notre dame science, technology, and values

Iran agrees to cease uranium enrichment beyond the 5% level necessary for energy production and not to expand or enhance its uranium enrichment capabilities, for the duration of the interim agreement. This apocalypse fallacy, the invocation of possible catastrophic consequences that overwhelm the cost-benefit calculation, is an all-too-common trope in policy debates. Obvious institutional and professional pressures rightly enforce a boundary between science and advocacy in the scientists day-to-day work. No, it is the norm at all of the better institutions. That is most definitely not my view, for I believe that bad actors have to be dealt with firmly by all legal means. . Death and destruction wrought by earthquakes, hurricanes, and diseaseare classic examples. All plausible scenarios still leave us dependent upon fossil fuels for decades to come. But the nations of the world have yet to evince either the political will or the technical capability to shift us to a totally green energy economy in the near future. University administrations are inflexible. Well, if thats so, then please explain how its possible that, ever since the birth of the modern university, all of the wonderful experiments in boundary busting adduced in this short essay (and many more besides) could have occurred. Watkins, Kevin 2012. And, at present, Iran has agreed to no degradation of this potential plutonium production capability. Punch someone in anger and you are likely to cause pain and injury both to your victim and yourself. We will save over one million lives per year. That objection, however, misses the point that should be the focus of debate. We must do this, and we must do it now, for moral reasons. Those willing to do the hard work of mastering techniques and knowledge bases should be and are welcome, as when my Doktorvater, Abner Shimony,added to his Yale philosophy Ph.D. a Princeton physics Ph.D. under the direction of Eugene Wigner and went on to create the exciting and hugely important field of experimental tests of Bells theorem, straddling the division between experimental physics and philosophy. And I have directed, at Notre Dame, both the History and Philosophy of Science Graduate Program and the Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values, the name of which bespeaks the interdisciplinary ambitions with which it was built thirty years ago and which it has achieved, many times over. But many of the pipelines opponents object to its construction not only because of such local concerns. Thus, were it to emerge that the US had a hand in these events, even if only by way of logistical or intelligence support, then any US cyberwarfare specialist would become a legitimate target, as would be any US nuclear weapons technical personnel. Notre Dame and a Fellow But do we choose to exercise this power? But the interim agreement places no obstacles in the way of research and development on these other aspects of nuclear weapons design. Consider first the blind. Think now mainly of the United States. But the celebration of seeming progress on the diplomatic front must be tempered by a clear understanding of the technical issues that are not addressed in the interim agreement, issues that must be the focus of any, longer term, follow-on agreement. It simply wont do to stamp our feet and just say no. The technology will move forward at best only a little slowed down by fretting and harangue from the humanists. That was a very smart move. Self is what lies within; other is without. 5(5): . It is named for the father of an alumnus whose gift launched and supports the Reilly Dual Degree Program in Arts and Letters and Engineering. Today, one is happy to report, everyone is eager to get on the science and values bandwagon. My concern is that these targeted assassinations, while currently illegal, may become accepted practice. Some changes are obvious, as with the accelerating transformation of material culture effected by science, and changes in our understanding of self, the worlds our selves inhabit, their relation to one another, and the relation of both to nature and spirit. No it was this: July 6, 2013 in Lac-Mgantic, Quebec. But when we turn to the exceptional and the unusual, there is little or no data to guide us, precisely because the events in question are so rare. The technical infrastructure for creating the Borg Collective has arrived. Nearly 5,000 metric tons of oil were spilled, at least forty-two people were killed, and thirty buildings were destroyed. On December 30, 2013, an oil train collided with another train outside of Casselton, North Dakota, spilling more than 400,000 gallons of oil. And some of the tar sands producers, especially those smaller firms extracting harder-to-produce oil, are already in trouble. It is, thus, hard to imagine economic circumstances that would lead to a halt or a significant decline in production from the sources served by the Keystone pipeline. And we ended with a vision of such wired persons becoming thereby members of highly interconnected social networks in which the bandwidth available for those interconnections is such as perhaps to make obsolete the notion of the atomic individual., (Originally written for presentationas part of a panel discussion on Machine/Human Interface at the 2013 Fall conference, Fearfully and Wonderfully Made: The Body and Human Identity, Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture, 8 November 2013.). In 1986 the center launched an undergraduate minor in Science, Technology, and Values with the aid of a three-year start-up grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. This year's list was created by Notre Dame undergraduate students participating in a course titled "Man and Machine: . Jungk, Robert (1958). New theoretical ideas emerge, thus, from attentive history that is more than mere antiquarianism and rational reconstruction. He also established two other endowments in true representation of his broad range of interests: John D. Reilly Endowment for Excellence in support of the Reilly Collection of Old Master Drawings and James J. Reilly Endowment for Excellence in Engineering. This is interesting because we tend to think of mood and state of mind as being much more intimately related to personhood than the accident of the foodstuffs passing through our bodies. Through our research initiatives, we encourage scholars to advance our understanding of the social impacts of science, technology, and their applications, to enlighten policy-making and foster sound governance. And, yes, there is also the threat of terrorist attacks, a really worrisome prospect in city centers. So when the pundits tell you not to invest in new nuclear power generation technologies as the surest and quickest route to a green energy economy because there is a chance of a super-Fukushima nightmare, ignore them. (Federman 2014.). The course of action that maximizes benefit and minimizes harm is recommended. We have lots of data on accident rates with passenger vehicles. Bn c th tm thy nhiu thng tin hn v John J. Reilly Center for Science, Technology and Values trn trang web . Approximately 1.24 million people die every year, world-wide, from automobile accidents, with somewhere between 20 million and 50 million people suffering non-fatal injuries (WHO 2013a). The impact will be differential. Joseph Carrier, C.S.C., Science Medal; Nobel laureate Donna Strickland first recipient I happen to think that restoring our failing cities is a moral imperative, because more than just a flourishing business economy is implicated, like adequate funding for public schools, but about that we might disagree. Texting and driving. My tenure is in philosophy, but I am a Fellow of the American Physical Society, where I have held and hold important leadership responsibilities. At the time, the view among the signatories to the Franck Report stood in stark contrast to J. Robert Oppenheimers definition of the scientists responsibility being only to provide technical answers to technical questions. The World Health Organization estimates that there are 39 million blind people around the world (WHO 2013b). Nor is this a uniquely Notre Dame phenomenon, some special fruit of our being a Catholic institution. Dont Insult the Intelligence of Your Audience. The human is a synthetic machine, all the way down to the sub-cellular level. --Elizabeth Olmanson, Class of 2021, "As a biology major interested in pursuing a career in scientific research, the STV minor has provided me with an opportunity to gain a greater understanding of the effects science has on society outside of the lab. Undergraduate training in STV provides a strong foundation for graduate studies in medicine, business and law as well as a variety of STEM fields. If that is Irans aim, then the interim agreement achieves much less by way of delaying progress to the goal. Should the remote possibility of creating a mini-black hole that would swallow the earth have stopped the search for the Higgs boson at CERN? And if we include the welfare of too many generations, then our own, contemporary concerns disappear in the calculation. Overland shipment is possible only by pipeline or rail. And it teaches us that nimble and flexible administrative structures are needed in order to make it possible for the problems to play the leading role. This essay is dedicated to two extraordinary individuals whose leadership made possible the growth of institutions fostering interdisciplinarity, institutions crucial to my career: Frederick B. Dutton (1906-1995), chemist, science educator, and founding dean of Lyman Briggs College at Michigan State University, 1967. This is because the single largest cause of death and injury from automobile accidents is driver impairment, whether through drunkenness, stupidity, sleep deprivation, road rage, inattention, or poor driver training. If, therefore, you are an environmentalist who also cares about human well being, you will support the Keystone pipeline. The question is: How does one measure pain and pleasure? Is a full belly more pleasurable than warmth on a cold winters night? Enbridge. ( There are perfectly reasonable questions about environmental risk in some especially environmentally sensitive areas through which the phase IV pipeline would pass, such as the Sand Hills region of Nebraska, and about impacts on some Native American and First Nations lands. Should adding Bluetooth make a big difference? Of course pipelines also fail, and when they do, the consequences can be quite serious. For one thing, we now understand that there are vastly more microbial genes contained within and upon our bodies than somatic genes. Engineering problems are just as hard as philosophical ones. But the mind quickly runs to far more exotic scenarios. And I dont want our children to grow up in the kind of world that would result. Moreover, Iran has been making gains in its guidance technology. Some disciplines bifurcate or trifurcate. We may argue about how good a job the sociologists have done since the advent of the strong programme (strong = context shapes the content of science, not just its aims and institutions) some thirty plus years ago. The University of Notre Dame's John J. Reilly Center for Science, Technology and Values has just released its annual list of emerging ethical dilemmas and policy issues in science and technology for 2014. (The Reilly Center welcomes lively discussion on its Facebook page, but monitors posts to maintain community standards. Through our outreach activities, we engage the public on the place of science and technology in our culture and in our world. Frederick B. Dutton (1906-1995), chemist, science educator, and founding dean of Lyman Briggs College at Michigan State University, 1967. And that exodus was driven, if you will, by the rapid rise in private automobile ownership, which made possible ones working and living in widely separated locations. Most would say that the unborn get some kind of vote. But apart from modest progress on the formal side and a few helpful insights in the foundations of some individual sciences, philosophys record from the early twentieth century has been, until late, rather spotty. It is that some are convinced that Bakken crude is an uncommonly volatile mix of oil and lighter, hence more explosive and combustible components like butane and propane. Author: Ryan Palczynski The John J. Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values at the University of Notre Dame has released its sixth annual list of emerging ethical dilemmas and policy issues in science and technology. Most relevant to the foregoing discussion, however, is new evidence that our regularly exchanging microbes when we sneeze, shake hands, and share work surfaces does much more than communicate disease. The place where science, technology, and society meet. The question is not whether we should do that. (Dawson and Gold 2014.). What generates all the excitement and controversy today is only the completion of phase IV of the pipeline, which would functionally replace the segment of the phase I line from Hardesty, Alberta to Steele City, Nebraska, and make possible also the addition to the pipeline of US-produced crude at a station in Baker, Montana, in the Bakken formation. A joint MIT, Harvard, and Boston Childrens Hospital research team led by Robert Langer, Charles Lieber, and Daniel Kohane developed a technique for growing synthetic biological tissue on a substrate containing biocompatible, nanoscale wires, the wiring eventually becoming a permanent part of the fully-grown tissue (Tian et al. Department or Unit: John J. Reilly Center for Science, Technology and Values remove Clear all Sort by relevance Sort by newest date created Sort by oldest date created Sort by newest upload Sort by oldest upload Sort by newest modification Sort by oldest modification 10 per page 20 per page 50 per page 100 per page Update Is chronic pain worse than fear of torture? The main reason, to be elaborated in a moment, is that the metaphor of the interface entails assumptions about the technology of biomechanical and bioelectric engineering that are already surprisingly obsolete. Proceed with caution is good advice with almost all technical innovations. The key point, however, was the link between distinctive expertise and the obligation to act. Of course not, in both cases. University of Notre Dame 24 Search criteria: Department or Unit: John J. Reilly Center for Science, Technology and Values remove Work remove Type of Work: Doctoral Dissertation OR Master's Thesis OR Presentation OR Article remove If Irans aim had been to produce nuclear weapons as soon as possible, then the interim agreement at least slows down progress toward that goal. That being so, the silence on the part of other governments and the lack of protest from NGOs, professional associations, and other stakeholders means that we are allowing a precedent to be set that could have the effect of legitimating such assassinations as part of customary law. Im left wondering how my experience can have been so different from that of the complainers. That being so, demand for fossil fuels, especially oil and natural gas, will remain strong for the foreseeable future. The Science, Technology, and Values program offers students the opportunity to acquire an interdisciplinary understanding of science and technology in modern societies, providing them with analytical and conceptual tools they need to confront the complex questions that arise at the intersection of science and society. October 17, 2014. Safe and Sustainable Roads: An Agenda for Rio+20. But it is instructive to examine some of the recent pipeline spills, such as the mentioned accidents in Alberta and Michigan. By those metrics, this meeting is among the very best Ive ever attended. Why not? When real data are lacking, one tries reasoning by analogy to other, relevantly similar practices. And the answer to that question is, as soon as humanly possible, this rapid transition in transportation technology being among the foremost moral imperatives of the day. No. But that is right and good, for the word, discipline, denotes both an institutional structure and standards of rigor and quality within a field. The humble, prudential advice is still good, the advice that one think before acting, that one consider the possible consequences of ones actions, and that one weigh the odds as best one can. The Reilly Center explores conceptual, ethical and policy issues where science and technology intersect with society from different disciplinary perspectives. They now invite historians and sociologists to their meetings, and they try hard to be respectful, even as they struggle to figure out exactly how empirical evidence bearing on the actual practice of science is supposed to inform their philosophers questions. On the other hand, science in an entirely different domain has recently forced us to think about the possibility that the human person really is and always has been socially networked, not an atomic individual, and this at a very basic, biological level.

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