wpf mediaelement transparent gif

This control wraps an instance of the UWP Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.MediaPlayerElement control. You could try the suggestion of @Mr. Monkeyboy. Each frame also has a (different)alpha mask. Is there anyway we can make it . It works fine but the transparent pixels are shown as black. Is there any way to speed up the process? [modified], Re: Thank you Lecha. I have used to WpfAnimatedGif class before, but it takes up too much CPU and isn't practical for my project in this scale. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Actually, the GIF format itself is supported by the imaging API, but the Image control only shows the first frame of the animation. I'm using a MediaElement to animate a GIF successfully, in this way: <MediaElement LoadedBehavior="Play" Source=" file://C:/anim.gif " /> However, when the GIF has transparency, the MediaElement shows black in the areas that should be transparent.ostensibly, the transparent areas of the GIF would show the underlying control. When distributing media with your application, you cannot use a media file as a project resource. I have the gif file as part of my resource in the assembly. Gif MediaElement. OpacityMaskcould not provide such functions. This helps somewhat but it doesn't completely fix the problem. Create the UI The code below creates the UI. >>"Ideally, the ImageSource for the OpacityMask would update with each frame. Visit Microsoft Q&A to post new questions. Update 6: rather than posting improvements to this blog post, I eventually created a project on CodePlex GitHub where this class will be maintained. C#WPF gif,c#,wpf,animation,gif,transparent,C#,Wpf,Animation,Gif,Transparent,MediaElementGif How can my Beastmaster ranger use its animal companion as a mount? Rendering the animations by hand is not an option because it's too taxing for the many images I need to render on the fly. Step 2. You just point it at the media and it renders it. Update 5: yet another bug fix, for when you use a BitmapImage initialized from a stream. You can find additional related types (such as enums and event args classes) in . More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, Control a MediaElement by Using a Storyboard. Is this possible? I think the answer is yes, but you need some tools to do it for you. Is it possible to change the gif from transparent to a white background? To some gif image (with only 2 frame load, about 40kb), the load time is very long. In your project file, you must instead set the media type to Content and set CopyToOutputDirectory to PreserveNewest or Always.. MediaElement can be used in two different modes, depending on what is driving the control: independent mode or clock mode. Position where neither player can force an *exact* outcome. Here is a modified version to support both animated and stills. your needs. Stack Overflow for Teams is moving to its own domain! Thanks for helping make community forums a great place. The main idea is just simple: extend the standard WPF Image control to accept animated GIF, split the GIF into frames, constructing BitmapSources from each frame and keeping them inside, then dynamically switching sources to simulate animation. Does a beard adversely affect playing the violin or viola? In spite of reach support of animation in WPF, I have not found a quick and easy way to insert animated GIFs in a WPF application. You could install it from NuGet. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming. XAML. Silverlight MediaElement et la virtualisation de l'interface utilisateur ; 6. Finally, we call the StartAnimate() helper to start the animation process. This problem is now fixed. (clarification of a documentary). Not the answer you're looking for? Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. WPF Animated GIF. I am using VS2012. Too complicated and heavy design (for example, browser control with dynamically generated content, etc. WPF is a great technology, but sometimes it seems to be missing some really basic features A frequently mentioned example is the lack of support for animated GIF images. imageControl.BeginAnimation(Image.SourceProperty. Silverlight MediaElement Cloud ; 3. context.DrawImage(previousFrame, fullRect); context.DrawImage(rawFrame, frameInfo.Rect); fullImage.PixelWidth, fullImage.PixelHeight. This is only a very basic implementation of an animated image control, but could save a lot of time if you need to just show a transparent animated GIF. Lets look a bit deeper in code: I have created a custom control AnimatedImage, based on the WPF Image control, with an additional Dependency Property AnimatedBitmap of type Bitmap. Programming Language HERE to participate the survey. This is only a very basic implementation of an animated image control, but could save a lot of time if you need to "just show a transparent animated GIF". Going from engineer to entrepreneur takes more than just good code (Ep. How do I get an animated gif to work in WPF? Space - falling faster than light? The animation halts while my stuff is running. This forum has migrated to Microsoft Q&A. DisposalMethod = FrameDisposalMethod.Replace, frameInfo.Delay = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(. 504), Mobile app infrastructure being decommissioned. In the Features group, click Create . This work great on gifs which have frames of equal display time, but misplays gifs with frames of varying intervals. It's not just a semi-transparent video. The code below implements the functionality of the sample UI controls. This member has not yet provided a Biography. But when I tried today, I got no sound out of it. Follow steps 1a or 1b and then 2 to use this custom control in a XAML file. Why doesn't this unzip all my files in a given directory? So in the end, all the goals have been achieved, and we even get some icing on the cake: this solution also works in the designer (at least in Visual Studio 2010), so the animation is immediately visible when you set the AnimatedSource property :). After some searching in the net and analyzing the gathered information, I have assumed that every public available solution has one ore more of the following disadvantages: This article presents my trial to solve the problem, taking into account the above mentioned issues. The next problem is to extract the frames from the image: fortunately WPF supports this natively, and the BitmapDecoder class provides a Frames property to do exactly that. In XAML for the MainWindow, I added a Media Element object. There is a MediaElement media control in WPF, which can be played, and can also display GIF images. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! The provided test application (VS2008, Framework 3.5) demonstrates the common use of the control, and also setting the GIF from an external file. legal basis for "discretionary spending" vs. "mandatory spending" in the USA, How to say "I ship X with Y"? The default value of this property is true. c# wpf set image source from resource. Why does sending via a UdpClient cause subsequent receiving to fail? Thank you Klaus! The issue remains if the animated image in question has a different outline on different frames. It's very easy to use: in XAML, instead of setting the Source property, set the AnimatedSource attached property to the image you want: In that case, the animation only plays within the bounds of the original frame. On the ribbon, click the Edit tab. A simple library to display animated GIF images in WPF, usable in XAML or in code. Were sorry. I'm using the MediaElement to show gif image as shown below. Add the below code in the respective Button Click event. So let's do that. wpf image source in code. I was hoping to use this to post an animated gif while I was doing some processing in the main form. Demonstrates the use of animated GIFs in WPF applications. WPF MediaElement MediaElement300 WPF MediaElement / WPF WMP / XP VistaXP WPF Wpf WPF This is why I explicitly said I can't use outside options. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. Actually, the main functionality is concentrated in the following function: Here, the frames are retrieved from the source GIF, then each frame is made transparent, converted to a BitmapSource, and saved into an internal buffer. So, no big difficulty so far. GIF Features How to build You will need Visual Studio 2019 v16.8 or higher and the .NET 5.0 SDK. imageControl.DoWhenLoaded(InitAnimationOrImage); BitmapSource source = GetAnimatedSource(imageControl). As I mentioned, there are also two helpers StartAnimate() and StopAnimate() and a property IsAnimating to give the basic control over the AnimatedImage. Click animation.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever; imageControl.Source = (ImageSource)animation.KeyFrames[. The BeginInvoke used here is for thread safety. I will update the article if I find a solution that works on all operating systems (I know I could use System.Drawing.Bitmap, but Id rather not depend on this). The Play, Pause, and Stop methods are used to respectively play, pause and stop the media. Use of unsafe code (yes, back to good old BitBlt!). You could install it from NuGet. Update 4: uploaded an example project to demonstrate the code. Here is a modified version to support both animated and stills. It is just a workaround. The LoadedBehavior property of MediaElement must be set to Manual in order to be able to interactively stop, pause, and play the media. Silverlight MediaElement Source Titre ; 4. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. mostwanted4 26-Dec-14 3:12am CRLF. the AnimatedBitmap does not seem to take the pack uri for the resource. This example shows how to create a simple media player that uses a MediaTimeline to control playback. WPF provides all the necessary tools to do that; in this case, the ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames class fits the bill perfectly: it allows to specify at what exact time a given value should be assigned to the property, which makes it easy to take the frame duration into account. A workaround for it is load the gif in webbrowser control. DotNet Wang's opacity mask post isn't what you need, you could host a Windows.Forms PictureBox in a WPF app to display animated .Gifs in. For controlling animation, an internal ImageAnimator control is used, with the ChangeSource() callback, doing nothing but just switching the active source of the Image control and sending an update appearance request. I search on everywhere on net for gif support. ". Now, to start with, in the beginning of the application, all the Buttons except Open should not be enabled. imageControl.BeginAnimation(Image.SourceProperty, animation); decoder = BitmapDecoder.Create(bmp.StreamSource, bmp.CreateOptions, bmp.CacheOption); decoder = BitmapDecoder.Create(uri, bmp.CreateOptions, bmp.CacheOption); BitmapSource rawFrame, FrameInfo frameInfo, BitmapSource previousFrame, FrameInfo previousFrameInfo), previousFrameInfo.DisposalMethod == FrameDisposalMethod.Combine). But it appears that the image update is affected by my long running process. About MediaPlayerElement control. The final solution is implemented as an attached property named AnimatedSource, that applies to the Image control, and can be used instead of Source: This property can also be assigned a normal (not animated) image, it will be displayed normally; therefore this property can be used without worrying about whether the image to display will be animated or not. Go ahead and use your control in the XAML file. Feel free to extend it with extra validation, functionality, and so on. Using this custom control with sources: Step 1b. The following example creates the user interface (UI) for the media player. Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. To build from the command line, run build.cmd. Ideally, the ImageSource for the OpacityMask would update with each frame. >>""but unfortunately gifs with transparent backgrounds show up with black backgrounds and you can see old frames in the background as well. System.OutOfMemoryException ; 7. AutoPlay, of type bool, indicates whether media playback will begin automatically when the Source property is set. >>"Is it possible to change the gif from transparent to a white background? I'm using a series of MediaElements as a solution for displaying multiple .gif images smoothly with little taxation on the CPU than other external gif playing options. The WebBrowser option won't work with MVVM, however you can apply the animated Gif as it's own transparency mask and then it works: I did a work around for this. History 31.10.2008: Initial release. Note: The code in this article is out of date; the current code is hosted on GitHub. Does subclassing int to forbid negative integers break Liskov Substitution Principle? P.S. Counting from the 21st century forward, what place on Earth will be last to experience a total solar eclipse? Thank you, anonymous! Each option have some limitation. We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Prise en charge de Midi MediaElement dans Silverlight 3 ; 2. . I.e., if you need a static picture, better use the original WPF Image, and do not set the Source if you are using the AnimatedImage control. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, Transparency for GIF images isnt supported in MediaElement, you can find an alternative appproch from. Now, we will achieve the functionalities one by one. In the Create Features pane, click a polyline or polygon feature template. The example creates a simple media player that allows you to play, pause, stop, and skip back and forth in the media as well as adjust the volume and speed ratio. WPF best practices for MVVM and XAML - When to use ViewModel Properties vs. Triggers vs. Converters? Update 2: as pointed out by Klaus in the comments, the ImageBehavior class didnt handle some important attributes of the frames: the diposal method (whether a frame should entirely replace the previous one, or be combined with it), and the frame position (Left/Top/Width/Height). [modified], On profiling the application for memory using Visual Studio it's showing a continuous memory leak from line "Source = bitmapSource[currentFrame++];". Use Ctrl+Left/Right to switch messages, Ctrl+Up/Down to switch threads, Ctrl+Shift+Left/Right to switch pages. Feel free to extend it with extra validation, functionality, and so on. So I kept the best ideas from each approach Ive seen, and I came up with my own solution. As a last resort, if The media player includes play, pause, resume, and stop buttons. [AttachedPropertyBrowsableForType(typeof(Image))]. Is this possible?". The following example shows how to control playback of media using a MediaElement. Simple and clear article - thank you very much! Who is "Mar" ("The Master") in the Bavli? The player also has a Slider control that acts as a progress bar. Cannot Delete Files As sudo: Permission Denied, Do you have any tips and tricks for turning pages while singing without swishing noise. Many solutions to this problem have been proposed on technical forums and blogs, usually variations of the following approaches: As you might have guessed, I dont find any of these solutions really satisfying Furthermore, none of the implementations Ive seen of the third approach handles the duration of each frame properly, they only assume that all frames last 100ms (which is almost always true, but almostisnt good enough IMHO). apply to documents without the need to be rewritten? Problme d'chelle vido Silverlight MediaElement ; 5. Youll be auto redirected in 1 second. Could an object enter or leave vicinity of the earth without being detected? For example, if your gif frame 1 was a green circle and frame 2 was a blue square, frame 2 appears as a blue circle. >>""but unfortunately gifs with transparent backgrounds show up with black backgrounds and you can see old frames in the background as well. Furthermore, transparency for GIF images isn't supported in MediaElement, which makes the final result quite ugly Use the PictureBox control from Windows Forms, via a WindowsFormsHost: I personnally dislike using WinForms controls in WPF, it really looks like a hack Create a custom control that inherits Image and handles the animation. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. C# WPF gif . Will transparent elements ever be supported in MediaElement? The default duration (100ms) will be used instead on other versions of Windows. How to fit content of GIF animation in View and in live wallpaper? Instead of using MediaElement control I've used WebBrowser control which can render GIF image as HTML content. You can set the backcolor to white. This article demonstrate animated gif very well. Hope that a future version of the framework brings us such functionality by default. This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL), General News Suggestion Question Bug Answer Joke Praise Rant Admin. Imagine, let's say, a basketball falling from the top of the screen; the ball will be 100% non-transparent and it will have a semi-transparent shadow on the ground and the rest of the video is 100% transparent. Would a bicycle pump work underwater, with its air-input being above water? I will try the WebBrowser option. But seeing some people on the Internet saying the GIF picture of resources or embedded resources with MediaElement. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Drawing WPF Polygon with a stroke in solid color or transparent around. Open Media Add a reference to the System.Windows.Forms DLL to use the OpenFileDialog. " A workaround for it is load the gif in webbrowser control. Note: the library's version number is determined by MinVer based on Git history and tags. To add AnimatedImage to a window, insert the following line to your window XAML file, for example, as shown below: Here we assume that you already insertedthe GIF in the window resources. License MIT, Apache, GNU, etc.) Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I'm using the MediaElement to show gif image as shown below. The custom routed event AnimatedBitmapChanged was registered to provide some extra initialization/cleanup during setting the source GIF, if necessary. In addition, Why should you not leave the inputs of unused gates floating with 74LS series logic? The example creates a simple media player that allows you to play, pause, stop, and skip back and forth in the media as well as adjust the volume and speed ratio. Using this custom control as DLL: Add the XmlNamespace attribute to the root element of the markup file where it is to be used: You will also need to add a project reference from the project where the XAML file lives to this assembly, and Rebuild to avoid compilation errors. r/csharp WPF MVVM - How to trigger events in an arbitrary class Without further ado, heres the complete code: And heres the DoWhenLoaded extension method used in the code above: Update: the code that retrieves the frame duration only works on Windows Seven, and on Windows Vista if the Platform Update is installed (untested). c# wpf change iamge in code. show up with black backgrounds and you can see old frames in the background as well. ). But eventually the solution is quite simple, and takes advantage of the BitmapMetadata class.

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