vae representation learning

The lefthand grid the inefficient, and entangled one was learned by a (normal) VAE, and the righthand grid the disentangled one was learned by a Beta VAE. We can find in the beginning of training, the BPD quickly drops to 3.2 and the mutual information also drops below 5, which is very close to the latent collapse phenomenon. The dataset contains all combinations of 3 different shapes (oval, heart and square) with 4 other attributes: (i) 32 values for position X (ii) 32 values for position Y (iii) 6 values for scale (iv) 40 values for rotation. There are only two independently-modifiable parameters here: horizontal direction, and vertical direction. Latent variable models like the Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE) are commonly used to learn representations of images. This hypothesis can be evaluated by traversing the latent space in a systematic manner (I have done this for the ID-GAN that I talked about later in this section). Unlike auto-encoder, VAE is a generative model capable of synthesizing new data similar to the training data, and it regularizes the latent space with a priori spherical Gaussian distributions. Using this formulation, I can use the latent space of the. By this, we mean that VAEs are often used for their ability to create an lower-dimensional coding distribution (the aforementioned z) that modelers hope has been forced to learn meaningful concepts within the data, due to the bottleneck and reconstruction structure. The goal of disentangled features can be most easily understood as wanting to use each dimension of your latent z code to encode one and only one of these underlying independent factors of variation. where we denote [x[1:i1,1:J],x[i,1:j1]]xpastij and p(x11|xpast11)=p(x11). When is parameterized by a neural network, the evaluations of the log likelihood logp(x) is usually intractable. It is worth mentioning that training the same experiments for 1000 epochs did not change the output, so I included the ones for 100 epochs here. Also, it seems the y-axis position of shapes is only changing on certain values for a specific dimension; shapes were generated at the top of the frame and periodically their position were changed to the bottom of the frame. (2010); Tishby and Zaslavsky (2015); Dubois et al. Notice that the generation quality in Figure 2 is better than others for some of the settings for example when |z|=3,=0.5, learning rate (lr) is 0.0001 and the x-axis threshold (tr) is 16. its higher on the pyramid of convolution, and thus has a base that is conditioned on a wider pixel range. Understanding the Impact of True Positive Rate on Population Testing. (2018); Shu et al. The latent code of the trained -VAE is concatenated with the input noise vector to the generator for training in Step2. Instead of using a neural network to generate your loss between the true and generated/reconstructed X, VAEs typically use a pixel-wise loss function that measures the pixel distance between the reconstructed and original X. The intuition between why the difference in these two equations translates into the difference between the two grids isnt immediately obvious, but there are some valuable nuggets of understanding if you dig deep enough. As we discussed in Section 4.1, when a conditional independent VAE that well-approximates the data distribution, the learned representations will contain both local and global features. The equation on the bottom is how the VAE function is typically characterized: Under this framework, its easy to think of the primary function of the model as being autoencoding, with the penalty term simply being a relatively unimportant regularizing term. latent, which significantly improves performance of a downstream classification In many imaging modalities, objects of interest can occur in a variety o Sketching is more fundamental to human cognition than speech. where k=2h+1, and other subsequent layers has 11 kernels. Instead of just answering the original question . In addition, Frechet Inception Distance (FID) (Heusel etal., 2017) was developed for measuring the generated output quality. Au Finding a low dimensional parametric representation of measured BRDF rem has been developed for this purpose using linear algebra. The images in this dataset are of. degraded the generation quality. A Medium publication sharing concepts, ideas and codes. In addition, , weigh in more for disentanglement by sacrificing reconstruction quality. quality of output image reconstruction. This architecture can discover disentangled latent factors without supervision. However, when we train the model for a longer time (from 100 to 1000 epochs), the mutual information starts to increase as well as the linear/nonlinear probes, which indicates the latents start to learn global information that is related to the labels. For example, Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE)Kingma and Welling (2013); Rezende et al. . The dataset contains all combinations of, different shapes (oval, heart and square) with, values for rotation. Description. The paper authors go into more such methods, but since theyre fairly orthogonal to the thrust of this post, Ill leave you to explore those yourself if you read the paper. That data is then compared to a real example (X) by the discriminator, and the generator learns to create fake images that the discriminator is more likely to classify as real. (2018); Bengio et al. The idea behind PixelRNN is: in a RNN you inherently aggregate information about past generated pixels into the hidden state, and can use that to generate your next pixel, starting at the top left and moving down and right. Kulkarni, T.D., Whitney, W., Kohli, P. andTenenbaum, J. Posterior sampling Representations of x can be the samples zq(z|x). It can be a little hard to wrap your head around what exactly the posterior means in this context. During this process, the BPD only has a marginal decrease 0.2, which suggests although global features are the key to the downstream classification, they contribute much less to the BPD comparing with the local features. We can find FPVAE significantly outperform other methods in both linear and nonlinear probes. As expected, this led to sharper, better-detailed, reconstructions, because the pixels were better able to coordinate with each other. Alternatively, one can stack h masked convolution kernels with size 33, followed by 11 convolution layers, which gives same dependency horizon h and is more flexible. Glass (2017), Y. Bengio, A. Courville, and P. Vincent (2013), Representation learning: a review and new perspectives, IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence. As the image above shows, in this regime, if the network encodes x2 with a wide distribution, then its quite possible that x-tilde will be sampled, which is actually likelier under x1 than it is under x2. Code Issues . When we increase the dependency horizon from 0 to 2, the autoregressive decoder has more flexibility to capture local features and the remaining information learned by the latent decreases, which is revealed by the decreasing mutual information and intrinsic dimensions, see Figure 4. (A lot of the intuition I reframed above comes from this paper, released by the authors of the original Beta VAE approach, which explicitly tries to provide explanations for why their method works). Structure. Instead of this, the InfoVAE paper proposes a different regularization term: incentivizing the aggregated z distribution to be close to p(x), rather than pushing each individual z to be close. However, since the ambient dimension of the representations is pre-fixed before training, the minimality can be reflected by the intrinsic dimension, of the representations. For example, imagine if we had a version of the white circles dataset, but in addition to the circle changing position, it also changed radius. representation-learning x. vae x. But, one thing we do know about it is that: Put into words, that means that the prior p(z) is a mixture of all of the conditional distributions, p(z|x), each weighted by how likely its attendant x value is. From the point of view of the reconstruction loss, the job of the z distribution is to pass forward information that will communicate, as unambiguously as possible, the features of the X that it was encoded from. Using this formulation, I can use the latent space of the -VAE models I trained for the first phase. If youve learned a z dimension that independently encodes a persons height, then you can modify that, keeping everything else the same. (2020); Zhang et al. So the network is liable to reconstruct x2 when it was meant to reconstruct x1. (2010); Gretton et al. Even if we imagined that we had a way to perfectly sample from the real data distribution, it seems like there would be obvious value in using z to communicate some amount of information about the X were trying to reconstruct (for example, that a scene was of a cat, rather than a tree). In the following discussion, there are a few important features of z to remember: For this to make sense as a useful constraint, lets think about what the z code has to do, and what its options are for doing it. IEEE workshop on content-based access of image and video libraries (Cat. The remaining KL term in Equation 7 will drive q(z|x) to be close to p(z), makes the learned representations uninformative. one solution is to use a decoder that is capable of learning local features and leaving the remaining global features to be captured by the latent. (2021b). For a distribution q(z|x) with large entropy H(q(z|x)), a large number of samples needs to be used to obtain a good approximation. With this implementation, it is possible to force manifold disentanglement for values greater than one. The lower bound of logp(xl,y) is an simple extension of the standard ELBO. We can find the conditional independent VAE well approximates the MNIST and achieves a decent BPD (1.24). of Loaf of Bread? But, its also true that the reconstruction loss youll incur from having the circle in a totally incorrect place is far higher than the reconstruction loss youd lose from just reconstructing the wrong size circle, since many pixels will overlap between the differently-sized circles. (2020). f Graphical model of the classification assumption, where, Figure a shows the pixels are conditionally independent given the latent, Comparisons between different representation methods on MNIST classification task. In that case, the network might still choose to not represent that third dimension, because its not adding enough explanatory power to be worth paying the cost of representation. However, the effects of using such a decoder to the representation learning remain under-explored, we thus give a detailed discussion below. In this case, the decrease of the BPD is mainly contributed by the PixelCNN decoder and the latent doesnt learn too much information about the data. dSprite dataset provided the desired features for the required experiments in One benefit of this fundamental similarity between the methods is that a lot of the intuitions we can get out of BetaVAE of how the latent space is shaped under an extreme version of the regularization constraint also help us better understand how typical VAEs work, and what kinds of representations we can expect them to create. In Section 5.1, we discuss the properties of different representation types and empirically study the practical affects to the down-stream tasks. This evaluation method is referred to as, Mutual Information The minimality can be measured by the mutual information between the data x and its representation z, which is formally defined as, is the data random variable and the true posterior. However, for downstream tasks like semantic classification, the representations learned by VAE are less competitive than other non-latent variable models. task. However, this behavior is exactly what the regularization term is pushing against: it would prefer means that are closer to one another, and standard deviations that are closer to 1. In InfoGAN (Chen etal., 2016), this noise vector was decomposed to two parts; (I) a noise vector z (II) a latent code c that aims to represent the salient semantic features of the data distribution. How can Boston Airbnb hosts earn more money from their properties? Conceptually, in such a model, information about the data distribution is stored in two places: the code z, and the weights of the network to transform z into the reconstructed X. Quantifying the disentanglement and understanding the number of required dimensions for encoding a feature could be a topic of interest for future research. This is essentially what I discussed in. task. Linear and nonlinear classification accuracy comparisons. Different from the unsupervised pre-training task, the representations are now learned jointly with the class labels. al answers this question comprehensively. Images in the first column of both figures are true data samples, which we denote as, Understanding intermediate layers using linear classifier probes, H. Bay, T. Tuytelaars, and L. Van Gool (2006), Y. Belinkov, N. Durrani, F. Dalvi, H. Sajjad, and J. the circle with high intensity, however the generation quality is far from the input frame. In this setting, I see that the scale is changing less than previous settings that can be a sign of higher disentanglement. 2021) is an extension of VAAL. In two dimensions, a Gaussian with each dimensions variance equal to one, and no covariance between dimensions just looks like a circle, centered at 0. nets, Fertig, E., Arbabi, A. andAlemi, A. The linear and nonlinear probe methods are the same as that used in. We can find LPVAE outperforms other VAE variants in most cases, especially when the label number is limited. Autoencoder (VAE); creating a disentangled encoding of these features in the A machine learning idea I find particularly compelling is that of embeddings, representations, encodings: all of these vector spaces that can seem nigh-on magical when you zoom in and see the ways that a web of concepts can be beautifully mapped into mathematical space. with pre-defined topolgically interpretable structure Propose a novel deep arcthitecture, 1) that learns "topologically interpretable discrete representations"in a probabilistic fashion 2) develop a "gradient-based version of SOM" 2. Learning the posterior distribution of continuous latent variables in probabilistic models is intractable. At the same time, reducing the local information while preserving the global information enhances the property of minimality of the representations, which is tested by the linear probe. Figure 3 shows the output for these latent code values. Table 1 shows the test classification accuracy for three kinds of representation. However, for a PixelCNN decoder with no BatchNormIoffe and Szegedy (2015), the latent collapse phenomenon doesnt happen during training Gulrajani et al. Kingma andWelling (2013)proposed a Variational Bayesian (VB) approach for approximating this distribution that can be learned using stochastic gradient descent. Using the example from above, a disentangled representation would represent someones height and clothing as separate dimensions of the z code. Unsupervised representation learning methods offer a way to leverage existing unlabeled datasets. I chose the settings to be all of the combinations of, means that only the samples with x-axis position label, will be considered in training. In other words, VAEs were developed for learning a latent manifold that its axes align with independent generative factors of the data. learn the VAE endowed with the Gaussian manifold, we first propose a pseudo Gaussian manifold normal distribution based on the Kullback-Leibler divergence, a local approximation of the squared Fisher-Rao distance, to define a arxiv manifold representation representation learning We can find that the results are very close to the LPVAE with h=2. This blog post will address BetaVAE, which solves for the first potential pitfall, and Part 2 will focus on InfoVAE, which responds to the second. q,(z,y|xu)=q(z|xu,y)qac(y|xu). For MNIST experiments, we split the training data into labeled and unlabeled dataset and varies the labeled data from 100 (10 per class) to 3000 (300 per class). Note that in the ID-GAN formulation, the regularization term is as follows: The architecture of the ID-GAN network is shown in Figure 1. A concept that is more formally known as disentanglement. Systems, Unsupervised Object Representation Learning using Translation and Classic VAE assumes a conditional independent decoder, whereas other decoder variants, e.g. This framework allows us to learn discrete representations of time series, which give rise to smooth and interpretable embeddings with superior clustering performance. Table 2 shows the test BPD444Bits-per-dimension (BPD) represents the negative log2 likelihood normalized by the data dimension. Your home for data science. For VAE models, both log-likelihood function are replaced by their lower bounds for training. Therefore, when the depth of the layers increases, the dependency horizon also scales up towards a fully autoregressive model. In this paper I explored the disentanglement and generation performance of, -VAEs. (2018), The infected Internet of Things (IoT) devices are used to launch unsupported malicious activities on target entities to . We address the issue of learning informative latent representations of data. Rotation Group Equivariant VAE, Dual Contradistinctive Generative Autoencoder, Progressive VAE Training on Highly Sparse and Imbalanced Data, Interpretable Disentangled Parametrization of Measured BRDF with q(z|x) must be equivalent to p(z): the same uninformative unit Gaussian, regardless of the value of the input x. Brown, B. Mann, N. Ryder, M. Subbiah, J. Kaplan, P. Dhariwal, A. Neelakantan, P. Shyam, G. Sastry, A. Askell, M. Caron, P. Bojanowski, J. Mairal, and A. Joulin (2019), Unsupervised pre-training of image features on non-curated data, Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision, T. Chen, S. Kornblith, M. Norouzi, and G. Hinton (2020), A simple framework for contrastive learning of visual representations, International conference on machine learning, Virtex: learning visual representations from textual annotations, J. Devlin, M. Chang, K. Lee, and K. Toutanova (2018), Bert: pre-training of deep bidirectional transformers for language understanding, J. Donahue, P. Krhenbhl, and T. Darrell (2016), Y. Dubois, D. Kiela, D. J. Schwab, and R. Vedantam (2020), Learning optimal representations with the decodable information bottleneck, Invariant-equivariant representation learning for multi-class data, A. N. Gorban, A. Golubkov, B. Grechuk, E. M. Mirkes, and I. Y. Tyukin (2018), Correction of ai systems by linear discriminants: probabilistic foundations, A. N. Gorban, V. A. Makarov, and I. Y. Tyukin (2020), High-dimensional brain in a high-dimensional world: blessing of dimensionality, A. Gretton, K. M. Borgwardt, M. J. Rasch, B. Schlkopf, and A. Smola (2012), I. Gulrajani, K. Kumar, F. Ahmed, A. This scheme is computationally efficient since it doesnt need Monte-Carlo integration and the dimensional of the representation is equal to the latent dimension Dim(Z). We propose to use the local autoregressive model (Zhang et al., 2021b, 2022) as the decoder, the model can be written as, where xlocalij=x[ih:i1,jh:j+h],x[i,jh:j1] and h denotes the dependency horizon of xij. After all, a lot of hope and weight is resting on models like these to help lead the charger of generative representation learning, and so its important to remember: they wont pick up the kinds of features we hope they will, theyll only pick up the kinds of features we incentivize them to find. An Identiable Double VAE For Disentangled Representations Graziano Mita1 2 Maurizio Filippone 1Pietro Michiardi Abstract A large part of the literature on learning disen-tangled representations focuses on variational au-toencoders (VAEs). what is strategic analysis Matrculas. I used this threshold parameter since I wanted to exclude some of the positions from training, and see if the learned latent space can be generalized to produce a sample in an unseen position during training. As a motivating example of what more and less entangled codes look like, take a look at the picture below. Sometimes, when reading technical papers, you see a statement being made in paper after paper offhandedly, without explanation, as if its too obvious to be worth explaining. Also interestingly, in the last factor, you see a strong discontinuity between the 7th and the 8th images, where the ball suddenly jumps far down to the right. However, VAEs in particular arent solely or even primarily used as generative models; their main utility is as representation learners. Empirically, the authors found that this modification led to autoregressive VAEs making more use of the latent code, without a meaningful drop in reconstruction accuracy. The numbers of non-zero eigenvalues indicate the intrinsic dimensions of the representations. We refer to the VAE with a local PixelCNN decoder as the Local PixelVAE (LPVAE). The whole notional structure of a VAE is as an autoencoder: it learns by calculating the pixel distance between a reconstructed and actual output. [17] [18] We show that by using a decoder that prefers to learn We also report the evaluations of a FPVAE in Table 2. One example of using this approach for noise identification and removal is presented in (Wan etal., 2020). Note that in the ID-GAN formulation, the regularization term is as follows: The architecture of the ID-GAN network is shown in Figure, -VAE model is trained. Wan, Z., Zhang, B., Chen, D., Zhang, P., Chen, D., Liao, J. andWen, representation learning by information maximizing generative adversarial Since KL divergence is lowest when the two distributions are equivalent, this term is pushing towards z values that are more concentrated in the space of the prior multivariate Gaussian. If you use an aggregate z prior enforcing approach, like the ones outlined in InfoVAE, could that free us from using Gaussians for our latent codes in way that adds representational power? Unsupervised representation learning methods offer a way to leverage existing unlabeled datasets. Could we also usefully employ adversarial loss on the reconstruction part of the network (that is: have a discriminator try to tell apart input and reconstruction), to get away from the over-focus on exact detail reconstruction that comes with pixel-wise loss. However, we now come back to the criterion we outlined earlier with GANs: the need to be able to sample from the model after weve trained it. For SVHN experiments, we use a VAE with the encoder has the architecture of four convolutional layers, each with kernel size 5 stride 2 and padding 2, and two fully connected layers as well as using batch normalization and leaky ReLU for activations. 2022 Deep AI, Inc. | San Francisco Bay Area | All rights reserved. This approach combines the strengths of the two modules; disentanglement representations form VAEs and high-fidelity synthesis of GANs. . Ozair, S., Courville, A. andBengio, Y. The theory is: since z is a lower dimensional vector, the network is forced to learn a compressed and informative representation of the input image. Similar to the first setting, it seems still a combination of latent dimensions can change the properties of generated output rather than one dimension. It was going to be all one piece, but mid-drafting I realized it was leaning in the direction of 6000 words, and decided post-division was the wisest choice. Despite the promise of this technique, in practice, there are two main difficulties that researchers trying to use VAEs as representation learners have faced: entangled codes, and ignored codes. To improve the generation quality of this model, I chose four settings from Figure 2 and used the latent code of their model as input c for Step2 of training the ID-GAN. Looking at the first column of this figure, it seems the first latent dimension is controlling the vertical position of the shape (this dimension is changing only vertically). That means I used all the combinations of nine numbers for different dimensions (the combinations are generated using three nested for loop). Vaes and high-fidelity synthesis of GANs enough to model the data embedding representation achieves the best performance among the methods Kk where k=2h+1 and other subsequent layers has 11 kernels 100 to 3000 for et! Is in all of the z code is referred to as the number of the. 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