foziling dam earth rotation
Find the perfect foziling stock photo. For optimal irrigation and electricity generation, the water level is operated at elevations between 105.0 and 125.0m. The monitoring data of air temperature is shown in Fig. Valente S, Capriulo C, He Q. A comparative analysis of long-term concrete deformation models of a buttress dam. The average contributions of each component in the last 11years (2007 to 2017) are shown in Fig. Xi G-Y, Yue J-P, Zhou B-X, Tang P. Application of an artificial immune algorithm on a statistical model of dam displacement. Monitoring date, MLSR model results for radial displacements at PL3, PL13-1 and PL21. Therefore, the objective of this study is to put forward a method for evaluating the safety of Foziling Muti-arch Dam based on displacements observation and simulated stresses, while the methods can also be applied to other concrete dams. is a ((n+i+3)1) vector of the regression coefficients. 1316 arches, the steel pipes were reinforced in the buttresses, and shrinkage joints of each buttress were grouted. 52, 4560. Cheng, L. & Zheng, D. Two online dam safety monitoring models based on the process of extracting environmental effect. In this case, d is taken as 6. 6. China. Fig. 2 and 22 arches and the bottom of arches and buttresses are considered as the weak parts of the dam, and more attention should be paid in the safety patrol. 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Another thermometer (T) is settled in the louver box on the crest of the wave wall of the gravity dam on the right bank for monitoring the air temperature nearby. The areas, the upstream and downstream surface of the arches and its left and right extensions 0.5m wide, were thickened by 0.15m and 0.1m, respectively. 12. 15b). To view a copy of this licence, visit 101, 178184. The upstream concrete face was thickened by 0.5m, the bottom (below elevation 79.56m) was thickened by 0.7m, and the left and right side walls were thickened by 0.4m. Moreover, the compressive strength of steel fiber concrete is 48.0Mpa, the tensile strength is 3.5Mpa and the bond strength with old concrete is 2.53.0Mpa35. The crest of the dam is 510m long and 1.8m wide. 21a). 25, 721 buttresses, among which there are two normal plumb lines in No. It can be seen that: (1) In the annual amplitude of the radial displacements of the No. Overview Reviews Win Prizes Details Nearby Recommended. Adv. Overview Nearby Reviews Win Prizes Details Recommended. Anhui. (2) The radial displacements of the buttresses on the riverbed (e.g., PL13_1 and PL13_2) are larger than those on the bank (e.g., PL3 and PL21). from publication: Multi-arch dam safety evaluation based on statistical analysis and . Foziling Reservoir, the eighth batch of national key cultural relics protection units. the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in Parameters about the dam body concrete and foundation rock, determining the stress strength and deformation characteristic, are important foundations for obtaining reliable results by numerical modeling. 2 and 22 arches in C1 and C2. . Google Scholar. From the dam crest down, the arch section gradually thickens, with a thickness of 0.6m at the dam crest and 2.0m at the elevation of 70.0m away from the top. (3) The linear expansion model is established with the same mesh as the heat transfer model. As for the arches, when the temperature rises, the buttresses are pushed downstream by the thrust induced by the thermal expansion of the connected arches (cf, Fig. This rotation of Earth is actually slowed down quite often due to other factors such as the moon's position, earthquakes, and even recently proven climate change. (2) Based on the measured data including water and air temperature, the highest temperature field, the lowest temperature field, and the quasi-stable temperature field are obtained by applying different boundary temperatures. Where Tw is the water temperature at different elevations of the reservoir; a0 is a constant; 0, H0 are the measured displacement and upstream water depth of the initial date in the modeling series, respectively; Tw0, T0j, T00, T10, T20, T3-50, T6-150, T16-300, 0 and ln0 are the temperature and aging factors of the initial date in the modeling series, respectively. The monthly 24-hour average temperature ranges from 2.6 C (36.7 F) in January to 27.7 C (81.9 F) in July, and the annual mean is 15.58 C (60.0 F). Greater tensile stresses mainly occur close to the crown of No.2 and 22 arches and the bottom of arches and buttresses, especially in low temperature and high water level load cases. The data on water level, temperature, stressstrain, and seepage is important monitoring variables in the safety evaluation of concrete dams. Therefore, the dam displacement can be written as expressed below: where is the measured displacement; H is the water pressure component; T is the temperature component and is the aging component. The influence characteristics of water level and temperature on dam displacement are interpreted by separating variables based on the HTT model. Combination forecast model for concrete dam displacement considering residual correction. 9. Bui, K.-T.T., Tien Bui, D., Zou, J., Van Doan, C. & Revhaug, I. Figure1 shows the top, upstream, and downstream views of the dam. where n is the number of samples; \(\delta_{i}\) and \(\hat{\delta }_{i}\) are the measured and calculated displacements, respectively; and \(\overline{\delta }\) is the mean value of measured displacement. Seismic Analysis of Pine Flat Concrete Dam. The temperature fields are set as predefined fields in each calculation step. FOZILING RESERVOIR, 1956 Ink on paper Works on Paper. 20 and and2121 respectively, in which No.12 and 13 buttresses are taken as examples. As for the No. 51, 24512467. 4k Ultra HD . Ltd. All rights reserved, 2.5 km south of Foziling Town, Huoshan County, Lu'an City. Integration of artificial neural networks with radial basis function interpolation in earthfill dam seepage modeling. and E.Z. Kao, C.-Y. Therefore, the difference between the maximum monthly average temperature and the annual average temperature in the operation period is taken as temperature rise load. Dam safety is closely related to property safety, economic development, and the ecological environment in the area around the dam. (2020). Salazar, F., Morn, R., Toledo, M. . 1316 arches, the steel pipes were reinforced in the buttresses, and shrinkage joints of each buttress were grouted. The maximum compressive stress of No. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. (4) The regression coefficients of Eq. Finally, the dam stress states in various operating conditions are evaluated by numerical simulation. Thus, there are four loading combinations, which are listed in Table 4. So the hydrostatic-season-time (HST) model is widely used, in which the temperature component T is usually simulated with a one-year or half-year period harmonic function. 15b). Since there are many displacement measuring points, typical observation points are selected for display and analysis. (2019). The appropriate mechanical and thermodynamic parameters35 in the FEM simulation are summarized in Table Table33. As is shown in Fig. Join MutualArt to unlock sale information JOIN MUTUALART. 27, 4 (2007) ((in Chinese)). The solving steps of the MLSR model are as follows:(1) The optimal selection of model factors is started with no variables in the model, testing the addition of each variable by F-tests. Construction began in January 1952, completed in November 1954, and lasted two years and 10 months. In order to monitor the concrete and air temperature in the No.13 buttress, 36 thermometers are installed in the buttress concrete and on the inner surface of the buttress, which is shown in Fig. (9) can be obtained by the least square method. Foziling Reservoir. MathSciNet 57, 4856. Based on the characteristics and properties, the rock of foundation is divided into four categories: AII1, AII2, AIII and AIV. Get the most important science stories of the day, free in your inbox. 19, the three-dimensional finite element mesh of the Foziling multi-arch dam is established, in which 508,094 elements and 568,417 nodes are included. It is assumed that compressive stress is negative and tensile stress is positive. The maximum compressive stress of No. , . Safety Monitoring Theory and Its Application of Hydraulic Structures. 18. Salazar F, Toledo M, Gonzlez JM, Oate E. Early detection of anomalies in dam performance: A methodology based on boosted regression trees. The project generated 130 GWh of electricity. (2013). where i is the statistical coefficient; n is taken as 3 for the gravity dam and 4 for the arch dam; H is the upstream water depth. Q.H. As for the buttresses, the crest of the buttress is displaced upstream when temperature rises (cf, Fig. The rotation of the earth with the revolution of the earth has a very striking difference, including the following: 1. X.L. Struct. The Foziling multi-arch dam, the first reinforced concrete multi-arch dam after the founding of the People's Republic of China, built-in 1952, is located on the Bi River in Anhui Province. Greater tensile stresses mainly occur close to the crown of No.2 and 22 arches and the bottom of arches and buttresses, especially in low temperature and high water level load cases. Due to rotation along its axis, the Earth cannot be called a perfect sphere. Mech. The high similarity between displacement and temperature indicates that displacement is greatly affected by temperature. Follow @natureworld.02:) for more videos. It is a large multi-arch dam reservoir designed by China in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China with the advanced international level at that time. Follow @earthcreat:) for more videos. 3, 13, and 21 buttresses over time. The reason is that when the water level is lower (H
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