sierra pacific synod assembly 2022
Communications and Mission Interpretation, report to the church regarding the Sierra Pacific Synod, SEPA Anti-Racism Teams next educational event for Rostered Ministers. Alejandra Molina. I write to you today to share recent communications regarding the Sierra Pacific Synod. If we do not, we cannot expect our siblings of color, lay and clergy, and their allies to feel comfortable as part of the ELCA. I write to you today to share recent communications regarding the Sierra Pacific Synod. We continue to work toward the day when our ELCA is a church that will not tolerate racism in any way. However, I do have the responsibility to acknowledge a communitys pain. Read about these three individuals here! Yesterday a complicated and cluttered motion was put forward to remove the bishop. Because of this, those of us on the outside find it difficult to respond. Silence all too often benefits those in power. I am aware that there has been much communication about this matter within many social media networks, but I am cognizant of the fact that not all participate in or follow social media and it is possible that not all receive ELCA news releases. Release of the Listening Team Report (June 1) We must also value transparency, accountability of pastors, bishops, and institutions, and open conversation. Megan Rohrer (born 1980) is an American Lutheran minister and activist. ELCA Presiding Bishop Releases Report Examining Removal of Latino Pastor by Bishop Rohrer. Up to this point, I have not spoken publicly about another bishop or synod and have not made any other public statements regarding this matter in the Sierra Pacific Synod with the exception of responding directly to questions at synod events. Dear friends in Christ: This past weekend Bishop Eaton attended the Sierra Pacific Synod Assembly with ELCA Vice President Carlos Pea. How This Impacts Our Synod. ), Over the weekend, the three members of the Listening Team took the unusual step of issuingtheir own public statement, lamenting that the presiding bishops report totally disregard the heart and intent of our report. 2022 Synod Assembly BOLD FAITH, BOLD WITNESS. Pastor Rabell-Gonzlez denies the allegations,saying he tried to blow the whistleon secrets related to the relationship between the ELCA and the Hispanic community. He recommended The Conference of Bishops do anti-racism training, together, and so we are, starting this month. Click here to learn more! Dear Members of the New England Synod. Advertisement - story continues below "The constant misinformation, bullying and harassment has taken too hard a toll in the Synod . The deadline for the discounted rate of $149 per night for those attending the Assembly has now passed and the room block is full. Registration will be $200 for Voting Members and $50 for Visitors. Subscribeto receive regular MinistryLink updates by email. This process will take time, and Bishop Eaton will provide updates as appropriate. A prayer from Rev. It is also important that here in the Southeastern Iowa synod we take seriously our own anti-racism efforts within synod structures, leadership, and our ongoing mission for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If we say we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves. Click here for more information on how to volunteer at Synod Assembly. Nearly 200 congregations in central and northern California and northern Nevada, the Sierra Pacific Synod is one of sixty-five synods of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Is the ELCA a racist institution? According to the official website of Sierra Pacific Synod, from March 1 through May 1, 2022, one can register for the Synod Assembly. Among its recommendations, the team said the Sierra Pacific Synod should find a way to provide a home for the congregation's ministry and added that the Sierra Pacific Synod Assembly. Dear Friends in Christ: . Lord God, we feel vexed, misunderstood, broken, marginalized, and we mourn alongside your loved ones in the Sierra Pacific Synod. That resolution received 56 percent of votes cast, but did not reach the two-thirds requirement to be adopted. I understand there were multiple allegations. Bishop Megan Rohrer declined to resign as bishop of the synod. Reporting to the Bishop, the Director of Finance will oversee the incoming and outgoing finances of the Sierra Pacific Synod, including supervising financial staff related to, accounting, and finance best practices, nonprofit . It is important to keep in mind that, barring disciplinary action, the Sierra Pacific Synod assembly is the only body that can terminate their call. An Update on the Sierra Pacific Synod: June 6, 2022. Our synod is growing at the same time that many churches have been entering crises- this is a time when any actions of the church need to be uniform and strong, not divided and dividing. But, Eaton said, she has asked Rohrer to respond after attending the Sierra Pacific Synod assembly next week, listening to constituents and prayerfully . The way in which the ELCA is structured as presiding bishop, I do not have the authority to interfere in the actions of synod councils and bishops. Nelson Rabell-Gonzalez and the community formerly known as Misin Latina Luterana, and for the entire ELCA as together we work to expunge racism from our systems and procedures. The response from members of the association was not favorable. There was tremendous anger and grief as one can imagine. We cannot keep secrets. Bishop Bill Gohl, of the Delaware-Maryland Synod, has helpfully gathered these in his message, while also posting thoughtfully on the reality of our situation in this church. Any gospel that does not speak to the issue of enslavement and injustice and inequality any gospel that does not want to go where people are hungry and poverty strickenand set them free in the name of Jesus Christ is not the gospel.. June 8, 2022 Update: An update from the Sierra Pacific Synod Vice President. At the election, it was announced that allegations of misconduct were underway for one of the bishop candidates, Pastor Nelson Rabell-Gonzlez. November 18-20, 2022. at Mt. The news of Bishop Eatons request was published in the Washington Post. Silence can be golden, but it also can create a culture of secrecy. Full proof of vaccination means you have received your two Pfizer/Moderna vaccines or one Johnson & Johnson vaccine, as well as any eligible boosters. This week the Sierra Pacific Synod will hold its assembly. Presiding Bishop Eaton posted this on January 6: On the Feast of the Virgin of Guadalupe this year,Misin Latina Luteranawas informed that its pastors call had been ended. Our Keynote Musician, Rachel Kurtz, will perform a concert for the community on Wednesday, June 1st at 7:00pm at a local congregation in Reno, NV. You must reserve your room by May 12, 2022. I have asked Bishop Rohrer to attend their assembly, speak and listen to their constituents, and give this the prayerful consideration it deserves after which I will expect their response. The next step will be listening to leaders of color, and then considering a curriculum for congregations reaching into new, diverse communities. Interested in leading a worship at Synod Assembly? Sierra Pacific Synod: Bishops Report to the Church (May 27), Subscribe to the Southeastern Iowa Synod eNews The Annual Assembly of the Montana Synod of the ELCA will be held June 3-4, 2022 at the Billings Hotel and Convention Center in Billings, Montana This year, the assembly will deal with business issues as well as engage in theological reflection under the theme . Learn more about Rachel and her music here. I am sorry. After further consultation with the Listening Team, I have decided that releasing the report is a necessary step so that we can move forward and focus . February 17, 2022 Update: The Sierra Pacific Synod has issued this statement. We must not be silent in cases of injustice against individuals or institutions. I invite you to pray for our siblings who are of Latin descent in our church, for our siblings who are black, indigenous, and people of color, for our siblings who are 2SLGBTQIA+, for the Sierra Pacific Synod, Bishop Rohrer, Presiding Bishop Eaton, our churchwide colleagues, and for all of us, siblings in Christ, in our whole church body as we experience hurt, brokenness, racism, and reckon with structures, processes, and leadership that contribute to racism in our church. To learn more about their tribal history, we encourage you to click. Its always precarious to comment on situations in sibling synods because we wont have all the internal information, especially in personnel matters. Join us via Zoom for Budget Hearings, Resolutions Hearings, Trainings for using Guidebook, Trainings for Roberts Rules of Order, and much more. At the election, it was announced that allegations of misconduct were underway . With Sighs too Deep For Words, a letter from Bishop Aebischer. A second June 6, 2022 Update: I just received notice that Bishop Rohrer has resigned. The Sierra Pacific Synod has about 200 congregations in California and Nevada. The Presiding Bishop shared with us that she is initiating the discipline process immediately, including suspension of Bishop Rohrer, based on additional information that has come to light. . Dear Friends and Colleagues in the South Carolina Synod, Many of you are aware that our church is experiencing significant conflict that arose and went public on social media following events in the Sierra Pacific Synod, and have resonated throughout the whole ELCA. Nearly five hundred people in the Diocese of Victoria participated in Synod 2021-2023 through 88 Listening Circles and 22 written submissions. In the Gulf Coast Synod Leaders, our Anti-racism Team led by Cynae Punch Brown has made slow progress. It has not been our practice to do disclosures on a Sunday morning. Theologian in Residence Pam Rocker will lead an LGBTQ+ Pre-Event on Thursday, June 2nd from 9:00am-12:00pm prior to the Assembly formally opening. Beloved, I share the Listening Teams concerns about the neutral language in the report that underplays the seriousness of the racism faced every day by the Latin, Black, Indigenous, and other persons of color among our ELCA pastors and deacons and members. Full proof of vaccination means you have received your two Pfizer/Moderna vaccines or one Johnson & Johnson vaccine, as well as any eligible boosters. This letter is intended to serve as a follow-up to my letter of Friday, June 4, 2022. The Minute was introduced by Synod General Secretary Rev Dr Mark Lawrence and Assembly President Rev Sharon Hollis, both are long-term colleagues of Jenny. Gathering under the theme "Embody the Word," the assembly worshiped together in services of eucharist and lament, experienced a liturgy rooted in Indigenous traditions, and heard a public apology in a nonlegislative session to Iglesia Luterana Santa Mara Peregrina for harm experienced . Let us speak the truth in love and humility. Bishop Eaton appointed a Listening Team to hear the concerns of those involved in this and the subsequent removal of Pastor Nelson Rabell-Gonzlez from the ELCA roster by not granting him on-leave-from-call status after the congregation he served was closed. This week the Sierra Pacific Synod will hold its Synod Assembly. On Thursday, June 2nd during the Assembly we'll host an evening fundraiser for Sierra Pacific Outdoors! Meanwhile, in spite of the Presiding Bishops recommendation that Bishop Rohrer step down, the Sierra Pacific Synod issued this statement: Upon receiving the Bishops Report to the Church from Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton on 5/27/22, the Synod Council of the Sierra Pacific Synod supports Bishop Megan Rohrer. Release of the Listening Team Report. Business Session 4Sierra Pacific Synod Assembly 2022June 3, 2022, 1:15 PM Eaton's request came after the Sierra Pacific Synod's annual Assembly which includes both clergy and lay members representing nearly 200 congregations in northern and central California, and northern Nevada voted by 57% to remove Rhorer as bishop. June 4, 2022 Update: The Sierra Pacific Synod is in Assembly. The Bishop said she would make a decision by the end of May. The Sierra Pacific Synod is a Sanctuary Synod and a Reconciling in Christ Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. I invite you to join in the efforts of our synods anti-racism network and in the anti-racism work in your local congregations and community. Descriptions: On Thursday, June 2nd during the Assembly we'll host an evening fundraiser for Sierra Pacific Outdoors! A subsequent letter from the Sierra Pacific Synod vice-president indicates that Bishop Rohrer resigned, effective June 4, 2022 . It takes ten bishops to sign the petition. I ask you to join me in continued prayer for Bishops Eaton and Rohrer, for the ELCA, the Sierra Pacific Synod, and all those so deeply affected by this situation, as this process continues to unfold. On May 7, instead of giving his speech to share his vision of leadership for the synod, he was. Subscribe to the ELCA News List (fill out the form on the right-hand side), Bishop Current and the Southeastern Iowa Synod give thanks for Tim Krumms 10 years of, Dear Southeastern Iowa Synod, The 2022 Churchwide Assembly will convene in Columbus, Ohio on, Dear ones in the Southeastern Iowa Synod, Tonight, June 2, there was a fatal shooting, Dear ones of the Southeastern Iowa Synod, The shooting on Tuesday, May 24 at Robb, Thank you for your faithful stewardship and witness to Gods abundance. In herreport released Friday, May 27, Bishop Eaton said that while she did not see the need for formal disciplinary charges, there remain enough serious concerns that influence Bishop Rohrers ability to remain impactful in their role that I have asked Bishop Rohrer for their resignation, which I believe to be in the best interest of all parties involved. (Read the full report here. We remain committed to praying for this church. "The Bishop continually reminded the staff that they the bishop should make all the decisions and did not need consultation," the report read. It has to do with the racial insensitivity and timing in the disclosure December 12, and the subsequent actions and inactions. Rather than interpret these, Ill let them speak. I want to share with you a brief summary from the Conference of Bishops meeting last (Sunday) night: The Conference of Bishops met Sunday evening; Bishop Megan Rohrer chose not to attend. 5/27/2022 12:15:00 PM Sierra Pacific Synod Bishop's Report to the Church . An update from the Sierra Pacific Synod Vice President. In a statement in February, the Synod Council said it. We are part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, with 4 million members. More information coming soon. There is no way forward for a bishop to lead when more than half the assembly are calling for removal. Voting Representatives chosen will be notified by April 1, 2022. The Sierra Pacific Synod Youth Committee (SPSYC) invites elementary and middle school aged youth to attend the Retreat this November! Pastor Megan Bishop Rohrer was elected Bishop of the Sierra Pacific Synod, the first openly transgender bishop in the ELCA. The 2022 ELCA Churchwide Assembly met Aug. 8-12 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio. Then the Listening Panel also made a statement, sharing their frustration that their recommendations were not followed or published. Any pastor with a no-confidence vote of 50%+ knows there is no way forward, whether a congregation or synod. I want you to know that I support their final recommendation: Based on the facts and testimonials in this report, we recommend that the Presiding Bishop bring disciplinary charges against Bishop Rohrer under Chapter 20 (20.22.01.b; 20.22.02.c) with the full knowledge that such action could result in removal from the Office of Bishop and the removal from the ministry of Word and Sacrament of this church.. I am grateful for the bishops decision to increase transparency around this troubling situation and to allow the voices of the Community (formerly known as Misin Latina Luterana) to be heard through the Teams work and words. ELCA Bishops are meeting Sunday. In 2022 the Conference of Bishops will begin cultural competency training. I am told information will soon be available. I am sorry. I invite you to read the resolution passed at the recent synod assembly Reaffirmation of Anti-Racism Efforts. And theSynod Anti-Racism Network Facebook group. Bishop Eaton is in attendance st the Sierra Pacific Synod Assembly and Vice President Carlos Pea (member at First Galveston) is doing an admirable job as churchwide representative. December 12 is a huge day in Mexican-American Christianity, a day that the Virgin appeared to Juan Diego as a mestiza, a member of a new race created from the intermarriage of Spaniards, native Americans, Africans and others. A number of you have asked me about the situation going on in the Sierra Pacific Synod. May 18, 2004. We have a responsibility as a church to pastors, victims of misconduct, and the institutions that adjudicate. This is a unique situation. In the first in-person assembly since 2019, more than 264 voting members and visitors were in attendance. At the Synod Assembly last Thursday to Saturday, aresolutionwas presented that asked Bishop Rohrer to resign. The vote is announced around 4:41 into the video. Lori Keyser-Boswell. Megan Rohrer (they/their), San Francisco, Calif., was elected May 8 to serve a six-year term as bishop of the Sierra Pacific Synod of the ELCA. That vote, however, was shy of the necessary two-thirds majority needed. What can we do about it? This educational event is for communities who are beginning to have conversations around being an openly, affirming, and welcoming place of worship. icult, but necessary, conversations, elections, resolutions and other Assembly business occurred. Holding a bishop accountable is the right thing to do. I should have spoken sooner. Wiedemann Center The Fall Conference Gatherings continue! The AWCB combined all the responses from Western and . From my perspective, this is no dependent on whether Pastor Rabel is innocent or guilty of the harassment charges (over a dozen) brought against him. Click here to Register! The assembly, the chief legislative authority of the church, met Aug. 8-12 at the Greater Columbus Convention . The Virgins appearance to Juan Diego was a clear message from God that the community was seen, known, and imbued with the dignity of being made in the image of God. We welcome you to experience this church right in your community. It is usually very painful. In today's complex world, we strive to make a difference in practical, realistic ways. On Sunday, December 12, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Bishop Rohrer was present for worship atMisin Latina Luteranain Stockton, a mission of the Sierra Pacific Synod. The Presiding Bishops Report stated that she chose not to pursue discipline, but called for Bishop Rohrers resignation. For the education session,, 2635 Northgate Dr December 16, Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries(ELM) suspended Bishop Rohrers membership. God is continuing to make a way for new life even, and especially, as we are hurting and broken. There are many rumors about what happened at the synod assembly of the Sierra Pacific Synod. No institution, including the ELCA, can erase the image of God imprinted on each and all of us. Iowa City, IA 52245 Hearing impaired systems and Interpreters for the following languages will be provided upon request during the Business Sessions of Synod Assembly: Curious what workshops will be offered during Synod Assembly? This process will take time. That vote, however, was shy of the necessary two-thirds majority needed. You can purchase a ticket for the Banquet through our general registration form above. We invite you to register for this as an added Special Event in your general Assembly registration above. Friday, June 3, 2022 Dear siblings in Christ, I write to you today, on the eve of our Metropolitan Chicago Synod Assembly, with a troubled spirit. June 3, 2022. That vote fell short of the required 2/3 by 33 votes. A majority of speakers (including the first eleven) spoke strongly for the bishop to step down. May 18, 2004 #6. Tickets will be $60 and include food for the evening Tickets will be $60 and include food for the evening. We do not want it to be supposed that our work is aligned with or supports the proposed actions. (Read the full statement here. Click here for more information on how to volunteer at Synod Assembly. In accordance with S7.81. In order to attend synod assembly as a voting member in-person, all individuals will need to provide proof of full COVID-19 vaccination. In time the Synod Council made its determination and chose to terminate Pastor Rabell-Gonzlez call. Synod Assembly Voting Members, Guests and Members of the Community are invited to join a Day of Service in Reno and Sparks, NV on June 1st. Amen (ELW p. 75), ELCA Listening Team Report (June 1) Like you, I have been watching it and trying to understand. Response from the Latino Ministries Association and Partner Organizations (May 28) It is hard to imagine the pressure this creates for Bishop Rohrer, who has had to fend off everything from subtle microaggressions to blatant bigotry. Click here to find information on the Proposed Budget, Elections, Nominations, Resolutions, Memorials and more. March 24, 2022 Listening Panel Update: Assembly sessions 1 and 2 can be viewed HERE. Since Iwrote to you last weekthere have been developments in the ongoing events in the Sierra Pacific Synod. This and many subsequent statements can be read here. Forty names were nominated from throughout the Nebraska Synod during the February 5 Cluster meeting. (ELM) suspended Bishop Rohrers membership, Bishop Bill Gohl, of the Delaware-Maryland Synod, has helpfully gathered these in his message, Bishop Patricia Davenport has written insightfully on the challenge, A New English Translation of the Bach St. Matthew Passion, Martin Luther Lutheran Church and Carmine and Waldeck Lutheran Church in Ledbetter,Texas, Texas Lutheran Universitys new Houston nursingcampus, Lutheran Church of the Redeemer inHouston. Those who are interested to join can now register via the link on the same website. Even during a Synod Assembly with unprecedented adjustments and diff. Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod, ELCA According to Michael Wilker, this was for an existing pattern of behavior from Bishop Rohrer that misaligns with ELMs Mission, Vision, and Values, specifically as it pertains to being an anti-racist organization. He said was not a response to the situation in Stockton alone. June 3, 2022. 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