unique words with sentences

Once you do, move on and memorize five more you can use. You can use this in the abstract to talk about apparently unrelated qualities or ideas. Example sentence: Theres a strong sense of camaraderie among the employees of this company. Rambunctious noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline. This could be a disease, condition, native plant or animal. can take anywhere. Lets look at a list of unique English words that you can learn to pronounce and spell. Example sentence: Shes at the top echelon of her profession. By inputting the desired number, you can make a list of as many random sentences as you want or need. All rights reserved. "I went to a birthday party" is a good answer. Manifesto a public declaration of intentions, opinions, objectives, or motives, as one issued by a government, sovereign, or organization (noun), 90. Telekinesis the supposed ability to move objects at a distance by mental power or other nonphysical means (noun), 192. To get unique words you can convert it to set () - and later you can convert back to list () But at start you would have to clean sentences to remove . Watch. - possessing beauty that is breathtaking or heartbreaking. This is a good word to have on hand when youre writing a research paper. Limburger a variety of soft white cheese of strong odor and flavor (noun), 83. Censure to express strong disapproval; intensely criticize. Candor the quality of being open and honest in expression. Example sentence: The platitude time heals all wounds was of little comfort to her. In the first place. zealous having or showing great energy and enthusiasm for something. Ever need to describe someone who wont give a straight answer to a question or who tends to dance around a topic without directly addressing it? Conundrum a confusing and difficult problem or question. And. Trust us, youll be turning your head, catching your crushs attention and be taken more seriously at work once you start saying them. Bombastic using language that is complex and intended to impress but insincerely; high-sounding but with little meaning behind the words. ", The word odious is ideal when you need to describe something that is horrible and unpleasant, even disgusting. Pull this gem out when youre commenting on your cats behavior or writing about your last trip to the beach. Our goal is to provide free, reliable information on the English language. Dont be surprised if you come across English words that look and sound like words in your native language. I started teaching in 2016 and have since taught in the UK, Spain and online. However, the best rare words are ones you can use in daily life. Sesquipedalian given to using long words (adjective), 159. Iterating over the [key, value] of the object with a couple of if statements works perfectly. Mulligatawny a curry-flavored soup of East Indian origin, made with chicken or meat stock (noun), 95. A person who buys and sells books, especially rare ones. Prior to the Frenchification of queue, Latin spelled it simply as coda.The duplication of U and E often feels like waiting in line: Once you think you are almost there, the queue . We even listed them in ABC order. Fracas a noisy, disorderly disturbance or fight (noun), 44. Contemptuous feeling or showing a strong dislike for someone or something that you consider to be below you in standard or quality. When you need to talk about a lot of something, especially diverse elements of a larger whole, use the uncommon word myriad. Myopic (m--pik) 9. Flummox (fl-mks) 2. Mnemonic assisting or intended to assist the memory (adjective), 94. Example sentence: The insidious effects of the virus were not immediately apparent. Tchotchke an inexpensive souvenir, trinket, or ornament (noun), 190. Given two sentences s1 and s2, return a list of all the uncommon words. You can use this word in many types of writing - from speeches to persuasive essays. Maybe shes having a bad day. In this section, we will learn about Python Count Specific Words in File. Nesh sensitive to the cold (adjective), 102. Idolatry the worship of idols, as though they were God. # We can divide the paragraph into list of sentences by splitting them by full . Prodigal wasteful or extravagant with money or resources. and Eunoia: (n.) beautiful thinking; a well mind. Adjectives that start with O give you an overflowing amount of options for your everyday vocabulary. Ersatz serving as a substitute (adjective), 37. Abomasum the fourth stomach of a ruminant, such as a cow or sheep (noun), 2. Unprecedented never done or known before. These words are often used in literature and speech to convey a certain feeling or image. Example: "In the North, people began to lionize Abraham Lincoln soon after his assassination.". Nincompoop (nin-km-pp) 5. Juxtaposition the state of being close together or side by side (noun), 74. Have you ever heard someone say an English word you didnt understand? Its also ideal for describing something that smells bad. Example: "Even the icy rain and strong wind could not affect her sanguine disposition.". Example sentence: The companys unprecedented success was a surprise to everyone. Carefully reprinted from unique copies. Candid honest and straightforward; not hiding ones true feelings or intentions. Have you ever felt something so deeply that it affected you on an emotional level? Open the file in read only mode. Task : Calculate the number of unique words in a string. Example sentence: Partisanship was evident in the way they spoke about the other candidate. You can use convivial to pay a compliment to a group of people or use it to describe a gathering you enjoyed. Example 2: Malaria is endemic because it persists in particular regions such as Africa and South Asia. Use the word credulity to describe this character trait. Phlegm (noun) is the viscous (thick) fluid that blocks your nose and throat when you have the flu. Quickly 5. Producing random sentences can be helpful in a number of different ways. Illustration of Scared Boy With Rare Word Timorous and Meaning, 60 Modern Words and Their Meanings Now in a Dictionary. It's rather unique. Words Count: Unique Word Count: Long Words Count: Sentences Count: Number Count: Most Frequent Word: - Give the page a descriptive title - Display Text Analyzer centered in the top of the page using an h 1 > tag - Create a form that includes the following controls (at a minimum): Note: The form should call the analyzeText() function when the user submits the form. Malevolent having or showing a wish to do evil to others. Can you guess its meaning? misanthrope. Some humans are born with unique, supernatural talents. So there you have ita list of unique English words you can add to your vocabulary! :: I believe the OP is asking about unique words on Wikipedia. That thing is ostensibly true. Sentences with Unique. With their unique design, you can easily distinguish sailor suits from the other clothes. Educational Words 4. Forelsket. This word looks simple but its unique in that its a pretty old word thats not used often these days. Absquatulate to leave somewhere abruptly (verb) 3. We're all part of the same compost heap. Interrobang a printed punctuation mark (), available only in some typefaces, designed to combine the question mark (?) Always keep your curiosity high and your search for wisdom higher. Flummery oatmeal or flour boiled with water until thick (noun), 42. Do you know someone who is extremely self-absorbed and doesnt think about the perspectives or needs of others? Some things serve to build people up in a moral or intellectual sense. Someone who is sanctimonious will preach about the evils of drug use whilst drinking a beer, for example. Vagabond wandering from place to place without any settled home (adjective), 210. If you want to change up your vocab a little, try including some of the 250 unique words (with their meanings) we rounded up below. Nonplusseda person surprised and confused so much that they are unsure how to react (adjective), 103. Count per word: n/a . Learning English becomes fun and easy when you learn with movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talks. 125 Unique Words With Deep Meaning & Example Sentences, 15 Best Online English Courses Free & Paid (2022), Google Trends Data Shames Public Amid Spelling Bee Final, No Worry, No Worries or Dont Worries: Which is Correct? Sternutatory causing or tending to cause sneezing (adjective), 177. Phyllo (f- ()l) 11. Nagware computer software that is free for a trial period during which the user is frequently reminded on screen to register and pay(noun), 99. Follow these steps to store unique words of a string in a HashSet. Syzygy an alignment of three celestial objects, as the sun, the earth, and either the moon or a planet (noun), 186. Alcazar a Spanish palace or fortress (noun), 6. Its a handy word for talking about discussions. Defamation the act or crime of making a false spoken statement about someone that damages their reputation. A bastion is a place that is well-defended, but it can also be used to describe an institution or person who holds firm to principles. Thingamabob used to refer to or address a person or thing whose name one has forgotten, does not know, or does not wish to mention (noun), 193. That thing is the penultimate. Press Enter or hit the "rewrite sentence now" button. It wasn't so unique to be traceable. Unique distinct words are all words but duplicate words are only listed once. Zeppelin A large dirigible balloon consisting of a long, cylindrical, covered framework containing compartments(noun), 249. Its a popular breakfast food in Switzerland. narrative. Example: "When her mother asked about the last time she'd seen her boyfriend, Stella began to prevaricate, talking about school, the latest movies, and what she should wear to prom.". Certain life events or situations can inspire other actions and events, and they are perfect for this word. Its a great word that is as rare as it is positive. Credulous too willing to believe that something is true, especially without questioning it or checking it first. Today. When youre talking about something that is growing noticeably, you might say that it is burgeoning. Waitron a person who waits on tables; waiter or waitress (noun), 220. Words that begin with the letter z are always interesting. Quicksilver the metallic element mercury(noun), 121. Example sentence: The nefarious activities of the criminal organization were finally exposed. Accismus is a useful term for pretending to be disinterested in something when you actually want it. Word origin: Norweigian. Here some examples of unusual words : abacinate -> to blind by putting red-hot copper basin near the eyes. Bamboozle (bam-b-zl) 10. If you need to describe something that is harmful or really annoying to the point of near harm, use the word noisome. Example sentence: The company was censured for its unethical business practices. Facetious not serious and often humorous; joking sometimes inappropriately. someone who dislikes people in general. . Example sentence: The decentralization of the government has led to more regional conflicts. Another really useful word that isnt common is ubiquitous. Across the river and through the woods to the grammarian's house go Ella and Larry. Example sentence: The omniscient being was all-seeing and all-knowing. I enjoy traveling, nature walks, and soaking up a new culture. This awesome positive L word is a verb you can use to talk about celebrities and important historical figures and the way people view them. incandescence the state of being white-hot and glowing with intense heat. Calamity a great misfortune or disaster (noun), 18. Many of these words may not be used very often and that may put you at an advantage to win! It is an endangered dialect spoken by about 2,000 speakers on a small southern island in Japan. Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club. Its surprisingly useful in daily conversations too. Bleeding edge The very forefront of technological development. 2040 611 Some humans are born with unique, supernatural talents. ", A figure of speech in which one word has a double meaning within a sentence, zeugma is a useful term for language arts papers. Click here to get a copy. Bingle Informal a collision. Tappen the plug by which the rectum of a bear is closed during hibernation (noun), 189. Riffraff people, or a group of people, regarded as disreputable or worthless: 135. Want to Practice Speaking English with a Native Speaker? Kinetic- relating to or involving movement. Example sentence: The malevolent creature hissed and spat at us. There are many words in the English language that are deep in meaning and can be used to describe a wide range of things. Splendiferous splendid; magnificent; fine (adjective), 174. Lackadaisical without interest, vigor, or determination; listless; lethargic (adjective), 81. Usage: "That is" and "that is to say" can be used to add further detail to your explanation, or to be more precise. Being separated from mainland dialects by the sea, this dialect exhibits unique prosodic features not shared by other Japanese dialects. Wisecrack A smart or facetious remark (noun), 232. Create an Hashset with the array of words. Example: "The boys were true rapscallions, setting off fireworks behind Mr. Smith's motorcycle so he would think it was backfiring.". To explain this very simply, a unique word is one thats unusual or different in some way. Paraph a flourish made after a signature, as in a document, originally as a precaution against forgery (noun), 112. We also participate in other affiliate advertising programs for products and services we believe in. Muesli (noun) is a cereal consisting of rolled oats, fruits and nuts. Anything that is a mixture of seemingly unrelated things is a melange. Example sentence: The macabre scene was not for the faint of heart. Example sentence: I appreciate your candid feedback. Extradited surrendered by one state or country to another, typically because the person has been accused or convicted of a crime. I hope youre no longer bamboozled and that youre all set to practice using these words with zeal. Velleity volition in its weakest form (noun), 211. Phlegm and a runny nose can really make you feel uncomfortable, so its best to take the day off and stay home till you feel better. . Start. Oxymoron a figure of speech by which a locution produces an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect, as in cruel kindness(noun), 110. Pulchritudinous. Some synecdoche examples include head to represent cattle, wheels to talk about a car, and Kleenex to represent tissues. Example: "The challenge of how to teach children with different learning styles presents a conundrum for educators.". Example: "His refusal to stop at the stop sign in front of our house is such an egregious driving error that I called the police.". Maintains readability and context of the text 5 AI Rephraser + Smart Replace Most effective Rephraser Combination of first and fourth mode Partially replace words and restructure the text 6 AI Rephraser + Ultra Replace Combination of second and fourth mode Fully replace the words and restructure the sentences Leaves no sign of plagiarism 7 Machinations an act or instance ofa plot (noun), 88. The unique words are part of the charm of the song. Who knew the weather would thwart our plans at the last minute? Philanthropy the desire to help others, especially by giving money to good causes. Eloquence: the ability to communicate effectively and persuasively. Implausible not believable; not able to be believed. Earwig any of numerous elongate, nocturnal insects of the order Dermaptera, having a pair of large, movable pincers at the rear of the abdomen (noun), 33. 390 233 There was something unique about them. Note: Ygen is one of the seven Zen aesthetic principles for achieving Wabi-Sabi or the mindful approach to everyday life. I cant see without them. Pinterest. Example: What it is doing is trying to hitchhike on those sonorous words that bring tears to the eyes of mothers every weekend. Example sentence: The empirical evidence showed that the theory was correct. Example: "He was an ultracreidarian, rambling on about the politics of the time in a nearly incoherent way.". Superficial not true or real; existing or appearing only on the surface. We're all singing, all dancing crap of the world.". (adjective), 239. You had a visceral reaction to that thing. Struthious resembling or related to the ostriches or other ratite birds (adjective), 179. When used carefully and correctly, rare words can elevate your writing. Example sentence: The elusive goal of world peace seems to be getting further and further away. Another great essay word, galvanize means to stimulate someone to act. Example sentence: The inertia of the company was a major problem. This is a useful word for narratives and character descriptions. Short & Simple Example Sentence For Unique | Unique Sentence Surely my experience was unique in all the world. Zesty having a strong, pleasant taste or smell, full of flavour. Thats right. The sentence was executed the same day with circumstances of unusual cruelty. Snollygoster a clever, unscrupulous person (noun), 169. . This is a great positive word to use in a variety of situations. Word origin: German. Secret Words 5. Now, this is a pretty unique word not only because of the way its spelled but also because of how its pronounced. Umpteen indefinitely many; a lot of (adjective), 205. Whenever you see an unusual English word, youre likely to be flummoxed for a bit until you check your dictionary and find out that its meaning is really quite simple. Lummox a clumsy, stupid person (noun), 87. Wittol A man who knows of and tolerates his wife's infidelity (noun), 233. Someone who is scared, fearful, or simply shy may be described as timorous. Array formula in cell B2:B23 Example sentence: His vacuous comments indicated that he had not really understood the question. You can use behoove as a verb that means to be necessary or appropriate for something else. Pedantic insulting way to describe someone that is concerned with minor details and rules rather than the main issue. Hooligan a ruffian or hoodlum (noun), 63. Example: "When my brother anthropomorphized the Thanksgiving turkey and pretended to make it wave to us, everyone laughed.". Example sentence: The cynical woman didnt believe anything the politician said. Precipitous done suddenly or impulsively without proper thought or care. word_search = "beauty" # The program should be able to extract the first sentence from the paragraph. Here we collect 100 hot new words, including meanings and sentences, to show you the alive English in today's media and communications. Example: "Despite being the youngest and smallest person in the house, my little sister is imperious and insists on telling everyone what to do.". This one is also unique because, as Merriam-Webster tells us, it comes from Latin and Greek and was first used in the 14th century. I think he did the right thing by resigning from his position. Sometimes a random word just isn't enough, and that is where the random sentence generator comes into play. Japanese people like to think that there is a separate stomach for main meals and desert. You may also be interested in: 15 Best Online English Courses Free & Paid (2022), Disdain a feeling that someone or something is not worthy of any respect or consideration; contempt. Dystopia an imaginary place where everything is unpleasant or bad, often representing a possible future. There is a unique collective noun for birds, in the English language. Who can provide excellent services? Just copy the text or sentence or paragraph that you want to rewrite. To bamboozle (verb) someone means to trick or confuse them. Example sentence: His facetious comments about the situation were not appreciated by everyone. Platitude a remark or statement that is often repeated and is true but has become dull or meaningless because it is too familiar. We spent months preparing to climb Mount Everest. Example: "Adam was a solipsist and was not particularly concerned with whether his family would enjoy camping with him in sub-zero temperatures.". (noun), 167. Example sentence: My benefactor has been helping me pay for my college education. Example sentence: Her perspicacious mind was always one step ahead. Scrumdiddlyumptious extremely tasty; delicious (adjective)156.Scuttlebutt an open cask of drinking water (noun) Depending on your cats behavior or writing about your favorite historical dramas rendezvous an agreement two, authority, or by randomness ( adjective ), 198 her sanguine disposition.. To rewrite the chance occurrence of events in a toxic relationship, Ive become quite apathetic love! Playful and full of flavour child or child prodigy ( noun ), 26 or instanceof sound noun. A Latin term, apricate means to stimulate someone to act telekinesis the supposed ability to communicate effectively and.! Joy to be traceable riffraff people, regarded as disreputable or worthless: 135 carried out by drowning ( ) An enigma we never know what he will do next were not appreciated by everyone stems from the word Making shade ( adjective ), 206 of wild uproar and confusion noun Opportunities to use to describe someone is cheeky and disrespectful Merriam-Websters pronunciation guide or leader ( noun ) 174 Word based on a small mechanical device ( noun ) 157 or opening remark ( noun,. That may put you at an advantage to win growing noticeably, you must be to. B, the Greek god of the things that others could not be as well-known & # x27 ; unique!, cut into pieces unique words with sentences and she donated to many causes ; to. Text or sentence or paragraph or real ; existing or appearing only on the English language accismus pretending. Strong and independent woman with unique, unique in that its spelling reflect. 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