometheus-stack on a kubeadm cluster, Prometheus: monitoring services using additional scrape config for Prometheus Operator, Prometheus: monitoring a custom Service using ServiceMonitor and PrometheusRule, Prometheus: adding a Grafana dashboard using a ConfigMap, Prometheus: sending a test alert through AlertManager, Java: build OCI compatible image for Spring Boot web app using jib, Prometheus: external template for AlertManager html email with kube-prometheus-stack, Prometheus: exposing Prometheus/Grafana as Ingress for kube-prometheus-stack, Prometheus: installing kube-prometheus-stack on K3s cluster, Kubernetes: targeting the addition of array items to a multi-document yaml manifest, Java: Spring Boot REST service with OpenAPI/Swagger documentation, Kubernetes: liveness probe for Spring Boot with custom Actuator health check, Java: Creating Docker image for Spring Boot web app using gradle, Java: adding custom health indicator to Spring Boot Actuator, Java: Adding custom metrics to Spring Boot Micrometer Prometheus endpoint, Java: exposing a custom Actuator endpoint with Spring Boot, Kubernetes: query by annotation with kubectl, Kubernetes: export a clean yaml manifest that can be re-imported, GCP: Enable HttpLoadBalancing feature on Cluster to avoid errors when applying BackEndConfig, KVM: kubeadm cluster on KVM using Ansible, GCP: running a container on a GKE cluster using Workload Identity, Kubernetes: testing RBAC authorization of a Kubernetes Service Account, Kubernetes: retrieving services and pods network CIDR block from cluster, GCP: Enabling autoUpgrade for node-pools to reduce manual maintenance, Kubernetes: Anthos GKE on-prem 1.11 on nested VMware environment, Kubernetes: major version upgrade of Anthos GKE on-prem from 1.10 to 1.11, Bash: current directory versus directory of script, Bash: test whether script is invoked directly or sourced, Python: New Relic Agent for Gunicorn app deployed on Kubernetes, Python: New Relic instrumentation for Flask app deployed with Gunicorn, Python: Building an image for a Flask app served from Gunicorn, GCP: Moving a VM instance to a different region using snapshots, GCP: Enable Policy Controller on a GKE cluster, GitHub: CLI tool for repository operations, Ubuntu: install latest git client from PPA to fix unsafe repository errors, GCP: Enable Anthos Config Management (ACM) on a GKE cluster, Kubernetes: kustomize transformations with patchesStrategicMerge, Kubernetes: kustomize transformations with patchesJson6902, Kubernetes: volumeMount, emptyDir, and env equivalents during local Docker development, Kubernetes: kustomize overlay to enrich a base resource, GCP: Cloud Function to handle requests to HTTPS LB during maintenance, GCP: Deploying a 2nd gen Python Cloud Function and exposing from an HTTPS LB, GCP: VM instances running as the Compute Engine default service account, GCP: global external HTTPS LB for securely exposing insecure VM services, GCP: internal HTTPS LB for securely exposing insecure VM services, Bash: test both file existence and size to avoid signalling success, GCP: serving a maintenance page using an HTTPS LB and container native routing, Kubernetes: deleting a GKE node from a managed instance node pool, Kubernetes: emptying the finalizers for a namespace that will not delete, GCP: enabling SSL policies on HTTPS LB Ingress, GCP: HTTP to HTTPS redirection using HTTPS LB Ingress, GCP: Private GKE cluster in Autopilot mode using Terraform, GCP: Private GKE Cluster with Anthos Service Mesh exposing services, GCP: Private GKE Cluster with private endpoint using Terraform, GCP: enabling Cloud Armor on GCP HTTPS LB for Anthos Service Mesh, Bash: automating ssh login and sudo that require interactive login, Bash: identifying and killing a zombie child processes, Bash: trapping signals during script processing. BSD-3-Clause license 0 stars 135 forks Star Notifications Code; Pull requests 0; Actions; Projects 0; Security; Insights; sigmahour/serio. Developed by Ken Thompson, Rob Pike, and Robert Griesemer under Google, the computer programming language Golang (Go) was released for the public in 2009. Its important that said Go source follow disciplined interface contract design principles. It is possible to get the list of available serial ports with the GetPortsList function: Go-appis a package for building progressive web apps (PWA) with the Go programming language (Golang) and WebAssembly (Wasm). John was the first writer to have joined golangexample.com. Before Go 1.5, you needed a compiler for thetarget architecture, but now that the entire tool chain is written in Go, building for multiple architectures is easy. Kitsch also uses golang templates to let you customize individual modules or entire blocks of modules. Professionals who use the standard library find writing a command line as something straightforward. Go made it in the headlines two years back (2017) when it managed to beat Python, C, as well as Java to win the programming language of the year title. Best GoLang IDE - A Quick Summary List go-skiais a Go skia binding based on skia C library through cgo. One Source, Many Targets The flexible language can be used in a wide range of apps, including advanced Machine Learning, Big Data powered ones. Package serial is a cross-platform serial library for the go language. This post covers how we do and do not use these features, with some examples, and some things we've found on the way that still aren't perfect. It's cross platform and platform-native, but very basic. If youcopy this file over to a Windows 32-bit host and run it: And if you try to run a 64 bit binary on a 32 bit Windows machine, you get an error saying that the exe is is not compatible with the version of Windows youre running, as expected. Normally that's not a problem, but sometimes we depend on 3rd-party C . With a single, simple command, you can compile your source down into a macOS binary. 1. Step 1 Installing Go Programs from Version Control Before we can create executables from a Go package, we have to obtain its source code. go-chartis a very simple golang native charting library that supports timeseries and continuous line charts. It is, by far, my favorite language to work with. It doesnt bundle browsers. So, the languages popularity has witnessed considerable momentum during recent years. Supported on Windows, Mac & Linux. Several developers prefer Golang while shifting from old languages to a new one. trayhost - Cross-platform Go library to place an icon in the host operating system's taskbar. Allows you to monitor the quality of the project by recording and communicating the tasks / progress / issues to right partners. 21. Fyne demo on desktop, dark theme. With another, that same source can be compiled to an ARMv6 binary for Linux. client_golang is the instrumentation library for Go applications in Prometheus, and the promhttp package in client_golang provides tooling around HTTP servers and clients. Android-only. winc is a common library for Golang GUI apps on Windows (based on gform). Go canvasis a pure Go library that provides drawing functionality as similar as possible to the HTML5 canvas API, implemented on OpenGL backend (and software backend). Control the mouse, keyboard and other. 8. The allocated memory is utilized correctly, and the users get the best possible experience. Several developers have strengthened their programming skills in the same. These traits make Go an ideal tool for building cross-platform projects that necessitate native performance and functionality. Believe it or not, the app can be programmed to handle 10000 requests each second with the help of the Golang language. To install the necessary dependencies, take a look at: sdfxis a simple CAD package written in Go. Assuming you have installed Go and have the proper environment variable setup, run the following commands on Ubuntu (or theequivalent on Windows): And then either copythe simple go file below, or download it directly from my github project. Full-stack progressive webapp Write the complete app in Go, place binaries on public-facing web servers. Chances of Go-powered app crashing due to lack of memory remain lesser due to the non-system thread nature. Zig is a general-purpose programming language and toolchain that provides a zero-dependency, drop-in C/C++ compiler that supports cross-compilation out-of-the-box. Am Ende sprechen wir noch ber Libraries fr die . Go just makes it extremely easy. Muonis a lightweight alternative to Electron written in Golang, usingUltralightinstead of Chromium. The range of controls, their supported properties and events, should roughly match what is available in HTML. The below output is for a statically linked binary. Go now comes with support for all architectures built in. The same author maintains the NanoGUI.go project mentioned above. Put simply, Go enables engineers to develop performant, lightweight, testable, and maintainable code. It does not depend on the use of any other language like JSDoc, PHPDoc, and JavaDoc. IOS support planned. Eduardo Gordillo posted images on LinkedIn. webviewis a tiny cross-platform webview library for C/C++/Golang to build modern cross-platform GUIs. Then communication is achieved with client and clientside packages. A nice feature of the Go languageis the ability to build binaries for multiple platforms directly from a single source system. Must-Have Skills: Golang or Java Spring Boot, REST, JSON, Micro Services, 12 Factor Apps, Apache. Golang has a low learning curve and is famous for its simplicity, whereas Java is famous for its flexibility and reusability of codes. The QPL is similar to the MPL except it tracks modifications at the Go package level instead at the file level and you must release changes you make to the packages in this module if you distribute/host an app with a modified version of Qlovaseed. It can extract enough information from the code to create structure, outline, and format documentation. d3d9is a pure Go wrapper for Microsofts Direct3D9 API. 1 2 CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build test.go CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build test.go 2. In that folder, run go mod init main Create a file called main.go and paste the following code: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 package main import ( "fmt" "time" ) func main () { fmt.Println(time.Now ()) } Nothing special, right? Several firms choose Go language for microservices and back-end apps development instead of JavaScript. Developers can run parallel tests and do much more simultaneously. Just remove the GOBIN environment variable setting . Makefile 10 0 1. custom-errors error-handling errors go golang. Being on a 64 bit Ubuntu 14.04 host, doing either a default build or specifying a 64 bit binary explicitly results in: Andyou can also verify the binary target architecture by having the file command look at the header: For Linux, to check if the binary is statically or dynamically linked, use the ldd and readelf utilities. giis a scenegraph-based 2D and 3D GUI / graphics interface (Gi) in Go. We need this two to build our mobile app library. However, there may be good reasons to use these technologies to extend functionality or to create new seeds. Access these apps on Windows, Mac, Linux, IOS & Android. Thanks to technology Software for mobile devices like smartphones, smartwatches and tablets is created through mobile Online selling is more effective now than ever. A cross platform mail driver for GoLang. A qu nos referimos cuando hablamos del #EfectoMultiplicador?? The Go language was designed to be a systems language usable across multiple platforms. So, when Google decided to finance Go, the firm selected the best talent to create the future-proof language. As a lightweight alternative to Electron Write your frontend and native code in Go, distribute native binaries of your app. Compiling from a development computer Hands-On GUI Application Development in Go : Build responsive, cross-platform, graphical applications with the Go programming language.

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