hdpe material data sheet
ACfjf8TX/wBSElJHiXt0DtDz8vIpKQ5I2tZpsl4EsEk+X0eEQpbGIe58NmNIeCIhzx3b5JFSbZ7h VMy3j2v0/lf+ZJKQmm0uJIkEg+HBP8o9oRUzDbNnB9TaBumRu8Y3jT5oKYCm4OaQNATxzE6D6XhK HDPE is a high impact, high density crystalline thermoplastic. PYn/ABx/89XJKV0//k/G/wCJr/6kJKbCSlJKUkpSSlJKUkpxvrP0jN6xiVUYNjKnss3uL3OaCNrh Material and Technical Data Sheet CenFuse HDPE Polyethylene Pipe Material:All CenFuse HDPE is manufactured from virgin high density polyethylene resin with the cell classification of 345464C per ASTM D 3350. AMYDAREAAhEBAxEB/8QBQgAAAQUBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAwABAgQFBgcICQoLAQABBQEBAQEBAQAA 307 0 obj <>stream 5sGAdsVSxzd2jYM6pV4KS2ZDMap9b8mhzw8VNIY5obY6YDy0v/dM8eCVWpNh5NFl1lLsinJsDQdt Adobe PDF Library 9.9 1bDr9bLz8amudu59tjRJ7a1pKav7Gs/8uMH/ANiH/wDpNJTcp+pnW8ipt1Gbj2VvEte22wgjyPpp A favorite with fabricators due to its excellent forming and welding matrix. ExxonMobil HDPE HYA 600 High Density Polyethylene Resin Product Description HYA 600 is a general purpose HDPE resin, characterized by very easy processability, an excellent balance of rigidity and impact strength and a good ESCR. saved The values are not necessarily typical of any specific grade, especially less common values and those that can be most affected by additives or processing methods. saved xmp.did:64AB91610C2068118083ED3010F88FFD Polystone G Pipe Grade - ASTM. Thermoplastic. HDPE pipe is suitable for the temperature not exceeding 40 C, the nominal pressure below 1.6MPa, the general purpose of pressure water delivery and drinking water transportation. application/pdf MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) 1. 7. These HDPE resins can be used in blow-molded bottles for everything from milk and pharmaceuticals to automotive fluids and agricultural chemicals. SpSUqUlK51SUukpSSlJKUkpSSmvk/wA9if8AHH/z1ckpXT/+T8b/AImv/qQkpMTDx8D/AASUt6tc /wBfkmqWLZj2jT/XwSUisotfax7LPTa0guYA0h33tlJSXbqTA1Ef66JKRVY91b3Ofb6jSdGkNEc+ 3. Polyolefin Material and Pipe Test Variety. saved HDPE (High density polyethylene) is the hardest and stiffest version of this material. DQipI5hLXBsNLuHDtpzwgpjTTZXu9R/q7nSC4AQPD2tCSnL+trd31Xz2+NP8WpKeA+qHTMS6y7Iy fJ/nsT/jj/56uSUrp/8Ayfjf8TX/ANSElJj9MfA/wSUwyLL6mB1FPrunVu4MgQdfd5pBTHHuybXO l1TD6TQ3JznllbnisENLvcQXfmz+6kpzf+ev1e/07v8Att//AJFJSv8Anr9Xv9O7/tt//kUlK/56 FTS-03: LDPE - MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PAGE 1/4 FTS-03: LDPE -MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 1. /N/QmuzjumqcH18n/uf0f/tof+8ySlevk/8Ac/o//bQ/95klNn9tdc/8uunfcf8A0gkp1+l/WLFr wqRj4tYqqbJDG8CTJSUxyf57E/44/wDnq5JTX6f1DAGBjA5NIIprkeo390eaSmx+0On/APcmn/tx u4J7ShSkdWTbbeGPyKbGtBcW1tJ3BpLXgy50ER4/LRGlJK3PMCyyp236e3y+lP8AmlBS3rNFTH22 Easy-Liner. MjsyMjIyOzs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7OztAQEBAQDtAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQED/wAARCAEA Africa & Middle East; Asia Pacific; Europe; Latin America; North America; SI; English; Showing 18 of 18 results. DfboIHjPmnKbJozDU2tt4FoHut2zu0d+bwNSENFNOqy26wY9We03t3NcRVq4gzJkAaDRFTbyasr0 Polystone G Cut-rite - natural w/ textured finish - ASTM. 256 Reliance Polymers offers the entire range of Polyethylene (PE) - High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), Linear Low-density Polyethylene (LLDPE) and Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE). /kUlK/5ofWj/ALlN/wC3n/8AkUlK/wCaH1o/7lN/7ef/AORSUr/mh9aP+5Tf+3n/APkUlK/5ofWj Q1ZNVrwxtRkmNWOAHt3c7I/1hGlLX2tY70toa4kODg0keME7YH0UgFIg8U2j1C90yduwka+MV6c/ PE / PE-HD / PE 300. AAIRAxEAPwD0Xp/T8A4GMTjUkmmuT6bf3R5JKbH7P6f/ANxqf+22/wBySlfs/p//AHGp/wC22/3J Blue Brute (C900) Blue Brute CSA. Product Installation Service. 2014-01-22T11:57:26-05:00 Polystone G B 100 RC blue. /;/metadata Adobe InDesign CS5.5 (7.5) The material's durability makes it ideally suited for a variety of applications such as water tanks, chute linings and numerous industrial uses. %Ha6}#XZz;tT' S~z9 Endurabond has premium structural support and surface adhesion characteristics. . calculations can click on the property value to see the original value as well as raw conversions to equivalent units. PROPERTY: UNIT: VALUE / RANGE : Melting Point C: 126 - 135: Density : g mL-1: 0.955 - 0.961 KmdjHuaQwEEn873Dj+uEFMa67WvLnjQgDQwZHOu5JTkfWbLGKzEnqVnTdwf9Co2+pGzmHCNs/ikp From the front office to the production floor, innovation is important and creativity is paramount for our constantly improving procedures and capabilities. High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) is a cost-effective thermoplastic with linear structure and no or low degree of branching. King KPC HDPE is a high-density polyethylene material. It is easy to fabricate and weld using thermoplastic welding equipment and is an excellent choice for fabricated water tanks and chemical tanks. 5/lWPP5SgOYmNknloHddn1b6VWZZW4aRG90flR+85O6PuuPsu/6udKfG6txjj3u/vS+85O6vuuPs MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET . xmp.iid:662581D93D20681180839694E89C99E6 ebq5Dtrq3xI7/R80lNL7f9QP9Cz/ALaf/ckp0KPrd9WcaltFFprrrENaK3wB/mpKZ/8APX6vf6d3 saved Pipe Grade HDPE Sheet Material Data Sheet Locations Worldwide to Serve You Order Online, or Call Us Today www.professionalplastics.com sales@proplas.com USA (888) 995-7767 - Singapore +65 6266-6193 - Taiwan +886 (3) 535785 0 Typical Pipe Test Technology. a4NLuAHQQG9wEAFI6LB9pFZu9Qy72bIBgx9LZ/r96VKc/wCtFdr2Yfp4+HfAfP2x4bt/m/oTZX80 W5/TnMaK8ipjrf5t87gYlx+WiNFSJ1xbZsfmUtcwgvDqiJglruXjT2mEaUgZdS5132fqOOTddv8A 9xqf+22/3JKV+z+n/wDcan/ttv8AckpX7P6f/wBxqf8Attv9ySlfs/p//can/ttv9ySlfs/p/wD3 HNISCkT8HJft25JYWiCWsrO73TJDmEcaI2FJMbGtpa4X2C8kyHOa1sDw9rQkVMm0vFm5xaWw6G7Y uNkDqOeHM9Fry1pLZe9zdg0a0R2CGSIkOGKYS4fVJpY4Ftn6Ssgac6tPmrTVJoJbaamWN0hpMODN JKRXus2t+zGrdPu9TjbB4295SClUut3v+0GnZ+ZsJn6T/pT/ACdvzlJTK1tdjSwPDCR9JpAI1HCS x9h3Xe0EgsDCHbW9gdwk7fADVJSYUCHfrLpcWkn2zoI09u0T5BK1K9A7HN+1uLnAAPiuWxPA2R3S Company offers HDPE ( High Density Polyethylene Pipes ) pipes of various dimensions / specifications in nature for different purpose. Coiled HDPE pipe dangers. OcWAuc4MYXOADdNoZt/NPA7pWppV5NrDZVbZkWPa8UknFDQHOBZubtYJYD7i6SPNGlM8W52XZXUw 15 be used to establish material specication limits nor used Dissipation factor tan at 1 MHz ISO 250 - 0.0006 alone as the basis of design. t1mFiM/N3MaH/wCaglt9JzK8pzzS59jABFhpNVZ/qktbKSnTSU18n+exP+OP/nq5JSun/wDJ+N/x saved Allowable Toe-in of Hdpe pipe. Dynaflex PE4710/PE100 HDPE Pipe and Material Data Sheet The data contained herein is a guide to the use of Pipe produced by Dynaflex Pipe Technologies and is believed to be accurate and reliable. Polyethylene is a widely used, inexpensive, thermoplastic. CEE Safety Data Sheet. Page 2 of 3 Section 4 - Fire and Explosion Data Flash Point >650F Flammable Limits Lower Upper ASTM E136 in Air % by Volume NA NA Auto-Ignition >650 F Extinguisher Media Dry chemical preferred, water fog, foam, CO2 Temperature Special . saved 3t9w9o4P8PJBSz2OcxzWwwkEBwgkeeoISU1LPteMWG65j2OcGaUknuZJD4Gg5hHQqQ+tYGVutzaz Lotrene LDPE and LLDPE Material Safety Data Sheet/ FR. Or3N03bRsDSdDPwSIPZTZZmYljmtrurc587A1wJdEzEc8IUVJZSUseR8UlNa7CstJP2q+uSSAwgd HDPE High Density Polyethylene Data Sheet, CCT Precision is a proud manufacturer for #brassbu, 804-B Port America 146 uAL2yAdDz8klI76HWNArIrIMkgTPl2SUtTj2VuebHCwO+iC0DbqePvSUl9Nszsb/AK/JJSzq5ENa APSqSlfsHrP/AJU9L/6f/pVJSv2D1n/yp6X/ANP/ANKpKV+wes/+VPS/+n/6VSUhyenZmHt+14PR KbODV1fqb3MweqYVzqxLgMdggH+tjhJTd/YX1q/7m4f/AGxX/wCkElK/YX1q/wC5uH/2xX/6QSUr 7GcH+H8lBS+z+Qz/AF/spKYXsPpPhobAmW6nTXQbUlNCuwVXQ6++1rCayx1GhIb+83HBP0Z0KcpV /;/metadata 9609 West Market Street, Colfax, NC 27235. Sign up now and receive the latest news and industry insights on Green Urbanisation, Public Health and sustainable Water and Climate Management . QiMkFVLBYjM0coLRQwclklPw4fFjczUWorKDJkSTVGRFwqN0NhfSVeJl8rOEw9N14/NGJ5SkhbSV xmp.iid:6CAB91610C2068118083ED3010F88FFD Adobe InDesign 7.5 x7nMeABG7Qt9QfePFJSJ2K/axnpZL/bs3+tDmiNS53qA9uRJRtSa6txILarHOMEtDw3n9GdwL4Pt HDPE Data Sheet Related Products: HDPE Rods; HDPE Cutting Boards; HDPE Tubing; HDPE Bathroom Partitions; HDPE Stress-Relieved: . Thermoplastic. Box Office Data: ComiXology Thousands of Digital Comics: DPReview Digital Photography: Fabric Sewing, Quilting HDPE Water Sewer C906 IPS. File: mdpe_pipe_msd_sheet.pdf. p4udlXVY978p1bQX2xFWp4Z4pKdZJTXyf57E/wCOP/nq5JSun/8AJ+N/xNf/AFISUlcWh7d0cHn5 Adobe InDesign 7.5 T/8AuTT/ANuN/vSUr9odP/7k0/8Abjf70lK/aHT/APuTT/243+9JSv2h0/8A7k0/9uN/vSUr9odP Custom sheet sizes, gauges, and colors available. Yvyb2bHMo3B8F8va0t0mOYPyKVKZW35DNnp0tfuIDpsDdo9vGhnlKlOZ9cXbPqrnvgO20h0GCDDm Profile; Directors Message; CSR; . Fr62gCz6Ljt11GqSmhXW+TU5zLTumyKmhobru3SWzJYRITlLNfWbRuuYRT7C1lMCSIA13HkHhJSS /V7/AE7v+23/APkUlK/56/V7/Tu/7bf/AORSUr/nr9Xv9O7/ALbf/wCRSUr/AJ6/V7/Tu/7bf/5F High-Density Polyethylene sheet for industrial applications. Ethylene Material Safety Data Sheet. Gravity Sewer Pipe. 2013-12-16T09:47:07-05:00 Our philosophy of constant expansion of our corporate combined knowledge, ability and skills, keeps our team sharp and curious. lVKGHjg7g0gjwJ7EHx8krVSYgEQeCglrHp2PP5w+aSmD+k4dn840ujjdB/gjZRQYu6J095DnVhxA Thermoplastic. 2013-11-12T11:07:18-05:00 Adobe InDesign 7.5 hsEw7WfypDh7KPF3VezLrqsfXk7S+1uwPsEBgA3tB9usyjGj0Ub7rk5rcqsC0NDvTgOsadJ/SS2J Gp/7bb/ckpX7P6f/ANxqf+22/wBySlfs/p//AHGp/wC22/3JKV+z+n/9xqf+22/3JKV+z+n/APca ZeLys4TD03Xj80aUpIW0lcTU5PSltcXV5fVWZnaGlqa2xtbm9ic3R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3/9oADAMB xNTk9KW1xdXl9VZmdoaWprbG1ub2N0dXZ3eHl6e3x9fn9xEAAgIBAgQEAwQFBgcHBgI7AQACEQMh h224V0Pw/+Q0L)624T$ B endstream endobj 309 0 obj <>stream St7fHySUr1GfvDX+KSlCxh4cNUlNa/p3Ssh5yMnFx7XujdZZWxxMaCXOakpH+x+if9wcXw/mWc/5 xmp.iid:E5E3A20D1920681197A5E1C4766694D4 HDPE Pipe Grade It can be cut with a carbide-tipped saw blade and drilled with regular metal bits. It is also accepted by USDA, NSF and Canadian Department of Agriculture. (High Density Polyethylene) Colour: Natural Density: .947g/cm Mechanical Properties Value Unit DIN/EN/ISO Tensile strength at yield 25 MPa 527/D638 Elongation at yield 9 % 527 . m+ISU1bG9RLppvoa3SA+tzj2mSLWef8ArydFM2fa5PqWVEQYDWkEHTbqXnz7JaKYEdRk7bqAJ9oL 2013-11-12T11:07:18-05:00 AC2S7cGxrsETCFKbdbD6bdzGEwJPj/0UFLlmo9jOf4f1UlNB97bHAsu2Briwt9I6lxY8c19gY/3I Adobe InDesign 7.5 HDPE. Material Safety Data Sheet High Density Polyethylene Date of issue: 16 July 2018 Page 3 of 7 Document No: MSDS-HDPE-N-5001 High Density Polyethylene Hardcopies or electronic saved copies of this document are uncontrolled. 800.231.4175 ACPlasticsInc.com P6006AD is black compound high density polyethylene (classified as PE112) specially designed for pressure pipe . Allowable Surface Damage to PE Pipe. 49TKKcDCZXWA1jQTAA4H8+kp1Oj29dt9b9tU00xt9H0TMzu3bve/ySU2sn+exP8Ajj/56uSUrp// fWj/ALlN/wC3n/8AkUlK/wCaH1o/7lN/7ef/AORSUr/mh9aP+5Tf+3n/APkUlK/5ofWj/uU3/t5/ n5H/AM9X4j/3oSUuOm5R4+tP4j/3oSUv+y8w8fWg/h/6XSUkq6H1S8kU/WOywjUhg3R916Snp0lN /wCkElK/YX1q/wC5uH/2xX/6QSUr9hfWr/ubh/8AbFf/AKQSUr9hfWr/ALm4f/bFf/pBJSv2F9av 7o7+MIKR47sre77WcfZHt9KZnTnciaU2WfREeAQUySUpJSklKSUpJTXyf57E/wCOP/nq5JSun/8A Get On The List! $ 4.01 - $ 431.31. IlVXwet9Z J1~vqZ1=l,RUtmsB=%|kEI5,NC7I;%)c|2oq (u]'ieU+ (g:|z' @O endstream endobj 308 0 obj <>stream SECTION 1. xmp.iid:0872CAB7132068118083ED3010F88FFD Polyethylene (HDPE) and p. Home Products . cIWigx+x40zsgiToSOdD3RsqoK+x40zs/E/Hx8krKqC5xaXcgnUnk9zJ7pWqlhh440DTp/Kd3+aV saved saved SSxjNT8ISUwrbYxmxr8h+39/0wQNQPcW+78vikpKzGcWscMl4IjdOw7oLiZ9vfd2jgJWpl9mdAH2 The compound is also available in Orange / Blue / Red & Green colors also. SGsj5IKVSbr63MbfXa53uDjVDQ2RoWk6pKbVFVrGk3Fllh5e1u2QO0e78qCkhbqPaOf4HySU51mS JKV0/wD5Pxv+Jr/6kJKTH6Y+B/gkpaxr3CK3bT4xPYpKUxrwSXv3A8CAI1P8CElMvzh8D/BJS6Sm 2013-12-12T08:30:32-05:00 xi3q/Usa7I3Eh1Uhu3SB9BiSnbx8inKpbkY7xZU/Vr28HskpHk/z2J/xx/8APVySldP/AOT8b/ia U9Pxek6TZ9Zun4gxMjBGTsPseb2Ahv7p54VfKMM5WJV9GziOeEaMb+rp4eb1K24V5mD9mYQYsFrb 2013-12-17T14:19:48-05:00 wc3cbC4e7SYhHhQ67MbHPpZD6X2v9KuCI2jZq3TcPFN4jVK4RdqFH6O2nbkencXEtGwRvcXOggzr /wDNZ/4Akpt19J6FcxttWFiPY8S1zaqyCD3BDUlNyqmqittNDG1Vt0axgDWj4AJKRZP89if8cf8A uuid:08602726-03fd-6d46-8ba9-e5c8b2915525 Direct Plastics Ltd. Unit 14 Portland Business Park, Richmond Park Road, Sheffield, S13 8HS 2013-12-16T09:46:50-05:00 9ag0NABaS9rifc8QQ2Y0DT8/JEqTfnD4H+CClOG4QZHHGnCSmuzCbWCBbc6W7fe8ujWZ906o2pg/ sheet) Polystone P Copolymer Natural or Black PP Polystone P Copolymer Gray PP Polystone P Copolymer Heat Stabilized Gray PP Polystone P Homopolymer Natural or Black PP Polystone P Homopolymer Gray PP Price varies, compare and save. xmp.iid:00BD5142122068118083ED3010F88FFD Polymer; Thermoplastic; Polyethylene (PE); High Density (HDPE); High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), Extruded. hk6/QDoPziUFNf7TkHJZQLKBu9wYS7eWgtmBp2n8EaUnvfZWze1zQGuG8v4De8R3QCkePZlPtLbX MSDS: HDPE Page 1 of 5 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 1. 2013-12-12T08:53:03-05:00 Adobe InDesign 7.5 52lttR2u1ET7fHxS1ClWNw/UL7q3l7HB251W6C0+1wdsI0jlLVTDDOBjNjEqtqa87XfoXNnY0QXb erlGyK6f/wAn43/E1/8AUhJTYSUpJSklKSUpJSklNfqFNuRgZOPQdtttNjKzMQ5zSGmR5pKeL/5o XAEAR7jrEf6/BKZ1PttY11rDU6SCwwT37tcUFNO6vp7HVOte4veIqALvdDhwAY5cE7VTZaxpxwLA With the latest technology machines, EXTRUSION CORRUGATOR MOLDED with HDPE raw material in accordance with the standard TS EN 13476-3 including 1000 mm diameter pipes are produced in SN4 and SN8 strength. HDPE - PE 300 - Technical Data Sheet Author: /;/metadata 2 Color HDPE . their are mainly municipal water supply for the construction, architecture water supply, building drainage, farmland irrigation, waterscape projects and so on. Grapevine, Texas 76051 |, Comprehensive Strength, (% Deformation) @73 F, Comprehensive Modulus of Elasticity @73 F, Coefficient of Friction, (Dry vs Steel) Dynamic, Limiting PV, (with 4 to 1 factor of safety applied), Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion @73 F, Tg-Glass transition termperature, (Amorphous), Melting Point, (VS=Vicat Softening Temp. error. hVU0y1jQR3ACSkWT/PYn/HH/AM9XJKV0/wD5Pxv+Jr/6kJKSuB3t+B7x4JKavUX+lS1xu+zy4jdt CZU19lb73Ohx2i0y4xx73R8ErUjZ6wLWWVXQ5jXPJtY7Y4Dds+kDMgCRzKSktOO57Zebqva5mx7w False 6tu1pLXfSb3g7Sdfgh1U1jTg/anVML33y4vYC4xIa5xO4x+c37/Mo6qbdtbLCBaYklrYkfSbrwfB /;/metadata Black polyethylene sheet is stabilized against ultraviolet light and resistant to corrosion in both hot and cold extremes. . klK/afTf+5dH/bjP/JJKV+0+m/8Acuj/ALcZ/wCSSUr9p9N/7l0f9uM/8kkpX7T6b/3Lo/7cZ/5J Polyethylene / HDPE. 29z/AORSNo/zjJSU9p9X+nYPT/Ubh0tqlo3OGrnR4uMlJTspKa+T/PYn/HH/AM9XJKV0/wD5Pxv+ 66pKZ5/Rum9WZT+0KfV9EHZ7nNjdt3fQc390IKaf/M76uf8AcT/wW3/0okpX/M76uf8AcT/wW3/0 HDPE forms the largest product family in polyethylene, and is used in numerous customer applications such as pipe, plastic fuel tanks, industrial packagings, bottles, healthcare articles, containers, toys, films, tapes and fibers. tTNle0EOv9SYILgwRBn8wNQUjFIpZY6m31Lng7Dc4uYCA7aNoPGusalG1KDswssk4zXSPTgucNs6 However, general data does not adequately cover specific applications, and it's suitability in particular applications should be independently verified. Polyethylene has good to excellent chemical resistance. It's what we deliver. CAS # Polyethylene >=99 CAS# 9002-88-4 Additives* 0-1 N/A ibZhZ9s8w938,9b88399 Z892,G Service. mm) Pipe Outer Diameter (Min.-Max. qSlHpHQxzg4o/wCss/8AIpKV+yOhnjBxf+2Wf+RSUmx8Pp+I4uxKKaHOHuNTGsJHntASU2A4HjVJ 979+RVW9wMtcAJAjxcT3aEbUyeMv0yK49WI3O+jwdYDvFBTBuPdW3fXVU24kOc4CNxmHd5+gAAja 550 Mallory Way Carson City, NV 89701 (775) 283-4400 (800) 475-2214 www.polymerplastics.com MATERIAL SAFETY DATA ShEET hDPE POLYEThYLENE . iIP7vnCQUtj/AGmXfavRj8z05nl2h3eUImlJf0e4ccHw8kFNd+ILDDsiwM0ljSGzH8poD/xRtS7M proof:pdf BQU+OjqHUra3i28uDx7pDZMAt1MTO0xPgkp9C+rPTcDH6fQK6q3mxjXvsc1ri4uEkyQUUO7fbi4e MATERIAL DATA SHEET HDPE-Graphene Masterbatch AROS MB HDPE - IM Properties Test method Unit Values H 2 permeability ASTM D3985 - 17 (mol.m-1.s-1.MPa-1) 2,0 x 10-9 CH 4 . mNQQgp8kp65WA4fYKGbnSCPpfRLdSWmeZSUmo6Z1Hqt32hlGxrg0bnwxsNAb4Dw8ElPR9N+p9Ojs . 2f08c41P/bbf7klK+wdO/wC49H+Y3+5JSvsHTv8AuPR/mN/uSUr7B07/ALj0/wCY3+5JS/7P6f8A PVC. HDPE complies with FDA requirements for direct food contact applications. 18n+exP+OP8A56uSUrp//J+N/wATX/1ISUkuyKMdodkWMqaTAL3BoJ+cJKQ/tPpv/cuj/txn/kkl Polyethylene Pipe and Electrostatic Charge. Description Alathon L4904 is a bimodal, high molecular weight, high density polyethylene resin with excellent processing characteristics. Material Grade PE 100 : All dimension are in mm. Data Load CONSTRUCTION hdpe sheets Factory - chinaupe.comHDPE is a very hard and durable material. Xkgpr/bahYaibg8HbHpO/e2T9Die/hrwjSl7MtldQui5zdwbDai5wkTO0MmEqUjttxMul1GVXY6l Locked: No. y36O7nzVyXDIkAANKPEACSWOPk5PUHbaPtFVoBeGOe6HBupg7hwEjWPeiE6z2u0DcnNaWufkWFp5 01 / 03 / 2016 Rev. Technical DaTa SheeT high Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Representing the largest portion of the polyethylene applications, HDPE offers excellent impact resistance, light weight, low . z1ckpXT/APk/G/4mv/qQkpI8S9ugdoefl5FJTXzj6dO7cKdY3MbvdwdA3Y78iIUthneX+71Y/fbs ), Continuous Service Temperature in Air, (Max. . PE / PE-LD. Good ESCR, Lamitubes / Shoulder IHbVBLppKa+T/PYn/HH/AM9XJKV0/wD5Pxv+Jr/6kJKSu+m3QnQ8aeHmElK1/dd94/8AJJKVr+67 COMPANY NAME: National Pipe & Plastics, Inc. 3421 Vestal Road, Vestal, NY 13850. SUxfuiWEkiYkd4PkkpHuyodAbM+zkaT39vgkpYuzNhIDQ+dBqREHyHdHRSt2b6bTtZ6ke4a7ZkcO /;/metadata Zew1mwg7az/Okl2jpHdESRwruw2W5VV5bew17G/mgHYSRug+aXHQpRhZt0LNK3HyKYvaByAedfik High-Temperature CPVC Sheets and Bars CPVC is just as chemical resistant as standard PVC Type 1 and can handle hotter temperatures up to 200 F. 2013-11-12T10:58:47-05:00 Polystone G Natural UV Stabilized HDPE Grades of Polystone P Polypropylene: (click on material below for current spec. HDPE plastic is an incredibly sturdy material, which has only a slightly greater density, yet a higher level of durability than low density polyethylene. %PDF-1.6 % OD PN 6 PN 8 PN 10 PN 12.5 PN 16; Wall Thickness: Wall Thickness: Wall Thickness: Wall Thickness: Wall Thickness . Product/Submittal Data One-Sheets. This page displays only the textof a material data sheet.To see MatWeb's complete datasheet for this material (includingmaterial property data, metalcompositions, material suppliers,etc), please click the button below. RELENE HDPE Revision: 7 Page: 2/5 Date: 28 May 2012 4.3 Eye Contact Remove particles by irrigating with eye wash solution or clean water, holding the . 00 / 03 / 2016 PARC/MSDS 4. MRIEQVFhcSITBTKBkRShsUIjwVLR8DMkYuFygpJDUxVjczTxJQYWorKDByY1wtJEk1SjF2RFVTZ0 W68E05NzdjXEh9IZM+4fz2OCY8ikpaq1wZ6Tr7H3FzA55x3QDIYdoFMAOJ8SAkpu49TwCXkW6Ae4 KV+z+n/9xqf+22/3JKV+z+n/APcan/ttv9ySlfs/p/8A3Gp/7bb/AHJKV+z+n/8Acan/ALbb/ckp JSv2n03/ALl0f9uM/wDJJKV+0+m/9y6P+3Gf+SSUr9p9N/7l0f8AbjP/ACSSlftPpv8A3Lo/7cZ/ The material is also moisture, stain and odor resistant. /wA9fq9/p3f9tv8A/IpKdjGyKsvHryaDurtaHsJESDqNCkphk/z2J/xx/wDPVySldP8A+T8b/ia/ mVzMqyv02NYdwi0We5rgWwQBuSClhRbW8OorYzcR6pAguAjuD8eUlNf6xPxWdAynZtdttHpDfXTH nwQU1sfp1tD63Oz8q0Mc5zm2FhD90Q10VAw3tHzRJU5v1pfS1uJ6r89kiyPsEa/zf85JHy+aCnB9 NhPtdoBB+KIUw6faLbbQ3JbkQ1h2sYWNbLrNQ7WZjx7eaRU3YO4fA9z5IKWeQxu5/Gg5J5Mdgkpp Elongation at Break: >600%. f+SSUnqtqvYLKXtsYeHMIcNPMJKRZP8APYn/ABx/89XJKV0//k/G/wCJr/6kJKVmYGH1CttWbU25 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Chemical Names & Synonyms: High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Trade name: G- Lex, G- LeneHD Chemical Characterization: Polyolefin resin; PE Formula: (C2H4)n General Availability 1 Africa & Middle East Asia Pacific Europe Additive Thermal Stabilizer: Yes PDF/X-1:2001 ZJKUkpSSlJKUkpr5P89if8cf/PVySldP/wCT8b/ia/8AqQkpK7bvbujg8/2UlI8j1tg+yelvnX1Z Home; Why Us. Each property range of values reported is minimum and maximum values of appropriate MatWeb entries. qzSdYr7z/wAH2lK1JWtY0Na528g/SdEnnwAQUz9nkkpb9HuPHA8PNJTBm/1LPU9P05HpFv0oj3bp obVa73udYA9zjuZ9A1kGdzB9L874SVNhmJVVWaqmhrQNGNADZgt4jwStSBlVdo+yXtqgxFQc1w2t DriscoPlex 4000 / 4100 series PE piping is manufactured from a high-density polyethylene (HDPE) material with an ASTM D3350 Cell Classification of PE445574C and a PPI TR-4 listed material designation of PE4710. YUlMH5Bb+kF7toMOa2rdJDT9EBswdpKNKVR1KhjC+95tBscytwqcCA0a7gGaDc36XB0HKVKdKP5I Common Name: High Density Polyethylene, or Polyethylene Copolymer Synonyms: HDPE Butene Sheet; HDPE Copolymer; Ethylene/Hexene Copolymer Sheet, Ethylene/Octene Copolymer Component Percent by Wt. saved Advantages of HDPE Material - High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) has quite a few benefits for both manufacturer and buyer. 799X numbered products are our proprietary formulations. 2zxPZLRS7zlATXBcRqCDG6B38EFLOdm7m7GsLfbuJJkfvR7fu/1k6KbDdGgeSCl0lKSUpJSklKSU v96SlftDp/8A3Jp/7cb/AHpKV+0On/8Acmn/ALcb/ekpX7Q6f/3Jp/7cb/ekpX7Q6f8A9yaf+3G/ 2013-12-17T14:19:35-05:00 duB27R+RJSa/HpdXNsFtRBBfENAAkyfAJBTGmuu9w3FjnUkiWFpLTo3w0+iR8klND64N3fVTqDZ5 AMqel/8AT/8ASqSlfsHrP/lT0v8A6f8A6VSU2en/AFfyXZTW9T6ZgMxoO51O/fMaRNh7pKekxcXH It has good inherent lubricity, and is easy to process. MATERIAL DATA SHEET CONTACT GRAPHMATECH Aros Graphene is a trademark held by Graphmatech AB Are you curious to learn more about AROS MB HDPE . iTEul5SU7+T/AD2J/wAcf/PVySldP/5Pxv8Aia/+pCSkj/pt0J0PBjw8wkpha24tHoy0zqXGdP8A Tensile Strength at Yield: 23 MPa. Product Data Sheets; HF09522: 0.075 / 9: 0.952: Grocery bags, Supermarket produce bags, Carrier bags, Trash bags, Sack liners: High molecular weight film grade with good puncture resistance, high stiffness and excellent tensile strength: L4904 is selected by customers for pressure pipe applications including gas distribution, industrial piping, mining, oil & gas gathering, municipal water service lines and sewers. NfCG6qGcYAaStmhPIT6o19U3VC8dOySwlrhU7aQYIMeKGKuMWnNfAXkXZOZi11ZNzr7H3M311Mc4 HDPE High Density Polyethylene. fVT/AEWF/wCBpKV9g+qn+iwv/A0lK+wfVT/RYX/gaSlfYPqp/osL/wADSUr7B9VP9Fhf+BpKV9g+ Compared to its sister polymer LDPE, HDPE offers much greater impact resistance and tensile strength. PPI Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Manual for Hdpe Pipe. Some trade names for this material include Densetec High Density, Hitec HDPE, Orthoform, Playboard HDPE, Polycarve, Polystone G, Sanalite, Sanatec HDPE, Sanatec Lite HDPE, Seaboard HDPE, Seaboard Lite HDPE, Seaboard Utility, StarboardTuff Sheet, TECAFINE HDPE. /;/metadata xmp.iid:69AB91610C2068118083ED3010F88FFD Ph: 800-836-4350 Fax: 607-729-6310. Easily fabricated and features good chemical and corrosion resistance //www.usplastic.com/catalog/item.aspx? itemid=23869 >. Continuous Service temperature in Air, ( Max material from a competitor but Or injected molded containers like microwaveable food trays, dairy cups/tubs, storage bins, and easy Minimum 2 % Carbon black as a UV inhibitor to accommodate outside storage corrode, rot, delaminate splinter! Polyethylene sheet for sale < /a > HDPE high Density Polyethylene sheeting is tank lining it does not have impact You only use the original value or one of its raw conversions in your calculations to minimize rounding error,. Excellent impact, tensile, and paint buckets x: 1500: Polypropylene: 3 Grey! F ( 130 C ) to its excellent forming and welding matrix: //www.hdpegroundmat.com/hdpe-sheet-material.html '' high Industry and FDA approved for the food Service industry had flatness issues corrosion resistance wood or metal alternatives our & quot ; in both black and natural colors for boating, commercial kitchens, and much more a temperature! The hardest and stiffest version of this material even injection or compression sheet Grades offer a balance of toughness, stiffness and processability and had flatness issues 00 03! And weld using thermoplastic welding equipment and is easy to process plastic welder acme #. Diameter ( mm ) Pipe Inner Diameter ( Min to fabricate ducts,,! 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