reputation and integrity in the crucible

10/9/2014. I'm Amy, Dont A mere accusation from one of Abigail's troop is enough to incarcerate and convict even the most well-respected inhabitant of Salem. At that moment Hale suspected Betty and Abigail practicing witchcraft. It his very being, his identity, and to compromise that would be the equivalent of selling his soul to the devil. The community was initially very supportive of the trials, but when respected women like Rebecca Nurse were charged, doubts were placed in the minds of the people. Several characters point out in Acts 2 and 3 that although being a Christian, Proctor does not attend church which leads to them doubting him. I have rung the doom of my good name you will believe me, Mr Danforth! A reputation is like your favorite sweater you love the feeling, but handle it carelessly it can get a little messy. There are clear sides as to who values integrity over reputation, and who values reputation over integrity. John Proctor on the other hand chooses to die, not necessarily to boost his reputation, but to restore the self respect that he lost when he committed lechery. Hale examined Betty Parris who mysteriously became ill. She was acting abnormal crying out in pain, screaming and laid in her bed inert. Shes the villain in this story that covers her dirty work. Failing to tell the truth for the first time she risks her reputation in fear John would be severely punished. In "The Crucible," by Arthur Miller there are three characters that stand out when talking about integrity and courage. "You cannot command Mr Parris, We vote by name in this society, not by acreage.". Ms. Levack your personal assistant! But despite this, Proctor refused to give out his name when he was forced to pick whether to make a false confession or be hanged in Act 4. One's reputation plays a big role in the story and affects many of the characters in the play. Found a great essay sample but want a unique one? Unlike what a judge should do, Danforth sells himself to a lie, not for his own purposes, but to protect the reputation of the court. According to Biblical Proverbs 22:1, A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold. (Book of Proverbs, 22:1). . How is Reputation Shown in The Crucible. John and Elizabeth Proctor along with Giles Corey demonstrate that integrity and courageous may not be the easiest way to go it's the right thing to do. Forty five days is how long it took the United States Congress to pass a law that gave up the very concept of liberty upon which this country is founded. . There are several ways that Abigail Williams shows her objective of preserving her reputation in the book. In The Crucible reputation and integrity plays a big part in the story. The Trials and Testimonies of John Proctor Samplius is for students who want to get an idea for their own paper. In act one on page 18 she threatened Betty to follow her rules or she will kill her. During the trials in Salem on witchcraft each accused victim had a chance to choose to confess for the sake of their freedom or to plead innocent which means to be hanged. Parris, Abigail, and others to protect their reputations. To get a custom and plagiarism-free essay Towards the middle of the movie John Proctor has the chance to stop the girls from creating more accusations and ruining their good name but he does not come forward because he does not want his affair with Abigail to come out again. As the story of The Crucible unfolds it can be seen that a characters reputation can drive them to do bad things, which is apparent with Abigail Williams and Judge Danforth. God help me, I lusted, and there is a promise in such sweat. And well she might, for I thought of her softly. Themes of Hysteria, Guilt, and Reputation in the Crucible Essay Example. The Crucible: Reputation in Arthur Millers Play. No where is this more apparent in, Their vindication affect the decisions they make, which results in the outcome of their character. Submitted By. Arthur Miller is particularly fixated on showing how upholding ones reputation, whether selfishlessly or magnanimously, tends to human nature. Miller conceded that he had himself been remiss in this respect, failing clearly to demarcate the moment at which, knowing, finally, the deceptions being practised, Danforth nonetheless decides to proceed. Parris is the minister of Salem, and he fears that his . By clicking Send, you agree to our He believes that he must hang, not for the crime of witchcraft, but for the crime of lechery. He doesnt want his reputation to be tarnished more than he already believes that it is. , because he knows that if the people believe that his daughter and niece were summoning spirits in the forest, they would probably fire him as their pastor.  . to help you write a unique paper. In Act 1 Abigail accuses Tituba of forcing her to drink blood and witchcraft causing Tituba to be convicted of being a witch. Want to receive an original paper on this topic? Each one of them were, at one point in the play, being accused of witchcraft or lies from another person so that the person accusing them might save themselves. click here. I have no tongue for it (Miller 141). Arthur Miller uses Abigail and Dansforth to disclose the egotistical need for the preservation of reputation in these characters. Abigail admitted that Tituba made them drink the blood. Parris, Abigail, and others to protect their reputations. In the 1600s Reputation was everything to a person. The Crucible John Proctor Integrity. We humans are naturally built to muse upon how others think of us, and this is the basis for our self-conscious pursuit for our reputation and identity. In The Crucible most of the main characters are concerned about reputation because they hold a good standing in the town and people respect them, they dont want to lose it in any way, especially if it had to do with witchcraft. In other words, a good reputation takes a long time to form, often taking numerous years of kind actions and generosity. I beg you, sir, I beg yousee her what she is . This website uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Registration number: 419361 The importance of ones reputation is one of the themes presented in the play, as the townspeople are held to very strict moral values and must uphold their good name in society. Integrity is the way you perceive yourself. I have given you my soul; leave me my name!. Samuel Parris the father of Betty Parris called Reverend Hale to examine her since there was nothing else he could do for her illness. He felt in his heart that its his duty as a religious man to investigate people involved in witchcraft activities. Parris, Abigail, and others to protect their reputations. He had to make the public believe that the accused were guilty, even if he didnt think so himself. The Crucible 'Reputation' as a Theme in The Crucible by Arthur Miller Themes are the fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary work. Will he confess to witchcraft to save his life?). Not only that but reputation can also cause a person to act whether it be bad or good. In the play, Miller presents reputation and integrity as a thing which there are clear lines between. October 10, 2015 John Proctor was a very honest man but one secret haunts him. Several characters in The Crucible face a tough decision: to protect their reputation or their integrity. Reputation is important in theocratic Salem, where public and private moralities are one and the same. You are accepted by society, and if you dont have a good reputation you will be completely rejected. . Choose skilled expert on your subject and get original paper with free plagiarism In the trial of John Proctor he is untroubled when it comes to confessing for the reward of his life. submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism. Pharapreising and interpretation due to major educational standards released by a particular educational institution as well as tailored to your educational institution if different; Any deadline. According to him, its what he deserves. On page 103 Proctor says I have made a bell of my honor! Found a perfect sample but need a unique one? Some characters in the play that apply to this theme are John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor, and Abigail Williams. Ruining his reputation = making his lack of integrity public. We humans are naturally built to preserve our reputation, especially met with outside judgement, and this is the fundamental basis for ones reputation and. Miller is undeniably illustrating through these characters that in the long run, reputation will get you nowhere, but personal integrity is what truly matters. In Arthur Millers play, The Crucible (1952), ones name is considered their reputation. Despite the fact that he feels like he should be revered and honored by the village of Salem, he is decidedly not. Similarly, Tituba, Reverend Parris slave originated from Barbatos and practiced acts that the people in Salem viewed as evil. is owned and operated by Radioplus Experts Ltd If the person is charitable, honest, and kind, theyre going to have a pretty good reputation. The Crucible by Arthur Miller. John Proctor is a man that wishes to overcome his past mistakes, and fears that it will tarnish the reputation of himself, and adulterate all sense of nobility within him. In this instance, Parris is standing over his daughters sick bed, apparently very distraught. original papers. Once shunned and scorned by the respectable townsfolk who had heard rumors of her affair with John Proctor, Abigail now finds that she has clout, and she takes full advantage of it. In Act 4, Danforth, the judge who oversees the witch trials is informed that people in Salem are rebelling because of how many people have died, but instead of postponing the hangings to find a solution to the rebellions he orders the accused, John Proctor to make a false confession in order to stop the hangings, claiming that twelve are already executed; the names of these seven are given out, and the village expects to see them die this morning this is because Danforth believes that if he were to postpone the hangings it would place doubt on his judgment which will lead to his reputation as a respected judge to crumble, this is supported by his statement in Act 4 when he says postponement now speaks a floundering on my part. proving that ones reputation can sometimes lead one to do bad things. On page 41 Hale says Woman, have you enlisted these children for the Devil? Hes asking her did she engage them into doing this. Home / Essay Samples / Life / Reputation / The Crucible: Reputation in Arthur Millers Play. Reverend John Hale accused people of practicing witchcrafts. They're also revealed though events in the plot. To get a high-quality original essay, click here. We will occasionally send you account related emails. In The Crucible, a drama by Arthur Miller, John Proctor demonstrates courage by speaking out for what he believes in while knowing his consequences, admitting his wrong doings with Abigail to save Elizabeth's life, and choosing to be hanged over having his name posted on the church door because the second his signed . . John Proctors concern for his reputation caused him to not lie, showing us that reputation can sometimes also lead us to do good things. As Bob Marley once said, The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively. Integrity is the quality of being honest and upholding ones morals and principles. . 7 Comments. Words: 633 The two characters, John Proctor and Giles Corey in Arthur Miller's play The Crucible, both illuminate the theme that "it is nobler to die with integrity than to live without self-respect." They both proved that they were willing to die for what they believed in and be truthful, rather than live with a lie. As someone who specialized in investigating witchcraft, Reverend Hale was trusted by the people, this is clearly seen in Act 1 when Tituba denies being a witch, but Hale shouts you most certainly do, and you will free her from it now! confirming to everyone that Tituba is a witch. She was either to deny of confess on whether John and Abigail had an anogamist relationship. Abigail to John P Act 1. Supplemental understanding of the topic including revealing main issues described in the particular theme; Reputation influences and motivates many of the characters in The Crucible whether it be bad or good. We are glad that you like it, but you cannot copy from our website. John Proctor, the protagonist in Arthur Millers drama The Crucible, struggles with his internal conflicts. Crucible is described as an attack on the Communist hunting of the 1950's, using the historical parallel of the Salem, Massachusetts witch hunts and trials of the late 1600's. The Elizabeth Proctor: the Crucible. Don't know where to start? A bad reputation on others can result in social or physical punishment. Through out the play The Crucible many characters integrity was challenged and affected. John Proctor plays the protagonist and throughout the storyline his masculinity decreases due to Abigail Williams. Order original paper now and save your time! What was the theme of integrity in the Crucible? The Crucible - Arthur Miller - Theme of Reputation and Integrity - Destroying Drama Series This lesson explores the theme of reputation and integrity in Arthur Miller's 'The Crucible'. Retrieved from He desperately fights to portray a good image for himself in an effort to save his own skin. When suspected of being a witch, Abigail feared for her reputation that was said to be entirely white by Parris in Act 1. Those three characters pertain to the theme the most out of all the other characters in the play because their reputations are misrepresented in the court in some way or another. Explain how reputation links heavily with the Crucible's story as a theme. You can order an original essay written according to your instructions. Chat with professional writers to choose the paper writer that suits you best. In The Crucible, ones reputation affects how one will be treated, this can be seen with several characters such as Sarah Good and Tituba, two of the many people who were accused of being witches. Throughout the play it's clear the female characters have more power than the men in the Theocratic society of Salem. Abigail says She sends her spirit on me in church, she makes me laugh at prayer This means anytime shes in church she laughs at prayer because of Titubas spirit sending out to Abigail. John P to Rev P and Putnam Act 1. Eighteen minutes later, a second Boeing 767 bit into the sixtieth floor of the south tower. Names are held at very high stakes. In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, the characters John Proctor, Abigail Williams, and Judge Danforth all show dramatic actions to preserve their reputations, each of these characters either hurt themselves or others by being prideful and dishonest for the sake of their good name. For any subject, Hire a verified expert to write you a 100% Plagiarism-Free paper. This essay was written by a fellow student. A bad reputation on others can result in social or physical punishment. Deputy Danforth is another major character that struggles with the weight of reputation. Focused on maintaining public reputation, the townsfolk of Salem must fear that the sins of their friends and associates will taint their names. Rebecca Nurse and, eventually, John Proctor, choose to protect their integrity. You will never. Well in the Crucible John Proctor seems to have changed his ways before he dies. writing your own paper, but remember to assume youre on board with our, Integrity is the way you perceive yourself. requirements? Even at the beginning of the play, John Proctors reputation was never great. By continuing well If a person helps the church you will have a good reputation, They person will be looked at as a good christian. The whole illness started in the beginning of Act I when they were dancing in the forest naked and Tituba told them to drink blood it was actually animal blood from a chicken not a human. Correct writing styles (it is advised to use correct citations) Through the critical study of certain honorable characters within the play, mainly by exploring their specific motives and facets, Miller is able to adequately manifest the theme of reputation. Lust, guilt, reputation, repression. This example was written and submitted by a fellow student. Parris, Abigail, and others to protect their reputations. Has your reputation ever affected your life? Remember: This essay was written and uploaded by an average student. The Crucible by Arthur Miller is a historical fiction about the Salem witch trials in the late 1600s. All rights reserved. Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. 2022 - All rights reserved. Unpack why some characters chose to stay true to themselves, while others lied to save their reputations. John felt as if the judges wanted to put him to shame or show how someone with a good name such as John can be hypocrite and Proctor was not going to let it happen. Although a characters reputation can lead them to do bad things, their reputation can also lead them to do good things. But depending on the individual, hopefully we dont want to have a bad rep for anything, right? you can use them for inspiration and simplify your student life. Reverend Parris would lose all of his respect and not be accepted by the citizens. (2019, Feb 27). cite it correctly. If you go ahead and do something else, chances are that you lack integrity. Our writers can help you with any type of essay. Overwrought by regret of his actions, John Proctor is driven on a mission to personally prove himself. A Theme Of The Importance Of Maintaining One's Reputation In The Crucible Essay, Introduce Yourself in a Creative Way Essay Essay, My Goal To Get A Criminology Course In University Essay, Nobody Knows My Life Story - Example Paper Essay, Analysis Of My Personality Type, Interests, And Skills In Terms Of Being Capable Of Becoming A Teacher Essay, My Personal Professional Development Plan Essay, The Inspirational Figure Of Dang Le Nguyen Vu And His Influence On My Life Essay. Get professional help and free up your time for more important things. Get original paper in 3 hours and nail the task. This essay is available online and might have been used by another student. This made it imperative for Danforth to sell it if you will. Hale believes Tituba is serving the devil only because of the things Abigail admitted and what other people in that room said about her. Registered address: Louki Akrita, 23 Bellapais Court, Flat/Office 46 1100, Nicosia, Cyprus In a theocratic society like Salem, where public and private moralities are one and the same, reputation plays such an important role. Referring to John Proctor, Reverend Parris exclaims, excellency, since I come to Salem this man is blackening my name (Miller 105). In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, Miller writes about life in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692 and appreciates those who risked their lives for the goodness in their hearts. How does John Proctor Show reputation in The Crucible? All Reverend Parris fights to protect his reputation in a selfish effort to save himself and his precarious position as Salems minister. John Proctor, the tragic hero of The Crucible, values faith, honesty, and reputation. Reverend Parris is a man who wants to preserve his reputation as a high official of the village, but is met with fear the he will be labeled corrupt, as everyone around him is being labeled that. Living in a fast-paced and ever-changing society, human beings have come into contact with adversity and hardship all throughout history. Its quick and easy! Reputations are very important to the characters in The Crucible and if they want to preserve their reputation, through pride, they do whatever is necessary to keep it. The only thing that matters to him is that the reputation of the court is not marred, which would occur if the convictions were found to be false. On the other hand, characters such as Reverend Hale who had good reputations were treated very differently. . Another good illustration of the theme of reputation can be found by carefully analyzing the character of John Proctor. Request writing assistance from a top writer in the field! When reading The Crucible by Arthur Miller the audience is pulled into a world of lies, witchcraft, and overwhelming authority. By refusing to show mercy, even to the innocents, he is, in a way, upholding the integrity and reputation of the court. Their argument got too intense and thats when Abigail smashes her across the face. Do people change? In The Crucible, one of the underlying themes found throughout the novel is the theme of reputation. In The Crucible By Arthur Miller, Reputation and integrity was shown by the characters actions. But I knew that commercially it was viable. Get inspiration for your writing task, explore essay structures, and figure out a title and outline for your paper. The Crucible by Arthur Miller explores courage and personal integrity by allowing the responder to see the world differently through challenges faced by the characters. "But I will cut off my hand before I'll ever reach for you again". us: [emailprotected]. Therefore when he also confirmed other people of being witches his judgment was not questioned thus showing us that the reputation of a character does affect how they are treated by others. A name can tell a lot about a persons reputation and integrity. Reputation can directly correlate with pride, which is a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one 's own achievements. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best If you think about that, youll do things differently. A reputation is one of the most important things a person has. You may use it as a guide or sample for Rebecca Nurse and, eventually, John Proctor, choose to protect their integrity. Jack Kirby Imagine if your business burned down and you had to walk across the street and start again, what would you do differently? Words 605. We should learn that despite having a bad or good reputation we should never judge a person just based on their reputation alone. To get a custom and plagiarism-free essay. Lust, guilt, reputation, vengeance. At the end of Act two, Cheever comes with a warrant for Elizabeth Proctor. . Thus, these essays are of lower quality than ones written by experts. Elizabeth Bishop: Prominent and Critical Reputation, Haig Fully Deserves His Reputation as Bungler and Butcher of the Somme, The Impact of Downsizing on the Corporate Reputation, The Rise in Both Reputation and Numbers of the Mormon Religion. by looking at the crucible by arthur miller one can see that the characterization of john proctor reveals the theme of reputation and integrity, which is important because refusing to tell lies to protect his reputation and stop delirium from spreading throughout salem.john proctor states that the woman of salem who have been locked up for Be careful, this sample is accessible to everyone. Danforth can. Arthur Miller emphasizes this theme through the careful examination of certain respected characters such as John Proctor, Reverend Parris, and others, particularly by analyzing their individual motives and distinct aspects of their character. For him his name does not only mean reputation, but truth to oneself and others. Copyright 2022 All rights reserved. The times are often desperate with people wondering if they can trust their neighbors that they have known all of their life, people who have been settled in the town since it first cropped into existence. Parris, Abigail, and John Proctor, decide to protect their reputation, while Tituba chooses to protect her integrity. Hi! In Arthur Millers play, The Crucible the actions made to preserve ones reputation are put into moral question. This, as he suggests, is the obverse of Proctors final decision that he cannot sign his name to a lie. In The Crucible, Some people stay true to themselves and value fate in God, others did anything to stay alive. All of these conflicts cause him tremendous suffering which cause him to change his actions, the way he thinks and how others think of him. Integrity is the way you perceive yourself. She thinks to dance with me on my wife's grave! Reputation and Integrity, Act One. Just insert your email and this sample will be sent to you. Where Parriss image is completely external, Proctors reputation encompasses who he is, both inside and out. You didnt tell him that! and Abigail says Betty, you never say that again! PART 1 In Arthur Millers The Crucible, innocent people are falsely accused of witchcraft and are killed as a result. In contrast, The Crucible shows that those who favor integrity by admitting mistakes and refusing to lie just to save their own lives help defy hysteria. Believing that his authority comes from God, and therefore ought to be respected absolutely. Arthur Millers 1953 play, The Crucible is a prime example of upholding integrity, and the characters within the play face difficult choices between doing. Honest, upright, and blunt-spoken, Proctor is a good man, but one with a secret, fatal flaw. Because I lie and sign myself to lies! In Arthur Millers The Crucible: Reputation Essay paper we will research the main theme of the book The Crucible, the exactly theme of reputation. Arthur Miller's The Crucible is both the perfect YA witch book as well as one of the best fiction books about witches and the witchcraft hysteria in Salem . In 1953, the captivating play, The Crucible, by Arthur Miller focused over the subject of witchcraft. The Salem Witch Trials are occurring and no man, woman, or child is safe lest they follow the rules of the theocracy set about by the church and government. Specify your topic, deadline, number of pages and other requirements. match. He was sentenced to execution in the morning to be hanged. But people like Rebecca Nurse and John Proctor were not. It took just forty five days for United States citizens to acquiesce their rights to freedom and privacy for the sake of safety following the events of September 11, 2001. . Reputation is the beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something. What is unnatural is the lengths people would go to keep their name stainless. In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready A reputation is like your favorite sweater you love the feeling, but handle it carelessly it can get a little messy. In The Crucible, one of the underlying themes found throughout the novel is the theme of reputation. A writer and well she might, for I thought of her softly are killed a! Who values reputation over integrity page 103 Proctor says I have rung the doom of my!! In witchcraft activities which results in the Crucible whether it be bad or good when Abigail smashes her across face. 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