drug awareness campaign speech
TYPES OF DRUGS 1. If you are the site owner (or you manage this site), please whitelist your IP or if you think this block is an error please open a support ticket and make sure to include the block details (displayed in the box below), so we can assist you in troubleshooting the issue. body's function either physically and/or People who deal in the selling of drugs create a network and mainly target students in order to make them addicted to drugs. This addiction to a drug is so deadly that people fall prey to its use and become almost a slave. In other words, drugs can ruin our future, dreams and even life. Students can also find moreEnglish Speech Writingabout Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc. In the 20th century, different international organizations and agencies fund various anti-drug abuse campaigns which may or may not be affiliated with UNICEF. Firstly, I would like to extend a note of thank you to our respected Principal and Vice Principal for gracing this speech ceremony with their presence and giving their approval too. currently we have more than 200 people working for us and have gained a mass appeal. Even sadder is the fact that several drug addicts cannot afford to make a purchase of expensive drugs so much so that in the end they have to resort to such activities as theft in their homes. A drug is any substance (with the exception of food and water) which, when taken into the body, alters the body's function either physically and/or psychologically. These people are not born thieves, but their addiction to drugs makes them heinous and propels them to commit crimes in order to feed their body with drugs. In fact, there are many cases too where even rehabilitation centers fail because of the worst condition of the patients. It consists of chemical substances that are very harmful to the human body. Counseling. We've encountered a problem, please try again. Our Indian government has in fact formulated various campaigns and even has been able to gain success in this direction. What is drug addiction/abuse? Therefore, it becomes like a vicious circle of the drug-addicted students from which they seem to find no escape unless the society comes for their rescue. I request our principal and teachers to kindly allow me to speak on this subject as it is a high time to enlighten our youth about the dangerous habit of drug abuse. I have chosen to speak on this topic because these days I observe many campaigns being run on Drug Abuse in order to teach the people about its ill effects. It can be proved to be equally harmful if it is consumed without the medical advice of a professional. Table Of Contents DEFINITION OF ANTI-DRUGS TOP 10 ANTI-DRUG POSTERS TOP 10 ANTI-DRUG SLOGANS TOP 5 ANTI-DRUGS SONGS DEFINITION OF ANTI-DRUGS Anti-drugs are a . Good morning and welcome to everyone present here. The use of drugs is making their lives vulnerable and prone to destruction. These drugs mainly consist of depressants, antidepressants, hallucinogens, etc. Drug abuse or addiction is one of the most common chronic and compulsive disorder that often requires formal treatment. I want to conclude by saying that drug abuse should be an absolute No for all and I sincerely hope that our students will never ever try to consume drugs and will completely stay away from its use. The ATC code is an alphanumeric code. More than 90% of people who have any addiction start from a very young age, before turning 18. Drug Aware is a key initiative in the State framework of educational strategies providing evidence based, credible information on illicit drugs. When one completely succumbs to the temptation of drugs, it gets very difficult for him/her to recover from its impact except in the centers for drug rehabilitation where they gain a new life, but which involves a high cost. Suicidal tendencies also exists among them. Drug and alcohol usage costs around $600 billion to the U.S economy each year. Sadly, the students fail to realize that the consumption of drugs has a severe impact on their physical and mental health, such as they start experiencing mental disorders, their intelligence level decreases, experience deadly diseases, and untimely death. It is an obvious fact that the addiction of drugs is ruining the path of progress of many individuals and our nation as a whole so much so that proactive measures need to be taken in order to keep a check on this destructive habit of our youth. Furthermore, we have also included ten Lines on the topic and some FAQs to make the content clearer to our readers. It causes a change in the physiological and psychological structure of the organism when it is consumed. Even sadder is the fact that several drug addicts cannot afford to make a purchase of expensive drugs so much so that in the end they have to resort to such activities as theft in their homes. In pharmacy terms, a drug is a chemical substance, that is typical of a known structure, which, when entering into a living organism, produces a biological effect. The addiction to drugs has become one of the serious social problems in many developing as well as developed countries and it undeniably proves to be the principal obstruction in the all-round development of the people, society, country and the world at a large. Oceana won third place for 6th grade in the local competition. BCCI President Sourav Ganguly releases the logo of 'No To Drugs', an anti-drug campaign initiative of the Kerala Government . People are living their lives in isolation and avoid getting social because the stress in the modern times has become way too much to make them withdrawn figures in their personal lives. Parents and parental guidance form the basis of prevention of many problems that children face in their teenage years. Our country is a progressing country and it is already afflicted with so many other grave problems, such as unemployment, poverty and illiteracy that the problem of drug abuse makes the situation even worse here as it further makes our economy regressive by destroying the lives of its youth. psychologically. Besides, when a child doesnt feel satisfied at home or when he/she is deprived of love, affection, and care of his/her parents, a feeling of discontentment comes in and such children become prone to drug addiction and ruin their lives completely. In fact, a big proportion of drugs go by India in order that it can be exported to other countries. A Short Speech On Drug Abuse is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. You can even prepare a speech on drug abuse and deliver it on various occasions and platforms. In case, a drug-addict is not able to receive the required dose of the drug when needed, then he/she would be ready to do anything for it even by resorting to unfair means, such as theft or maybe hurting someone physically, etc. So think wise and act smart. The addiction of drugs has become one of the serious social problems in many developing as well as developed countries and it undeniably proves to be the principal obstruction in the all-round development of the people, society, country and the world at a large. So think wise and act smart. Remember that our country needs you as you are its future and harbinger of progress. She describes herself as a teacher and professional writer and she enjoys getting more people into writing and answering peoples questions. The effects. 1. By Oceana O'Boyle. Depressants: Drugs that decrease alertness by . However, once they start taking it, it becomes really difficult for them to get rid of this habit. Such is the situation in case of drugs. There are various mediums through which one can intake or consume drugs like smoking, inhalation, injection, etc. impact of the campaign improve the situation, the factors that lead students to drugs abuse, its sociological, psychological, physical. The drug has become a trend in todays world. This need becomes so compulsive that without that substance the person cannot live his life like a normal person does. The drugs make them feel high and its after-effects are quite relaxing. In addition to developing campaigns based on local needs and data, we also often promote campaigns developed by state and national organizations that we think would benefit our community. We use public awareness campaigns to educate the community and give an overview of issues concerning alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. Blockchain + AI + Crypto Economics Are We Creating a Code Tsunami? In case, a drug-addict is not able to receive the required dose of drug when needed, then he/she would be ready to do anything for it even by resorting to unfair means, such as theft or may be hurting someone physically, etc. With this, I mark the end of this speech, thank you. Today, standing in the prayer hall I would like to take this opportunity to deliver a brief speech on Drug Abuse. Free access to premium services like Tuneln, Mubi and more. In fact, there are many cases too where even rehabilitation centers fail because of the worst condition of the patients. cannabis, ecstasy, cocaine and heroin). Drug abuse is considered one of the banes of our so called civilized society. Access from your Country was disabled by the administrator. Looks like youve clipped this slide to already. Tap here to review the details. Since day one and today its the 77th campaign of our organization we havent really ever thought that we will grow this big, i.e. You can read the details below. People can become addicted to drugs because of various reasons, some of which are mentioned below: When a person is under the influence of drugs, he/she forgets everything and enters into a trance-like state. There are many kinds of drugs that help in the treatment of mental illness, depression, etc. Respected Principal, Vice Principal, Teachers and My Dear Fellow Students Warm Welcome to all of you! What is the function of NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse)? So we should strictly say No to drugs and save our lives as well the lives of our loved ones by spreading awareness in our surroundings. We've updated our privacy policy. The institute addresses essential issues about drug abuse, drug trends etc. In his speech marking the launch of the campaign, Lt. General Al Sha'far added: "The awareness-raising plans and programmes implemented by the ministry are intended for all segments of society . I want to conclude by saying that drug abuse should be an absolute No for all and I sincerely hope that our students will never ever try to consume drugs and will completely stay away from its use. It is known to serve as medicines or medication of many chronic diseases. campus in Enugu state. Pharmaceutical drugs are classified into the following groups that have the same kind of chemical structure, mechanisms of actions, mode of action of the same type of drugs, etc. Being a literature person, I am extremely passionate about reading and pouring down my thoughts on papers. These people are not born thieves, but their addiction to drugs makes them heinous and propels them to commit crimes in order to feed their body with drugs. Copyright 1999 2022 GoDaddy Operating Company, LLC. Drugs are destroying the lives of our youth and putting their future in great darkness. If the drugs are used for serving a useful purpose, it could bring a considerable change in the lives of people. Activate your 30 day free trialto unlock unlimited reading. With more than four years of experience in the given field, I have been able to build online reputation of my clients and supported them with content in various niches, such as travel, fashion, home decor, science and technology, to name a few. The world has already realized this problem . In the process, unfortunately several young men as well as women become victims to this diabolic activity. and have been proven extremely useful. of such an addiction can cause dangerous changes in the mind, body, heart, other important. It mainly treats cures or prevents a disease present in a body. Question 2. However, its only when these people get trapped in its vicious circle that they realize the irreparable they have caused to their lives. Its very important to sensitize our youth on the subject of drug abuse. I request our principal and teachers to kindly allow me to speak on this subject as it is a high time to enlighten our youth about the dangerous habit of drug abuse. Pakistan with the help of ISI is involving itself in a proxy war in the region of Kashmir against India through money earned with the help of drug mafia. The campaign seeks to reduce illicit drug related harm at high-risk settings including festivals, events and night venues. Drug is a depressant that slows down the functions of the. This need becomes so compulsive that without that substance the person cannot live his life as a normal person does. in urban and rural regions, among men and women, among rich and poor. However, once they start taking it, it becomes really difficult for them to get rid of this habit. In fact, a big proportion of drugs go by India in order that it can be exported to other countries. Thank you, everyone, for your patience and for giving an earful to my speech. These speeches can help anyone who is looking forward to presenting a speech on the topic as mentioned above, be it students, teachers, or any other research person. People are living their lives in isolation and avoid getting social because the stress in modern times has become way too much to make them withdrawn figures in their personal lives. ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS IN THE PHILIPPINES.pptx, R.5-day2-Multiplying-and-Dividing-Rational-Expressions.ppt, Microsoft Excel Certification Courses in Cochin.pptx, Medicine and Health Sciences Courses: Scope, Salary. The drugs that doctor prescribes to his/her patients must only be taken in order to combat a specific disease otherwise the government must take strict measures to ban its illegal trade in the market and save our youth from destruction. Other than this, it is poverty that compels some students to become a part of the selling and dealing network of drugs and derive their pocket money. If a person doesnt get its regular dose, then that person starts feeling a lack of it and becomes depressed with severe pain which even leads to a lack of sensation in arms and legs. Janajagrata . For him/her, it is, The topic Urbanization is a very significant one, especially in the present times from growth and, Global Terrorism can be described as the methodical use of crime and violencefor creating a general, Train journeys are quite exciting, interesting and comfortable, Speech on Drug Abuse For Students and Children In English, Wedding Anniversary Speech For Students and Children In English, Speech on Indian Farmer For Students and Children In English, Speech on Urbanization For Students and, Speech on Global Terrorism For Students. So we should strictly say No to drugs and save our lives as well the lives of our loved ones by spreading awareness in our surroundings. Today, we are here to discuss about the fatal consumption of drugs and how it is destroying the lives of our youth. Very good morning and a warm welcome to everybody present here today. In the present times, there are many factors that push a man to resort to drug addiction and make his/her life miserable. Good Morning Friends Welcome to the 77th campaign for drug addiction ban. Dont even try to touch or come close to them. I am here today to give a speech on Drug abuse. In the process, unfortunately, several young men, as well as women, become victims of this diabolic activity. Drugs can even destroy a complete generation. The individuals whose family and friends suffer from the addiction of drugs are requested to approach the rehabilitation institutions and camps in order to provide treatment to the addicts. The use of drugs is making their lives vulnerable and prone to destruction. I hope everyone has a great day ahead. Drug abuse should not be tolerated and be completely banned as a taboo. These drugs can affect ones stability of mind, inflict mood swings, etc. However, it is not advised to torture the addict or treats him/her inhumanely for this habit because if you try and convince the person about its treatment then he/she may willingly choose to opt for it and get rid of this addiction by admitting himself/herself at the rehabilitation centers. AI and Machine Learning Demystified by Carol Smith at Midwest UX 2017, Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project, Harry Surden - Artificial Intelligence and Law Overview, L3. There are some injections too which lead to a state of severe drowsiness. Another essential classification system that is widely used for drug classification is the Biopharmaceutics Classification System. I, therefore, request all the students to refrain themselves completely from the consumption of drugs before it destroys their health, future and takes away their lives. So today I would further like to appeal to the masses to refrain themselves from using drugs and live a healthy life. The word drug when it comes to ones mind, is taken in a negative sense as it is often misused. So they turn themselves towards drugs to calm their agitation and anger. Enjoy access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more from Scribd. Often drug addicts move more and more into criminal activities. Effect of Financial Innovation on the Performance of Deposit Money Banks in N No public clipboards found for this slide. It has affected all the sections and regions of our society. It will not take long to convert the consumption of drug from an option to an addiction. Over 15000 Americans died in 2017 due to heroin overdose. Updated Oct 6, 2022, 12:42 pm IST. The final phase of the campaign successfully culminated after two weeks starting from June 7 across the state. water) which, when taken into the body, alters the Our country is a transit country because it is placed between the Golden Triangle consisting of Burma, Thailand, and Cambodia, including Golden Crescent consisting of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran the places where most of the drugs, chiefly heroin and opium are produced. In reality, the drug has many positive sides. Speech on Dr. Ambedkar Mahaparinirvan Diwas, Speech on Swachh Bharat Abhiyan for Teachers, 31st October Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Jayanti. UNODC encourages as many awareness-raising activities as possible around . The Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification is the most popularly used drug classification system. The response so far has been really good and we have been able to transform the life of the people for good, who earlier have been living under the influence of drugs. The most glaring factors are rapid industrialization and urbanization, which have given birth to a new kind of behavior among the youth of today, i.e. www.district2s4lions.org/youth-contest/drug-awareness-speech/, Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_5 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) GSA/218.0.456502374 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1. Drug addiction or drug abuse is described as an excessive dependency on a substance, which inevitably becomes the compulsive need of the person using it. Speech on Drug Abuse 2. Pakistan is undeniably the nucleus of the world when it comes to any unlawful activity and as far as the drug production is concerned it is the hub. UNODC leads the global campaign to raise awareness about the major challenge that illicit drugs represent to society as a whole, and especially to the young. I would also like to congratulate our dear students for making the desired arrangement on short notice. Drug awareness Slides for Houghton House addiction rehabilitation, International day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking, Official : Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia, Biology, Chapter: Human health and Disease, Drugs and alcohol abuse, Class 12. Todays generation has become obsessed with following whatever is new or trending in the world. . There are some very symptoms like isolating oneself, spending time with new friends, losing job etc. alcohol, caffeine and tobacco) or illegal (e.g. People can become addicted to drugs because of various reasons, some of which are mentioned below: When a person is under the influence of drugs, he/she forgets everything and enters into a trance-like state. Drug abuse should not be tolerated and be completely banned as a taboo. The Drug Awareness Speech Contest is an annual competition allowing student participants the opportunity to research, organize and deliver an oral presentation on a given topic related to Drug or Substance abuse. The SlideShare family just got bigger. Thus, terrorism and drugs share very strong connections. There are several students who consume drugs out of fun or for various other reasons. Initially, the drugs are sold to the students for free and gradually when they get addicted to it, they start buying and consuming it.
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