hiveos worker goes offline
kernel offset: 0xb600000 from Worker API Helsinki OFFLINE. Would be nice if the routed you automatically depending on your location and reroute you in case of a failure (like the hive pool now). 8. Et lorsque je regardais les donnes de la pool, il se passait rien, il continuait miner. Hive is showing worker as offline, but they are not. And thats it! 2018 08:33. Step 6.c: If it's still disabled once you restart, then go ahead and start the miner with no overclock settings and let it run until the GPUs begin to warm up. As a result, your viewing experience will be diminished, and you may not be able to execute some actions. same haha, was annoyed to restart every 5 min rigs. Check the poolside, the miner interface, and power consumption monitors if you use them before restarting/rebooting/etc. Bonjour, je vous demande de l'aide concernant hiveOS, mes rigs fonctionnent nickel sans problme sous hiveOS mais d'un coup le rig devient "offline" et ne mine plus rien je ne peux pas me connecter en shh ni shellinthebox pour regarder le problme, avez-vous eu le mme problme? As-tu bien dsactiv le iGPU (Carte graphique intgre au CPU)? shutting down cpus with NMI Type the hive.start command in Discord: 6. You can use it instead of Telegram or with Telegram, as you wish. Etonnant que 11 gpu soient dtects sur 12, jai deux alims (1000W et 850W) la consommation de mon rig est ~1650W avec un wattmtre sur mon deuxime rig la consommation est ~1200W (8GPU) mais deux alims (1000W et 1300W) donc je ne pense pas que a peut venir des alims. On the next screen, select "Connect existing". Are you using SMOS or Windows for mining? Avez vous des conseils ou des choses que je peux vrifier sur mes rig? @crypto_shah Si t es rig sont sur cl usb il se peut que a vienne de l. Increase your income with Hive. When this happeds the first few times, I thought my rigs hung. Zelhash nicehash hiveos benzo taper calculator mini cooper countryman problems. Everything is pretty simple with Telegram, just follow this guide: Yourlogin must be replaced with your login for Hive Os. Jai eu un soucis similaire au dpart. oui hier jai format mon disque dur et jai rinstall hiveOS jusqu ce matin ctait bon mais la je viens de voir mon rig est offline voici ce que jai pu voir sur lcran ! Hi everyone! Your status will switch to offline when you've closed out of the app entirely. Authorize the bot addition in Discord: 5. Hashrate drop? Apart from system messages and hourly statistics, you can receive notifications about the following events: The notifications can be sent directly to your Telegram or Discord. How to Automatically Generate Clients for your RESTful API, Single-qubit and multi-qubit states, quantum teleportation (My Lab), Lesson Learned while Running Prometheus in Production, Change in status of your worker (offline/online). 4. @crypto_shah Like it'd say that a command is running but once. I guess you lost connection to HiveOS server for a couple of minutes but you remained connected to the pool. Previously, using nicehash, tried using hive os, there were a lot of bugs, my rig was stuck periodically every few minutes until the last time it was online but it looked offline, it turned out that hive os had a lot of bugs, not as seen on youtube which looks stable and profitable, Sometimes there are network issues. I forgot to include this, but when you go to worker settings, you can download the rig.conf and. How do I find my Hiveos rig ID? Un miner hors ligne ne recoit plus de travail pour miner , du coup il ne mine plus.Si tes shares ne sont pas valid rapidement par la pool ils sont perdus. Copy the authorization code and paste it in your Discord Notification tab in the Farm Settings. Please download a browser that supports JavaScript, or enable it if it's disabled (i.e. I hope to redo this video with discord notifications in the future. This is video 1 of 2022 in this series of steps to do your taxe. Bro my rig is working properly but in hive os show offline some time show data loading retry.. and i am using nbminer that time i do not know but is this .please help bro!!!! Please do your own research before investing! In this video it shows how to set up notifications to go to telegram. The reason for this is because I'm feeling my way around the rig to locate the cold disabled GPU. Read a Sample Chapter Topics Covered You can select another one in the settings > Mirror Select parameter, You can check the status at, Within hive cli you can test the ping times (net-test) and choose the best api server. Les serveurs de hive os avait juste du mal communiquer avec mon rig de lpoque, et je sais pas, gros lag, ou un truc du genre, ping lev Du coup il me disait quil tait offline Et lorsque je suis pass sur ssd plus de soucis. now. If you still have any questions, dont hesitate to get in touch with us. Then enter the servers name, choose a region and click the Create button. Authorize the bot . I have 3 workers and one constantly goes offline in Hive but still mining on the pool. MuktoPaath ( is a unique e-Learning platform in Bangla for professional and skills development over multiple sectors. Go to your Farm Settings page and choose the Discord tab in the Notifications area. If you dont have Telegram yet, download it to your smartphone or PC, and create an account. Then I decided to mine on a server that is not hiveon, just to make sure it is in fact offline, and I realize the rigs are not offline, but shown as offline. I thought is my problem so I will set my rig a few times aleady. For groups, the code is negative (for instance, -123456). Mining equipment can burn your home down and can be risky. Hive is showing worker as offline, but they are not, The interface goes through a different route than the work itself. A tutorial on how to use the new HiveOS Worker Creation Menu. HivsOS just provides a platform for your miner to work. Click the Subscribe button. After you enter the code, send to the bot the following message: If you dont have a server yet, open Discord and click the + icon. Sign up to get the latest news and updates: Facebook and Telegram! The bot will reply with the authorization code: 7. +1 I got the same salvation. Now for the past 2 days, this offline-online thing intensified, I found myself having to manually reboot nearly 2-3 . HiveOS shows brief down times but the pool stats show the mining has been constant. When you decide to exit, press Ctrl+A, D. firstrun -f. This will help you in case you . merci davance, aussi ds fois mon rig redmarre et les 12 GPUs ne sont pas dtecte que 11, Ce ne serait pas ton alim qui serait pas assez puissante ? They are showing providing hashrate at flockpool. Jeremy Keith introduces you to service workers (and the code behind them) to show you the latest strategies in offline pages. Quelle est la version de lOS et du Kernel? In this video I explain how I managed to put a DPM value where it does not belong and how I managed to removed it again.#hiveos#dpmvalue#dpm#dpmvaluehiveos. Send a command according to the instructions in the web interface: If the process is successful, your status will change to Subscribed. I have a rig on Windows and rig on SMOS and both show offline but are hashing fine. For Ethereum, select Dagger Hashimoto. see log miner or rig and post on hiveos forum. Using IFTTT ( create an applet. To create an order on Nicehash, go to Hashpower Marketplace. Cela peut venir du fait que les cl sont trop lente et du coup a fait un hashrate en dents de scie. Your browser does not seem to support JavaScript. Once you connect a miner with its worker name configured, the name will automatically appear in the device overview as a new worker. NVIDIA handicapped the RTX 3060. Pour mon cas, le dents de scie reprsentait un peut comme un on/off. Trying to get the Hiveos to work on my new 3 gpu rig. Anyone has the same problem? 99.99% Online last 24 Hours 124ms Average Response . AHHH?? Same here. Use it to see the Hive client agent. For Beam, select BeamV3. Linked List Data Structure and Memory Allocation. We tried the command hello and a non-existing command hello11. How is this now? Public API V2 ONLINE. Connect your storage drive to your PC using the SATA adapter. 6. I do have a rig that has been running for weeks just fine and today it shows it has rebooted 5 times. @Le_ChouX non je ne lai pas dsactiv, je branche mon cran dessus mais mon deuxime rig fonctionne correctement depuis 6jours, pas de souci alors quun seul rig devient offline aprs quelque temps souvent 1/fois par jour ou mme deux, @crypto_shah Thats why we have created a system of smart notifications. And the most delightful thing is that you can access many games with no deposits play for free using bonus spins and other offers check here Hi everybody, i noticed that the default worker name in HiveOs, contains a space, such as: Rig #12345466 but there are many pools that require the worker name at the end of the wallet address, in the form: I don't think it matters as your connection to the pool is what matters. Fill in the notification keyword, I used Offline and then create the trigger Do you want to know how to do your tax if you have a small business or you are crypto mining. Apart from this, you can add this bot to a chat group, so your admins will also be able to monitor the workers. To do this, create a group and add @hiveosbot as a member there. To do this, go back to the main page of the dashboard and go to the wallets section and click on the "Add wallet" button. Using DaggerHashimoto and fiddling around with the stock . After a couple of days, it started to turn offline and required me to manually power off/on in order to get back online. Maintenant, ils tournent et je men occupe meme plus, sauf quand jai eu un mail pour me dire que a chauffait hier Une carte aux ventillo arreterils ont lach !!! @crypto_shah I love a variety of games. AHHHH mes debut de jeune mineur, je revais de gloire et fortune !!! 3. Test the bot with a couple of commands. (probleme lecture/ecriture surement) Genre a fond puis plus rien, il passait offline. Well use MyHive as an example. Its been fixed after changing my HireOS from USB to SSD. They are hardwired with Ethernet could it be a bad/old Ethernet cable? Hope they fix it soon. Go to the worker's Settings tab and you should see the rig ID and the Password. The ID of the rig and the password will be needed during the initial installation and first boot . Sur cle usb3 aucun souci de coupure en gnral.Pour le hashrate, cest toujours en dent de scie , cest rarement une constante, ca depend sur quelle moyenne de temps tu regardes. Workers going offline. Collaborate outside of code Explore; All features . It envisions being the largest learning platform of Bangladesh where people can learn from online, offline or blended courses from experts, policy makers or academicians without any language barrier and also at the lowest affordable costs. After setting them up, you will always keep an eye on the mining process and easily prevent the above-mentioned problems. (For example, the one you created with the ETC Wallet ). Par la mme occasion ton (tes) rigs passent en offline malgr quils continuent miner. Du moins dans mon navigateur. Rebooting of a device? I just got some old gpu rigs up and running with hive os after a few years of running windows 10 and having nightmares trying to supervise 7 rigs (52 GPUs) some rx 580 rx570s and everything was going well until they all started showing as offline and I couldn't reboot or anything remotely. Go to the main menu in the upper right corner of the app and select "Your Profile" and then "Notification Settings" This will open a modal that looks like this: Hi everyone! Your status will change from active to away after 10 minutes of inactivity. 0% Online last 24 Hours 120ms Average Response 0.00% Total Uptime Connection Timed Out on Saturday 9:25AM, Nov 5 2022. As-tu HiveOS jour avec la dernire version? View Service. Press "Flash" Now you can install the drive to your mining rig Creating and configuring your HiveOs account retour SAV, Oui je vois ce que tu veux dire, sur linterface Hiveos effectivement tu as une moyenne stable en gnral, mais quand tu regardes sur la pool souvent ca ressemble plutot a ca, je reviens vers vous pour vous donner plus dinformation mes deux rigs sont sur ssd (Kingston SSD A400) jai russit a avoir un erreur sur lcran quand mon rig est devenu offline, " Kernel panic - not sycing timeout: not all CPUs entered exeption handler Enter the code. For. The messages from Discord Hive Bot are available on the server, so everything is done. I just got some old gpu rigs up and running with hive os after a few years of running windows 10 and having nightmares trying to supervise 7 rigs (52 GPUs) some rx 580 rx570s and everything was going well until they all started showing as offline and I couldnt reboot or anything remotely. This topic has been deleted. If you are looking for exceptions to the following points, youll be able to find them. NoScript). Any help would be appreciated thanks in advance. Glad to hear I'm not alone but still curious what is going on. Fill in the App name as Hive OS. Next, we move on to creating a Flight Sheet, which will be launched in our worker. Crypto Currency is very volatile and the prices change daily. Ill have to try an SSD, thanks for getting back to me so quickly. In the "IF THIS" select "Android Device" and then select the "notification received from a specific app". Step 6.b: Once it's disabled, you may want to restart your rig and check and make sure the card is still disabled in the device manager. Plan and track work Discussions. Next, you need to add the ETC wallet address to HiveOS. Only users with topic management privileges can see it. Click Snooze to be reminded again in: 15 minutes before site goes offline 5 minutes before site goes offline 1 minute before site goes offline Invite your friends and earn real cryptocurrency! The modern plots are full of action and colors, and you will easily find something to your taste. Puis le jour ou je suis pass sur ssd plus aucun problme. You dont have to send any messages to the bot during this step, as soon as you start the chat, you will receive a message with a code. Offline Activity: 76 Merit: 13. 4. In this video it shows how to set up notifications to go to telegram. Other than this issue they were pretty stable just high in temperature( waiting on shipment of replacement risers). It is very affordable indeed. Space character in worker name on HiveOs. HiveOS rig devient offline et ne mine plus. So, now you know how to set up the notifications. Run net-test, and try the best api server (you can set it in the settings tab. !Outtro Music: Tobu - Seven by NCS Discord is a free instant messenger that supports VoIP and video conferencing. Setting Up Your Miner. Learn the ins and outs of fetching and caching, enhance your website's performance, and create an ideal offline experience for every user, no matter their connection. Subscribe To My Channel me on IG RedllamaprojectsCrypto Mining Youtubers I follow:Red Panda Mining: Be Trippin': Fox Crypto: of a Tech: Tech: Mines: Miner: Hobbyist Miner: Mining: Component: Chamber: Mining Office:***DISCLAIMER***This is NOT financial advice. A Flight Sheet, which will be needed during the initial installation and first boot l. Jai eu soucis. Cpu ) jeune mineur, je revais de gloire et fortune!!!!. Notification tab in the notifications page, choose a region and click the create button same haha, annoyed For getting back to me so quickly hear i & # x27 ; d that! 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