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maths = utils.math, constructor() { In general, I have used modern ES2015+ syntax for all the examples discussed here. In the context of JavaScript frameworks that support MVC/MV*, it is worth briefly discussing JavaScript templating and its relationship to views as we briefly touched upon it in the last section. $49.99. var proto = Vehicle.prototype; } } name: strUser, // Give collection the element: name: "Ford Escort", Confirm to run a program (now referred to as Windows SmartScreen): It now displays the message that, Select a program to open a file: The design scheme from, Due to this build only being leaked in WIM form, the ISO is packed with the Windows Preinstallation Environment from the, As a result of that, the System Reset option does not appear in. // Get properties })( jQuery, window, document ); function Vehicle( vehicleType ){ }. which can then be used as follows: // Place initialization logic here }); // Outputs: true }); container.appendChild( check ); // CoffeeFlavor.implementsFor(CoffeeOrder); augment( Car, Mixin, "driveForward", "driveBackward" ); An example of such a namespace could be the following: application.utilities.drawing.canvas.2d. // this.element.removeStuff(); It describes when it applies, whether or not it can be applied in view of other design constraints, and the consequences and trade-offs of its use. // top-level namespace In the next example, we have two classes: a Car and a Mixin. * "Highly configurable" mutable plugin boilerplate // Usage: // Store the response as specified by the jqXHR object Its sole duty is to request and return data then pass it on to whoever wants to use it. takeOrders('Xpresso', 3); } else {

<%= caption %>

export default basketModule; // Outputs: } In our final example, we're going to take a practical look at how decoupling our code using Pub/Sub early on in the development process can save us some potentially painful refactoring later on. if ( callback.call( object[ name ], name, object[ name ] ) === false ) { saySomething: function () { return { record.dueReturnDate = newReturnDate; // Plugin.defaults.message = "Goodbye World!" function publicIncrement() { That said, some developers do however feel that Backbone.js better fits the description of MVP than it does MVC. Since we must eventually implement our designs, a design pattern also provides sample code to illustrate an implementation. pubsub.publish( "inbox/newMessage", { // [uiObject] ) }; // ES2015+ keywords/syntax used: class, constructor, const, let The Unsubscribe method removes a subscriber from the list based on the token value passed. Decoupling an Ajax-based jQuery application const MenuItem = MyFrameworkView.extend({ ExtJS with ES5/Classic Approach
CommonJS, which we'll be looking at shortly). } It's one of the easier design patterns to get started with but also one of the most powerful. It can help us control when an expensive object should be instantiated, provide advanced ways to reference the object or modify the object to function a particular way in specific contexts. Here, our Views have direct access to Models. $.ajax({ console.log(car); basketData.push(values); })(); }; This example could simply be looked at as requirejs(["app/myModule"], function(){}) which indicates the loader's top-level globals are being used. availability reportMyConfig: function () { return book; The above is a simple version of the constructor pattern but it does suffer from some problems. $('div').on('click', function() { Now if we were to model this using an individual sub-class for each combination of enhancement options, it might look something like this: This would be an impractical solution as a new subclass would be required for every possible combination of available enhancements. } ); }. $( ".item-c" ).draggable( {"defaultPosition":"bottom-left"} ); var cookieValue = dojo.cookie( "cookieName" ); ) { Car.prototype.toString = function() { // is IE Only, but so apparently is this code path this.color = color; This is useful when exactly one object is needed to coordinate actions across the system. If this sounds familiar, then you might find this chapter useful. // edit an item this.genre = genre; } i: 5, In this respect, contrary to what might be mentioned in the official documentation or in blog posts, Backbone is neither a truly MVC/MVP nor MVVM framework. The CommonJS module proposal specifies a simple API for declaring modules server-side and unlike AMD attempts to cover a broader set of concerns such as io, file-system, promises, and more. We no longer have to dig into the details of each view in the workflow, to see what the workflow actually is.Event Aggregator (Pub/Sub) And Mediator TogetherThe crux of the difference between an event aggregator and a mediator, and why these pattern names should not be interchanged with each other, is illustrated best by showing how they can be used together. . console.log( basket ); // options: an object containing configuration options for the singleton But we dont want the menu to be directly tied to the content views that show all of the details and information when a menu item is clicked. this.checkoutDate = checkoutDate; As we saw in our initial ViewModel example, the ViewModel doesnt just expose Model attributes but also access to other methods and features such as validation. // // ES2015+ keywords/syntax used: const, arrow function syntax, Select all of the elements in the page and then store references to them. value: "for more control of the property's behavior", // just do a createElement and skip the rest They help ensure that when one part of a system changes, the entire structure of the system doesn't need to do the same. // Outputs: true return { If it sounds familiar it's because you may have previous come across it referred to as a self-executing (or self-invoked) anonymous function, however I personally feel Ben Alman's IIFE naming is more accurate. jQuery plugins have few concrete rules, which is one of the reasons for the incredible diversity in how they are implemented across the community. console.log( // expose foobar to other modules state, The following example is heavily based on the original YUI Module pattern implementation by Eric Miraglia, but again, isn't vastly different from the vanilla JavaScript version: ); // or "id": { pubsub.unsubscribe( subscription ); // Once unsubscribed, this for example won't result in our ;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) { var base = document.createElement( "div" ), // private functions pageCount, // Set properties // page-load or dynamically. functionKey() { }); This allows us to override options both However, you could still compartmentalize your code as shown in the following snippets.Self-contained Module With these notes in mind, let's get started. // and a "small" wheelSize var currentOpacity = $( ".container" ).css('opacity'); // a singleton instance of a singleton object Modules that have applications on both the client and server include validation, conversion, and templating engines. // Outputs: true In many cases of pattern-analysis we can find that we're just looking at code that follows good principles and design practices that could happen to overlap with the rules for a pattern by accident. }, panic: function () { this.prototype.parent = parentClassOrObject.prototype; // ES2015+ Keywords/syntax used: class, constructor, const, destructuring assignment pubsub.publish( "newDataAvailable", { })( jQuery ); JavaScript doesn't really have built-in support for namespaces as other languages do, but it does have objects that can be used to achieve a similar effect. setClass = " " + elem.className + " "; // What we return can be used by other modules }); Serving Coffee flavor ${flavor} to table number ${context.getTable()} }) { container.appendChild(check); if (typeof this.serveCoffee === 'function') { // ConcreteFlyweight object that creates ConcreteFlyweight var subscriber1 = subscribe( "inbox/newMessage", function( topic, data ) {. decoratorApp.settings = $.extend( sender: "hello@google.com", arrangeViewing(model, id) { // add a new book into the library system Y.log( myPrivateVar ); })(); In jQuery core, a jQuery.proxy() method exists which accepts as input a function and returns a new one which will always have a specific context. We can apply this concept to jQuery plugin development. _privateFunction: function(){ } createVehicle(options) { } }); constructor() { this.setValue = function( newVal ) { Object literals don't require instantiation using the new operator but shouldn't be used at the start of a statement as the opening { may be interpreted as the beginning of a block. // This code could be easily adapted with the core to } Intrinsic information may be required by internal methods in our objects which they absolutely cannot function without. // Reveal public pointers to They can also be integrated with other patterns such as the Module pattern. Y.log( myPrivateMethod() ); When we dig into the intent of the pattern and see that the implementations can be dramatically different, the nature of the patterns becomes more apparent.EventsBoth the event aggregator and mediator use events, in the above examples. If we then factored in capabilities, imagine having to create sub-classes for each combination of capability types e.g HobbitWithRing, HobbitWithSword, HobbitWithRingAndSword, and so on. ); }, // Increment our counter ordersMade++; We all know that local references to objects can decrease overall lookup times, but let's apply this to namespacing to see how it might look in practice: Working with a local variable here is almost always faster than working with a top-level global (e.g.myApp). return function ( proto ) { In MVP, all of this complex logic can be encapsulated in a presenter, which can simplify maintenance greatly. incrementCounter() { subscribers[len].func(topic, args); var basket = []; var instance = $( "#foo" ).widgetName({ return privateRandomNumber; The idea was that the decoration itself wasn't essential to the base functionality of the class, otherwise, it would be baked into the superclass itself. const flavor = newFlavor; // coordinate all of the objects into a meaningful workflow. return abstractVehicleFactory; // settings -- { validate: true, limit: 5, name: bar, welcome: function (){ console.log( "welcome!" If data-binding and two-way communication are your main concerns, KnockoutJS is definitely the way to go.Practically any attribute or value stored in DOM nodes can be mapped to JavaScript objects with this approach. username: 'test', } welcome() { CommonJS modules however only support objects as modules.UMD: AMD And CommonJS-Compatible Modules For PluginsFor developers wishing to create modules that can work in both browser and server-side environments, these solutions could be considered a little lacking. } return object; Unlike MVC, invocations from the view are delegated to the presenter, which are decoupled from the view and instead talk to it through an interface. so bad" The prototype object itself is effectively used as a blueprint for each object the constructor creates. In the world of scalable JavaScript, when we say an application is modular, we often mean it's composed of a set of highly decoupled, distinct pieces of functionality stored in modules. I'll note that I am not advocating any of the following as the way to namespace, but rather ways that I have found work in practice.Automating nested namespacingAs we've reviewed, nested namespaces can provide an organized hierarchy of structure for a unit of code. console.log( "public function" ); define(function ( require ) { Say that we're using such an assumption to log or output errors regarding some application process. // and a "small" wheelSize new Vehicle(customizations) : null; decoratorApp.options var btn1Handler = function ( button, event ) { Where possible, I would implement this using automated nested namespacing, however this is just a personal preference. //*******************************************************// (function( $ ){ }); "model": { }).apply( myApp.utils ); As we can see below, our instance of the module patterns contains several methods which have been privately defined. // private method count: publicGetCount // However, the following will not work: $.Widget.prototype._setOption.apply( this, arguments ); //ES2015+ syntax used: Shorter method definitions. In application development, we employ namespaces for a number of important reasons. } We could implement something a little like CSS classes to assign bindings by name to elements. // ES2015+ syntax used: const, template literals for string interpolation
// notification is broadcast on that topic console.log( "this.btn1Text=" + this.btn1Text ); // _create will automatically run the first time this elem.addEventListener(type, eventHandle, false); }, function extend( a, b ){ return p; If this sounds familiar, then you might find this chapter useful. const flavors = []; getAuthor() { By calling it with the function and value we would like assigned to this it will actually return a function that retains the value we desire within the correct context. // Invoke the superclass constructor // private properties // A constructor for defining new cars getModel: function () { if ( value && typeof value === "string" ) { }; define( "myModule", } } }); console.log( "Weeee. this.vehicleClass = Car; Further ReadingCreating Highly Configurable jQuery Plugins, Mark DalgleishWriting Highly Configurable jQuery Plugins, Part 2, Mark DalgleishWhat Makes A Good Plugin Beyond Patterns?At the end of the day, design patterns are just one facet to writing maintainable jQuery plugins. run: true, } console.log( yourCar.name ); I've previously linked to them earlier in the book, but we can see the wrapper in full below. In our sample application using the above Observer components, we now define:A button for adding new observable checkboxes to the pageA control checkbox which will act as a subject, notifying other checkboxes they should be checkedA container for the new checkboxes being addedWe then define ConcreteSubject and ConcreteObserver handlers for both adding new observers to the page and implementing the updating interface. // jQuery().bind("mouseover mouseout", fn); In our second example, we'll reference some further performance gains that can be achieved using Flyweights with jQuery. The Coffee-Order Example handleClick: function ( elem ) { We can use this to patch the lack of an implements keyword by having a function inherit an interface explicitly. Maintainable code is much more difficult to write than maintainable design patterns. var Superhero = function( firstName, lastName, powers ){ } // Use the handy event callback // Storage for our vehicle types jQuery( this ).addClass( value.call(this, j, this.className) ); Also, every function takes up memory. // unsubscribe( subscriber1 ); When two objects have a direct relationship already say, a parent view and child view there may be a benefit in using an event aggregator. // Number of orders made instance = this; return this.title; An alternative way to write this pattern would be to use jQuery.extend(), which enables us to define multiple functions at once and which sometimes make more sense semantically: We have now reviewed some jQuery plugin fundamentals, but a lot more could be done to take this further. In addition, it enables us to decouple objects invoking the action from the objects which implement them, giving us a greater degree of overall flexibility in swapping out concrete classes (objects). If the input exceeds 10 characters, it will display, otherwise it will remain hidden.Moving on to a more advanced example, we can return to our Todo application. Maybe it could be more flexible or could be designed to address more of the issues developers commonly run into. }; This isn't a typo error: TC39 has made a conscious effort to decrease our abuse of the function keyword for everything and the hope is that this will help simplify how we write code. $.data( this, "plugin_" + pluginName, }); // Subscribe to the new results topic flavors[i].serveCoffee(tables[i]); this.bindingObject = bindingObject; return { Using objects, the module pattern was just one way to encapsulate logic in a file with both public and "private" methods. let ordersMade = 0; If it appears a system has too many direct relationships between components, it may be time to have a central point of control that components communicate through instead. _private.set(val); While this ensures that our code looks cleaner and follows OOAD principles, the classes and constructors get compiled down to functions and prototypes internally. } We can listen for that event (called "pagecreate") and run our plugin automatically whenever a new page is created. Adjunct membership is for researchers employed by other institutions who collaborate with IDM Members to the extent that some of their own staff and/or postgraduate students may work within the IDM; for 3-year terms, which are renewable. ', class Car { For further details about $.single, I recommend reading Padolsey's full post.Flyweight Pattern and the DOM: ES5/Classical ApproachWe use a combination of jQuery with classic JavaScript here to provide the syntax corresponding to the examples discussed previously.Centralized Event Handling truck.setColor = function( color ){ // base widget // assume this triggers "menu:click:foo" This variation assumes that myApplication has already been initialized and so it's only really useful for a parameter/argument scenario as in the following example: console.log( mb.screenSize() ); Following is the code for the two examples discussed above, using classic JavaScript functions to implement classes, Decorating objects with new functionality, // A vehicle constructor // of the values expected. userData: 'test', data: data, var newObject = Object.create( Object.prototype ); var module = (function() { }; // We used the destructuring assignment syntax that makes it possible to unpack values from data structures into distinct variables. // Controllers in Spine are created by inheriting from Spine.Controller doc = ( context ? wheelSize: "small" } ); They're often an indication that modules in a system are either tightly coupled or that logic is overly spread across multiple parts of a codebase. } takeOrders('Frappe', 1); For further information about the above wrapper, see http://requirejs.org/docs/api.html#cjsmodule.Taking this further, we wanted to provide a number of different patterns that not just worked with AMD and CommonJS, but also solved common compatibility problems developers wishing to develop such modules had with other environments.One such variation we can see below allows us to use CommonJS, AMD, or browser globals to create a module.Using CommonJS, AMD, or browser globals to create a moduleDefine a module commonJsStrict, which depends on another module called b. The UMD repository contains variations covering modules that work optimally in the browser, those best for providing exports, those optimal for CommonJS runtimes, and even those that work best for defining jQuery plugins, which we will look at next.jQuery plugins that function in all environmentsUMD provides two patterns for working with jQuery plugins - one which defines plugins that work well with AMD and browser globals and another which can also work in CommonJS environments. console.log( "jumping" ); Step 2: Clipping the background to the text. decoratorApp.defaults, }; new Vehicle(customizations) : null); console.log(basketModule.basket); // Ordering milk from your local grocery store. if ( typeof newConfig === "object" ) { module.init(); isPastDue(bookID) { } You can build a mediator with callback methods, by handing the mediator reference to the child object, or by any of the several other means. // We used keyword const for immutable constant declaration Does it have any gotchas that users need to be aware of? // a very basic method color: "pink", selector = [ document.createElement( ret[1] ) ]; Background = " Transparent " > This will make the Window Transparent and apply a Blur. for simpler storage when sending to the back-end), feel free to. Methods that are called on these enhancement classes would be passed on to our Macbook class.In our next example, decorators transparently wrap around their components and can interestingly be interchanged as they use the same interface.Here's the interface we're going to define for the Macbook: this.observers.add( observer ); this.myPublicVar = 'foo'; }, It also makes it more clear at the end of the module which of our functions and variables may be accessed publicly which eases readability. ); }, Car.prototype.toString = function () { employeeDetail.on("complete", function(employee){ // this.options[ key ] = value; Great for complex, I will teach you how to approach defining flexible.! Attempts to stay out of the issues with undefined being // mutable pre-ES5 obviously with! If finding it overly complex, I personally find KnockoutJS more suitable for the view updates (.! Mootools, Firebug, and the community is split on the ViewModel are synchronized updated. 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