role of internet in disaster management
Logistic planning involves deciding the source of the supply, the amount of supplies (Yang etal. It may happen that the Internet services may be disrupted due to the disaster. Yang, F., Yuan, Q., Du, S., & Liang, L. (2016). During post-disaster relief operations, there is an immediate requirement of certain types of information for assessing the impact of the disaster and planning an efficient relief operation. IoT is one such advancement that is making lives better. This can be achieved by integrating information obtained from the multiple sources, such as sensors, satellites, GIS. 4. The proposed solution is validated using the task-technology fit approach, thereby analyzing the strategic value derived by using the proposed solution for disaster management operations. 2, Personal computers ale being widely adopted. To evaluate the solution using RTF approach, new and relevant constructs are developed and refined to increase the effectiveness of the TTF model. However, one of the major obstacles faced by the organizations involved in managing the post-disaster relief operations is the improper resource allocation (Anparasan and Lejeune 2017). Individual's personality Traits predicts their social media use on the Internet. It also enabled management directing the operation to match their services with community needs faster and with more accuracy. A mapping system achieves its most dramatic results in conjunction with logistics management applications. Insight is provided into the trends, innovations, and challenges of contemporary crowdsourced e-Health and medical informatics applications in the context of emergency preparedness and response and a system, called CrowdHelp, for real-time patient assessment which uses mobile electronic triaging accomplished via crowdsourced information. The integration of RFID technology in the proposed IoT based infrastructure (shown in Fig. This indicates the efficiency of the adopted research model in evaluating the benefits delivered to the society by using the required technology to cater the task requirements. A similar analysis procedure is adopted for the items of the task-requirements construct. The GISDRP was used to cover all of coastal Alabama, all the counties surrounding Mobile Bay, and assisted about 4,000 families within those counties. International Research Journal Commerce arts science . This work shall lay the foundation of the technical solutions that can be further implemented for realizing the benefits of IoT in disaster management. The significance of these fitness constructs can also serve as the guidelines to the solution vendors that aim to develop products to aid in the disaster management. Technology can help us identify threats before they happen so that we can take measures to prevent them from becoming a reality. Kyng, M., Nielsen, E. T., & Kristensen, M. (2006). This can be attributed to the fact that the task requirements are an important driver for determining the fitness or suitability of the technology that needs to be employed for achieving the task objectives. Disaster management is the method of dealing with and avoiding risks. These personnel have national (India) as well as international (Congo, Bhutan, Nepal) experience of the scenarios that prevail post such disasters. volume283,pages 759794 (2019)Cite this article. The whole world is in a crisis. The destruction the earthquake brought to the countrys vital infrastructure in many areas was immense, destroying roads, power lines, radio towers and public transportation. Technology has its own limitations but has the potential to aid in relief operations planning, management and analysis of after-effects for long term disaster management (Dai etal. This is indicated by the arrow from RTF to the Strategic value construct in the full model. Information & Management, 36(1), 921. Technology has transformed lives and its use in the whole process can not be ignored especially if we consider our own reliance on it. hypothesis H2) on the RTF for the proposed IoT based solution in the disaster management scenario. 2017a, b; Rana and Dwivedi 2015; Rana etal. A number of research studies in the context of EIS development have considered the significance of enhancing the situational awareness of the first responder situational awareness for improving their capability of making apt decisions. We should look at them one by one: IoT can be a game-changer in the prevention of disasters through the following: Monitoring can be greatly facilitated by using real-time sensor-based data. Miscellaneous (8.454%) is relatively less than the other factors (22.543, 13.733, 12.496 and 12.164%). This includes making the latest information available regarding the spatial coordinates of the affected people and sources of providing relief and rescue, the regional extent of the calamity, and the geopositioning of the lifelines like water supply and transportation network etc. Emergency crews can utilize satellite Internet options . InInternational conferences on advances in computing and communication (pp. Wang, X., Wu, Y., Liang, L., & Huang, Z. Moreover, the items included in Miscellaneous (Factor 5) seems to evaluate different aspects of the requirements and hence, as such, cannot be clubbed under one construct. Goodhue, D., Littlefield, R., & Straub, D. W. (1997). Yang, L., Yang, S. H., & Plotnick, L. (2013). Proper planning and careful execution of technical support can reduce the tangible fall. In disaster management, the role of IoT is so important and ubiquitous and could be life-saving. It is, hence, necessary to first develop valid unidimensional RTF constructs, which shall further be utilized for the evaluation of the use of IoT in disaster management. Emergency logistics issues affecting the response to Katrina: A synthesis and preliminary suggestions for improvement. Computerized support systems for emergency decision making. Holgun-Veras, J., Prez, N., Ukkusuri, S., Wachtendorf, T., & Brown, B. Situational awareness and incident management through streaming data, unstructured data handling, predictive analysis, big data, complex event processing, and social media analytics. IoT has come a long way and certainly effective during tough times such as natural calamities. TYPES OF DISASTER MANAGEMENT 6. (2013) introduced the concept of employing IoT technology in the emergency management scenario. IEEE Internet Computing, 12(5), 100104. Fig. Task-technology fit and technology acceptance models applicability to e-Tourism. Using laptops, the field workers logged on to the Web site of Geographic Data Technology (GDT), in Lebanon, N.H., and from MapSet extracted street-level data for Alabamas coastal counties. This is consistent with the existing literature which emphasizes upon the importance of good fit construct for deriving better strategic value from the system (DAmbra etal. The smallest value obtained for Cronbachs alpha is 0.792 for the reliability construct, which satisfies the minimum criteria of 0.70. This is an extremely critical factor for successful adoption of the proposed IoT based solution for disaster management because of its relevance to the assessment of the disaster impact (Carver and Turoff 2007). We found that the personnel who are either currently involved or had some past experience of disaster management are well aware about the challenges that are faced during post disaster relief operations and as such tend to give high scores to the RTF scales, thereby reflecting the fitness of the technology required to meet the task requirements. It helps in creating a single, federated information hub. Analyze how and where IoT technology can be applied for addressing the required challenges. Figures2 and 3 outline the co-ordination of responses at various levels. Robillard, J., & Sambrook, R. C. (2008). Important studies (Dai etal. Even when writing this statement there is a feeling of insecurity because such has been the level of control the humans have managed to take over the happenings around them. This result is consistent with those in the existing literature (Barki et al. Ohio played a key role in the War of 1812, . Overall, the use of Internet GIS has tremendous scope in the Indian context, considering the vulnerability of the country to disasters of various types, the extensive use of spatial data in disaster management, and the growing popularity of Internet. Requirement-technology fit model (Source: Adapted from Goodhue and Thompson 1995; Yang etal. (2004). Re-examining the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT): Towards a revised theoretical model. From the very onset of the conceptualization of IoT in 2005, the development of smart objects having sensing, communication and actuating capabilities have seen an accelerated growth. 5. Figure6 outlines the flow of information and the sequence of activities during the relief operation. The Haiti earthquake is often pointed to as the watershed moment that changed how social media is used in disasters. Newspapers. Factors having \(\hbox {eigenvalues}>1\) were extracted resulting in five different constructs (3.334, 1.982, 1.847, 1.799, and 1.268). 1999); use of Internet for resolving uncertainty in personal travel (DAmbra and Wilson 2004); planning, knowledge building, diagnosis, and modification (Dishaw and Strong 2003); and miscellaneous information tasks (DAmbra and Rice 2001). DAmbra, J., & Rice, R. E. (2001). Perry, R. W. (2003). This implies that consistency has the greatest reflection of the overall TTF construct, followed by monitoring, situation awareness and reliability. (2000). 2016 International Conference on Internet of Things and Applications (IOTA). Emergency response planners, The discourse of disaster governance is focused on the arrangements, relationships, and roles of the various actors involved in disaster governance. Role of Sahana in disaster management. Goodhue, D. L., & Thompson, R. L. (1995). It also provides a decision support system in disaster management. Ability to reach more people through timely alerts, warnings and crisis related messages. safe evacuation, mass confinement and sanitization, etc. But the use of GIS on Internet, which could have powerful implications for disaster management, is yet to be fully explored. Rana, N. P., Dwivedi, Y. K., Lal, B., Williams, M. D., & Clement, M. (2017). 2016, 2017). Disaster Management and Human Health Risk III - C. A. Brebbia 2013-06-01 An increasing number of large-scale natural Task-technology fit and individual performance. It provides a platform for exchanging ideas, knowledge and the latest update during the event of any disaster, which is of utmost importance. This ensured a better and comprehensive evaluation of all the aspects of the field study. Introduction: GIS as a powerful tool for Disaster ManagementAccess to information is crucial for the effective management of disasters. 7 depicts the adopted model of Requirements-Technology Fit for analyzing the significance of the IoT technology in enhancing relief operations post natural disasters. H3 Effect of RTF on overall Strategic Value: Our third hypothesis is to deduce the impact of the Requirements-Technology Fit on the overall Strategic Value delivered to the society. Requirements for actual amount of food, medicines, drinking water etc. This ensured the reliability of the RTF construct. Disaster Response in India. The next step is to conduct the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of the overall research model. A complete cloud-based system that collects data from wireless sensor nodes deployed in real environments and then builds a3D environment in near real-time to reflect the incident detected by sensors, demonstrating that immediate feedback obtained from the reconstructed 3D environment can help to investigate whatif scenarios. Relief distribution networks: A systematic review. Role of information in collective action in dynamic disaster environments. (2004) recognized the following design issues in the context of emergency relief services, assessment of the situation through multiple sources of information, resource allocation, accountability of resources and personnel and communication support. Internet/Email The role Internet,email and instant messages can play in disaster warning entirely depends on their penetration within a community and usage by professionals such as first responders, coordinating bodies,etc.While these media can play a prominent role in a developed country, where nearly half of all homes and almost all offices . Such network-enabled smart objects have numerous applications in the areas of environment monitoring (Llic etal. Use of sensor technology to address real-time stock and supplies replenishment spares planning, and automated indent processing. Using low-computing, the cloud, big data, analytics, mobile technologies as a medium, human intervention has been minimalized. 2009, 2013). This paper will specify the initial study about IoT, its working and its benefits and problems, and mention certain ways to overcome these challenges and use IoT in its fullest potential for the betterment of the authors' lives and the world. Loss of life, property and habitat are few of the outcomes of the disasters. Digital India Action Group. Internet of things. This is consistent with the prior research specifying the fit construct of TTF model as a high-order reflective construct (DAmbra etal. Once the above mentioned information has been communicated to the DMU, it can take necessary actions for regulating the relief operations. The current state of art of the functional pillars of IoT and its emerging applications are presented to motivate academicians and researches to develop real-time, energy-efficient, scalable, reliable, and secure IoT applications. The usage will only increase as the Web reaches out to every nook and corner of the world and more and more people become online. After being tested, it appears that the design and implementation of an emergency disaster response system have been able to run satisfactorily according to system specifications. This urged the attention towards the development of emergency-response information systems (EISs). When these happen, it furnishes some outrageous results. On the nature and direction of relationships between constructs. IS models help in shaping the knowledge of the person regarding a phenomenon and at the same time, it also aims to clarify and communicate this knowledge to others. 4 provides the details of the different phases of the research, Sect. For example, the first team of incident responders have limited knowledge about the effects of the disaster and hence, shall demand a technology that can give a comprehensive information regarding the post disaster effect as early as possible. This clearly suggests that the organization responsible for disaster management must consider the type of information which can be availed for gaining sufficient visibility of the post-disaster conditions by using a particular technology.
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