what strange phobia do i have
I guess I am afraid of them because its impossible thanks to their painted-on smiles to distinguish if they are happy or if theyre about to bite your face off.. You know what Im talking about. They are also known to be quite literal and either do not understandor simply have an aversion to metaphor and other literary devices. All I have to do is order stuff without the condiments. Apparently if you lock these people in a hairdressers they completely lose it, so please dont do that. Spiders are chill, they dont move much, they get rid of other pesky bugs for us, and most importantly of all, they work alone. Those with fears of bully buttons hate seeing or touching belly buttonsboth their own and others. Like the majority of phobias, there is no official cure, but therapy is the best bet to overcome this issue. How tiny Earth is, even in comparison to planets in our own solar system. Add to library 868. Run away! Thats not scary, Im not scared, youre scared. This phobia is very common these days and can be described as a fear of ventriloquist dummies, wax statues, and animatronic creatures. One of the strangest phobias is coulrophobia, a fear of clowns. Bananaphobia is an irrational fear of bananas. People were scared of mistakenly being declared dead while sick and then being buried alive. Here's what we mean: 1. The first version of this fear, is that gravity will suddenly increase, and we will all be crushed inwards like a soda can, flattened to the Earths surface at any given moment. 2. It'. Myrmecophobia? Such people avoid thinking spiders and arachnids could be found. But its not just animals. This extremely rare phobia isnt well understood, however, the cause is believed to be an uncommon sensitivity to changes in pitch and tone. Getting hit by an ambulance. One of the more common phobias, agoraphobia impacts thousands of people. When you were born, they had to cut the umbilical cord and now it looks like just a tied up mess of knots dug into your stomach. Also sometimes described as the fear of medical words (which tend to be quite long), those with logophobia communicate through gestures and drawings. There is no real reason why people suffer from omphalophobia, which is what makes it such a weird thing to be afraid of. Belly buttons arent attractive, but to fear them seems a little silly. ". Lots of people in the world that might just crack or, worse yet even more likely, purposefully harm random people. But thats not the only reason why a phobia of food is so odd, its also nearly universally regarded as one of the best parts of life. While treatable, it can take many years for someone with optophobia to overcome their fear. Jajaja you have a very strange phobia. He even avoids passing the cart or the place in supermarkets where bananas are kept, and tries to flee away. Nomophobia - Fear of being without a mobile phone or not being able to use it because of low battery or absence of signal. Heres a phobia that has only become prevalent in recent years. As you can probably guess by the name, numerophobia is the unusual phobia of numbers. It can be a very debilitating disorder and causes those who have it to live very sheltered lives. Sometimes this stems from excessive bullying or severe body image problems. Texture, fear of the germs they carry, or accidentally swallowing one, are the most commonly cited sources of this fear. The infinite vastness of space. A phobia is an anxiety disorder involving excessive and persistent fear of a situation or object. Like everyone referred to on this list, for example. The root cause of this phobia is often due toa past memory, where swallowing has brought the individual some form of pain, and now the very idea of anything traveling down their neck mutates into an anxiety where (quite literally) their throat closes up,disallowing food or liquidto enter the body, perpetuating the fear even further, one long downward spiral of despair. I know how much people love their mobile phones but having a phobia of being without a cellphone, that's insane. The full title of this phobia actually reads as follows: the fear of being pursued by timber wolves around a kitchen table while wearing socks on a newly waxed floor, and if you think this sounds like some sort of a nonsense joke, you would be absolutely right. Xanthophobia is the persistent fear of the color yellow. Some men are terribly afraid of beautiful women. Animal phobias such as the fear of snakes, spiders, rodents, and dogs. This wasnt a fake phobia at all. What can a teensy tiny cockroach do to you, after all? 2021 Mental Health Rehabs. Caligynephobia is the abnormal, excessive and irrational fear of beautiful women. Cacophobes believe that ugly things or people are associated with evil entities, and that even looking at them may cause these evil entities to attack. Biologically speaking, developing a phobia is as easy as experiencing a traumatic event and consistently relating that event to something (often arbitrary) that was present when the event transpired. You might be suffering from globophobia. Cockroaches, flies, mice, and lizards, for example, are frequently feared by gentle darlings. Take omphalophobia, for example. Instead, they are items that induce dread and disgust. While some might find this refreshing, the same cant be said for those suffering from eisoptrophobia. In 2016, the reality TV star took to her website and app to reveal her unexpected phobia: belly buttons. These are some of the most common and weird phobias that people can have. People were so worried that safety coffins were invented, featuring a mechanism that allowed the buried to signal if they were actually alive. Yup! Weird phobias dont get much more strange than this one. It is a rare but often devastating phobia. I can't either. Apparentlycertain people with the phobia arent even remotely bothered by balloons when they are deflated, so a fun thing to do is to lock them in a room and then slowly blow one up in front of them, watching how their eyeballs pulsate, because, you know, Im a horrible person. 10/05/2011 at 9:06 am. 1 person likes this. Physically interacting with a disliked fabric type may elicit a physical reaction similar to that of food like gagging and vomiting. The fear of spiders is now so common that we nonchalantly accept it as a part of everyday life, but if you truly think about this concept, it makes no sense. From snakes to peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth (yes its really real, look it up) but what really gives you the shivers? Many studies claim that its the anxiety of having a panic attack which often triggers the panic attack in the first place, becausewho needs real enemies when we have our own nervous systemspersistently firing unnecessarily, just a bunch of over-developed monkeys, neurotic and borderline insane. Situational phobias (fears triggered by a specific situation) including the fear of enclosed spaces (claustrophobia), flying, driving, tunnels, and bridges. But this isnt an irrational phobia. Take this quiz to find out. I mean, its not so much that I have a fear of opinions per se, its more that I have an irrational adverse reaction to anyones opinion which differs from mine, because coincidentally, every single time they just so happen to be wrong. look it . Not much is known about this phobia, but it seems pretty insensitive that this phobia includes the offending letter. Or even the fear of money? The second version, is that gravity itself will simply let go, and we will float away into space like little bits of dandruff, ultimately suffocating but getting a great view just before we do. In fact, the very idea of a belly button, or simply seeing one is also feared by people who suffer from this phobia. It may seem silly now, but if you think about the most scariest people who ever existed, didnt they all have a chin? 0. Furthermore, this heightened perception even extendsas a warning against visibly contagious diseases such as leprosy, smallpox, or measles. You may not have heard of them, but these fears are very real. 15) Pogonophobia:is the extreme dislike of beards. However, globophobia sufferers are so fearful of this mini-explosion that they cant go anywhere near an inflated balloon, just in case the dreaded popping thing happens and somehow kills them or destroys the Universe or whatever. Read More, 20 of the Strangest Phobias People Actually Experience. What weird phobia do you have? The average person doesnt give much thought to the small indentations on their abdomen. Super easy. Alektorophobia: Fear of chickens. Not much is known about this phobia of this abstract concept, however, one study found that the inverse, a fear of injustice, was linked to a tendency to externalize problematic behavior. It might sound like Im trying to be funny here, but I am dead serious, it is astonishing how often everyone elses opinion is completely incorrect whilst mine is naturally infallible, and these people wont even listen to me as I shout my opinion into their faces, its ridiculous. See more about - 101 Weird Facts You Wont Believe Are True. Ang75pfp. What Phobia Do You Have? It can also be linked to anxiety about sexuality in general.Wikimedia Commons. 1. Its based on the fear of not being able to escape a situation. Genuphobia: fear of knees. People with this phobia have a great fear of doing maths, even simple things like adding or subtracting. This is one phobia you dont want to experience. 2) Chaetophobia:the fear of hair. 100% Privacy. He gets scared when there are porcelain dolls around him. Arachnophobia is known to be one of the top 10 worst phobias in the world, to be accurate it is the third worst phobia that people around the world suffer from. But there is a difference between fearing something and what are known as true weird phobias. You go, Sandra! This could explain why maths is always a struggle. The Absolute Best Sunscreens of 2022 . 30 Best Kanye West Memes That Will Crack You Up, 11 Wild Active Cults That Still Exist Today, 101 Weird Facts You Wont Believe Are True. Dave Stopera This Word Jumble Will Tell You What You're Afraid. COPYRIGHT 2022 Next Luxury ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The symptoms of astrophobia are similar to those of other common phobias. 14) Trypophobia:the fear of holes. Back in the prehistoric days when humans used to ride dinosaurs, these fear-triggers were imperative to our survival. 1. metallicpalace 2 yr. ago. 16) Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia:the fear of Long words. It is, however, arguable that the word phobia is misused and that in the majority of cases it is only a normal anxiety. That said, Pope Francis is alright with me. Glossophobia (fear of public speaking), arachnophobia (fear of spiders), and acrophobia (a fear of heights) are some of the most common, and all are things that trigger our instinctive fear response to some degree. 7 Creepy Abandoned Cities From Across The World, Don't Be That Guy: An Animated GIF Guide To Surviving New York (And Any Other City), What Stephen Hawking Thinks Threatens Humankind The Most, 27 Raw Images Of When Punk Ruled New York, Join The All That's Interesting Weekly Dispatch. a pounding heart, palpitations, sweating, nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea. The A-Z of Weird Phobias Here's a nice orderly run down of some of the strangest fears to have gained acceptance in the medical world as fully fledged psychological conditions; Ablutophobia - Fear of Washing or Bathing Photo Source A hygiene freaks worst nightmare, ablutophobics take soap dodging to a new level Barophobia - Fear of Gravity Share on Facebook . In other news: Oprah Winfrey has this problem. The real fascinating aspect of geniophobia, however, is that it usually strikes the victim when they are presented with a chin which is aesthetically unusual, for example: Ben Affleck and his cleft chin, otherwise known as a bum chin or your face looks like a bum or The Affleck bum face chin face, all of which is a very scary scene for someone with geniophobia, and even some without. Whats more, it actually makes some evolutionary sense, as people with trypophobia are more susceptible to notice fruit or vegetables that have already been attacked by worms or flies. Imagine never being able to look at yourself in the mirror? According to experts, it canstem from a previous injury, or perhaps a religious upbringing, as certain beliefs prohibit knees from being seen whatsoever, whilst otherbeliefs. That said, as time has gone on, the term has developed towards a more political characterization, often used as the opposite of xenophobia, describing someone who hasbecomefearful towards their own culture, and would rather live in a far away land where everything is nicer than where they are right now. Metacritic TV Episode Reviews, I Have a Strange Phobia, . He had this to say about his fear of clowns: There always seemed to be a darkness lurking just under the surface, a potential for real evil. Closely related is zoophobia, a general fear of animals. Outpatient vs Inpatient Mental Health Treatment, How to Pay for Therapy With & Without Insurance. According to experts, it canstem from a previous injury, or perhaps a religious upbringing, as certain beliefs prohibit knees from being seen whatsoever, whilst otherbeliefsforce you onto your knees into a submissive prayer, begging for forgiveness due to all the terrible things youve done in your life. Relax, its a totally normal emotion, nothing more than a little brain bell which rings, gently warning us that we may very well be in grave danger, and we should start running in the complete opposite direction of everything, otherwise the world may end. Some have a constant fear, while others respond fearfully to more direct stimuli. Then you do not have genuphobia, what a relief for you, Im sure, well done. Then you do not have genuphobia, what a relief for you, Im sure, well done. In the end, every one of us is afraid of something. Spiders, the dark, and even death are common things people fear. The unfathomable sizes of the stars which are light years away, impossible to ever reach. Pogonophobia: fear of beards aka. There is some logic in this fear too, as I think a healthy dose of worry should arise when thinking about, say, a toaster next to a bathtub, or a fork next to a plug socket, or insect repellent in the hand of an infant. That dude released a progressive rock album called Wake Up! Those affected by this irrational fear often also worry about choking or have experienced a bad situation involving peanut butter in the past. For those who do have it, however, its kind of a serious problem, because there are knees everywhere, and even the act of kneeling itself becomes a traumatic ordeal. Allodoxaphobia - Fear of Opinions via theprayingwoman.com Of all the phobias I researched for this article, allodoxaphobia might be the one that I genuinely suffer from the most. Signs you may have a phobia include: being excessively fearful of a situation or object on an ongoing basis, for six months or more. That was the piece of youwhich connected your stomach to your mothers womb, feeding you when you were a little fetus. It can also lead to drug and alcohol abuse as people try and deal with their issues. You'll want to avoid sending flowers and balloons to someone who suffers from which two phobias? They may also fear the hair on their own body. The reasons why this phobiamay strike an individual are widely debated, but they are generally considered to be either a result of ecclesiophobia (the fear of the Church), hierophobia (the fear of holy things) or just a deep-rootedanimosity towards authority figures in general. Interestingly it isnt recognized as an official phobia by the American Psychiatric Association and is considered a social phobia. Cacophobia A particularly rare phobia, its not so much the fear of good news itself but a fear of the disappointment of not getting good news. Everyone is afraid of this happening! Published 2018-09-20. From A to Z, here are the weirdest 26 strange phobias you didnt know about: Its pretty commonplace for people to have a fear of failure. No? And then theres Donald Trump,who is scary enough sometimes when he says certain things, but then when you look at his face from a weird angle, you may notice his chin has its own chin, and that is a complete nightmare for someone with geniophobia, really horrible. "A phobia consists of a persistent fear or avoidance of a specific stimulus," says Kate Wolitzky-Taylor, PhD, an associate faculty member with the Anxiety and Depression Research Center at UCLA.. Here are 20 bizarre phobias that people actually have. Scriptophobia is considered a social and specific phobia and is also related to Graphophobia which is the fear of writing or handwriting. There are hundreds of different types of these irrational fearssome ultra-specific and some broad. Why? Generally speaking, globophobia is more about the popping of the balloon itself, which to be fair, is a really loud sound and can totally ruin your train of thought. Let's find out some weird facts from their lives. 10 weird phobias I have - or things I do - that you might find bizarre PHOBIAS: 1. The good news is phobias can be treated, often through cognitive behavioral therapy whereby you are exposed to your phobia and gradually learn to live with it. By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with Mental Health Rehabs to connect you with a Provider or Mental Health Resource, as outlined in our. Like what?! 5) Oikophobia:an abnormal fear of home surroundings. This is closely linked to worries of being humiliated. No? That aside, people with dyslexia are most likely to have to deal with this phobia that also goes by the name sesquipedalophobia. It causes people to become anxious and panic when they cant have access to their mobile phones. 1. Personally, I do get a slightly curious vibe off a man who wears a weird hat whilst proclaiming to be the closest human being to the almighty God, andthat film Spotlightcertainly didnt help matters either. 6) Ablutophobia:the persistent, abnormal, and unwarranted fear of bathing, washing, or cleaning. Common symptoms of phobias are shaking, nausea, sweating, dizziness, heart palpitations, and anxiety attacks when confronted with the subject of the phobia. Uranophobia (Fear of sky) Also known as a fear of heaven, uranophobia is tied to the fear of judgment after death and is closely related to thanatophobia, the fear of dying. Weve already discussed the fear of numbers, but octophobia is the specific fear of the number eight. Clowns are meant to be funny characters who provide laughs and joy, especially to children. 0 Comment . List of Weird Phobias. For reasons ranging from the unique gummy, smacking sound bananas make when being chewed to the mushy texture and accompanied imaginings of the squishy mess it would make if mashedsome people find bananas to be a triggering sensory landmine. Many who live with this condition find it hard to leave their homes. psychotic disorder. Then there are those who enjoy eating but are utterly repulsed at the idea of dining with others or, more specifically, the thought of any sort of conversation. People with this phobia try their best to stay well clear of rubber balloons. It's a pretty rational fear. Strange Phobias: Geliophobia. Crazy right? some celebrities do! Alektorophobia is the fear of chickens or hens. The very definition means it is an irrational fear. The full title of this phobia actually reads as follows: Of all the phobias I researched for this article, allodoxaphobia might be the one that I genuinely suffer from the most. (I don't remember it completely, but it's something like hippopotomonstrophobia. Your email address will not be published. Slowly, this has caused me to withdraw from social interactions, slowly sinking into a safe bubble, population count: 1, just me, all alone, but totally right about everything, all the time, stay away. Number one weird phobia I can not STAND bubble baths become prevalent in recent years out when you remembered! Exactly, but octophobia is the fear of the other hand, there are people out there are! That the said things will not hurt you, Im sure, well done nudity at all costs be by! Feel uncomfortable when within the company of wax statues and models of flowershave no explicable and. Coulrophobia, a 2016 study centered on a woman who suffered from alektorophobia his computer he enjoys traveling, pizza! As anthophobiathe fear of these weird phobias the ones related to their mobile phones Uncommon and only native eastern! 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