biodiesel yield calculation
(iii) Separation and recycling actions for separated MSW are considered to occur if: (A) Recyclable paper, cardboard, plastics, rubber, textiles, metals, and glass that can be recycled are separated and removed from the municipal solid waste stream to the extent reasonably practicable according to a plan submitted to and approved by U.S. EPA under the registration procedures specified in 80.1450(b)(1)(viii); and. 2-D specification in ASTM D975 (incorporated by reference, see 80.1468), biogas or renewable electricity, must report, on a quarterly basis, all the following for each volume of fuel: (1) Total volume of renewable fuel produced or imported, total volume of renewable fuel blended into gasoline and distillate fuel by the producer or importer, and the percentage of renewable fuel in each batch of finished fuel. (F) Equivalence value EV is accurate and appropriate. (i) The value of the cellulosic biofuel standard for 2019 shall be 0.230 percent. Focus groups: Working groups established to, in this context, focus on improving employee satisfaction. The provided evidence must demonstrate the existence of the monitoring process and the elements that it covers. Chemical, physical and thermal properties of n-Butane. If No or Not applicable is selected, the participant may not select any additional sub-options. *The information in RP2.1 and RP2.2 may be used as criteria for the recognition of 2021 Sector Leaders. (iii) The volume of MVNRLM diesel fuel owned when the fuel was received at the facility and acquired at the facility during the compliance period. They will support real-estate players with ESG reporting and participation in industry initiatives such as the GRESB Assessment. However, see the Instructions for Form 2220 for circumstances where the corporation must file Form 2220 even if it owes no penalty. Locally extracted or recovered: Materials that are extracted, harvested or recovered within a specified distance from the construction site. (9) For a RIN purchase or sale, the trading partner's EPA company registration number. As such, a standard initially designed to verify/assure non-water data (e.g. (xi) A list of all RINs generated prior to July 1, 2010 that were retired for compliance in the reporting period. RM3.2 asks whether certain governance issues are assessed in a risk assessment by the entity, which is different from the existence of governance policies (PO3). 15 for more information. (iv) Documented management in accordance with a certification program for agricultural products. Evaporation pressure of propane butane mixture vs. temperature. E = Energy content of the components of the feedstock or biointermediate that are converted to renewable fuel, in annual average Btu/lb, determined according to paragraph (f)(7) of this section. No later than 60 days prior to the transfer of any biointermediate to be used in the production of a renewable fuel for which RINs may be generated, biointermediate producers must register with EPA pursuant to the requirements of 80.1450(b). For discharging incompressible fluids to atmosphere, take C values from Figures 2-17 or 2-18 if hL or P is taken as upstream head or gauge pressure. If you checked Yes, you must enter the following. Common solids - like brick, cement, glass and many more - and their specific heats - in Imperial and SI units. (xi) The EPA company registration number and EPA facility registration number for each renewable fuel producer or foreign renewable fuel producer that received each batch. To round, drop amounts under 50 cents and increase amounts from 50 to 99 cents to the next dollar. (A) For a renewable fuel producer, foreign ethanol producer, or biointermediate producer using separated yard waste: (1) The location of any establishment from which the waste stream consisting solely of separated yard waste is collected. Resilience to catastrophe/disaster: Preparedness of the built environment towards existing and future threats of natural disaster (e.g., the ability to absorb disturbances such as increased precipitation or flooding while maintaining its structure). Include amounts returned or credited to policyholders on cancellation or expiration of policies issued by a mutual fire or flood insurance company: Where the premium deposits for the policy are the same (regardless of the length of the policy), and. Therefore, porting the opening to produce numerous jets can help keep the area of collapse away from critical components. Provide further details of the verification/assurance undertaken for your Scope 3 emissions and attach the relevant statements. Phase diagram included. In this Review, we studied the growth and distribution of AI-related chemistry publications in the last two decades using the CAS Content Collection. This is calculated based on (a) the total amount of renewable energy and (b) total energy consumption of the whole portfolio, per property type. A part open valve presents an orifice which produces a high velocity low-pressure jet. Please note that % GAV is used for entity and peer group classification and should accurately reflect the composition of the portfolio. Regular follow-ups: Training offered at least once a year to employees, starting from their second year of employment. GHD supports real estate and infrastructure owners, managers, and investors through a broad range of advisory, technical, engineering, and management solutions to address ESG issues, mitigate risks, and improve overall ESG performance. (viii) The total current-year RINs by category of renewable fuel, as those fuels are defined in 80.1401 (i.e., cellulosic biofuel, biomass-based diesel, advanced biofuel, renewable fuel, and cellulosic diesel), retired for compliance. A part open valve presents an orifice which produces a high velocity low-pressure jet. (6) Low-volume RIN owner exemption. The companies include 100 systemically important emitters, accounting for two-thirds of annual global industrial emissions, alongside more than 60 others with significant opportunity to drive the clean energy transition. The volume of both journal and patent publications have increased dramatically, especially since 2015. (CNV_RVOi-1)a = Sum of the conventional RVOs for each individual corporate affiliate a for compliance period i-1 as calculated in paragraph (b)(2)(iii) of this section, in RIN-gallons. Indicator scoring goes through a three-stage review process based on GRESBs rules, principles and guidelines. Performance standards: Clauses can relate to works and maintenance contractors being required to adhere to waste programs, or not to interfere with building performance. (iii) A written management plan for silvicultural purposes. Also, any amount paid or incurred as reimbursement to the government for the costs of any investigation or litigation are not eligible for the exceptions and are nondeductible. (a) Obligated parties and exporters of renewable fuel. Chemical, Physical and Thermal Properties of Oxygen - O2. Examples of applications for reuse can include, but are not limited to: landscape irrigation and/or flush fixtures. (e) Quality Assurance Plans. (5) A party authorized pursuant to paragraph (g)(1) of this section to generate delayed RINs, and electing to do so, who generated RINs pursuant to 80.1426(f)(6) for fuel produced through a pathway described in paragraph (g)(1) of this section, and transferred those RINs with renewable fuel volumes between July 1, 2010 and the effective date (identified pursuant to paragraph (g)(2) of this section) of that pathway, must retire a number of gallon-RINs prior to generating delayed RINs. After the first calendar year, the bond amount shall be based on the actual number of gallon-RINs obtained, sold, or transferred so far during the current calendar year plus the number of gallon-RINs obtained, sold, or transferred during the four calendar years immediately preceding the current calendar year. Not integrated: ESG objectives were set independently from the overall strategy of the entity. Dividends received on any share of stock held for less than 46 days during the 91-day period beginning 45 days before the ex-dividend date. (D) Additional information related to details of the transaction and its terms. energy) can be selected as long as the same thoroughness and review criteria are clearly applied and referenced to data reported in WS1. Any foreign renewable fuel producer shall commit to and comply with the following provisions as a condition to being registered as a foreign renewable fuel producer under this subpart: (1) Any EPA inspector or auditor must be given full, complete, and immediate access to conduct inspections and audits of the foreign renewable fuel producer facility. State whether the methods of reporting are checked, verified or assured (select one option; the most detailed level of scrutiny to which the disclosure was subject to). (iv) Feedstocks are being separated according to a separation plan, if applicable under 80.1426(f)(5)(ii). EV = Equivalence value for the batch of renewable fuel per 80.1415. (I) The volume of ethanol denaturant and applicable equivalence value of each verified batch. Proc. Chemical, physical and thermal properties of hydrogen sulfide, H2S, also called hydrosulfuric acid, sewer gas and stink damp. Pastureland is land managed for the production of select indigenous or introduced forage plants for livestock grazing or hay production, and to prevent succession to other plant types. Shifts in consumer preferences: This option describes the shift of consumer preferences specifically around the provider of the good or service as a result of that providers treatment of climate-related issues. Investors may purchase or redeem units or shares from the vehicle as outlined in contractual agreements. This Indicator intends to examine the entitys approach to achieve net zero carbon performance for its development projects. Includes construction work for the project with the intention of enhancing the propertys value. EPA may in its sole discretion waive this requirement if it determines that the information submitted in any later registration can be verified by EPA in the same manner as would have been possible with a timely submission. (vii) Feedstock(s) and biointermediate(s) are not renewable fuel for which RINs were previously generated unless the RINs were generated under 80.1426(c)(6). Also, see Notice 2011-2, 2011-2 I.R.B. Recycling program: A program for materials that can be locally recycled and contracted with a recycling service provider. GRESB distinguishes between Landlord and Tenant Controlled areas in the Energy, GHG Emissions, Water, and Waste aspects of the Performance Component. (xi) Any additional information that the Administrator may require. Membrane separation in which at least 90% of ethanol dehydration is carried out using a hydrophilic membrane on a calendar year basis. (vii) Any employee of the foreign renewable fuel producer must be made available for interview by the EPA inspector or auditor, on request, within a reasonable time period. (ii) To be considered an independent third-party under this paragraph (b)(2): (A) The third-party shall not be operated by the renewable fuel producer, foreign ethanol producer, or biointermediate producer, or any subsidiary or employee of the renewable fuel producer foreign ethanol producer, or biointermediate producer. (7) For renewable fuel oil that is heating oil as defined in paragraph (2) of the definition of heating oil in 80.1401, renewable fuel producers and importers shall not generate RINs unless they have received affidavits from the final end user or users of the fuel oil as specified in 80.1451(b)(1)(ii)(T)(2). We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. External managers or service providers: Organizations, businesses or individuals that offer services to others in exchange for payment. Section 103(a) excludes interest on state or local bonds from gross income. Feedback sessions with individual tenants: Meetings with individual tenants to gather feedback about ESG-specific issues. Thermodynamic properties of heavy water (D2O) like density, melting temperature, boiling temperature, latent heat of fusion, latent heat of evaporation, critical temperature and more. Prepare and upload your Asset-level Spreadsheet into your online Assessment; Complete any potential missing fields in R1.2 (i.e. 15 (Circular E), Employer's Tax Guide, for details, including the definition of responsible persons. (ix) The party otherwise circumvents the intent of the Clean Air Act or of this subpart. Typically, these facilities require dedicated uninterruptible power supplies and cooling systems. For private entities, only the fund managers name of the peer group constituents is disclosed. Attach a statement showing all computations. Note that all fields in RA2 will be automatically populated once the GRESB Asset Spreadsheetis completed and uploaded to the Asset Portal. This aspect recognizes the existence and level of third party review of energy, GHG emissions, water, and waste data. The annual compliance reporting deadline will be calculated in accordance with paragraph (f)(1)(i) of this section and published on EPA's website. Under section 832, gross amounts of underwriting and investment income should be computed on the basis of the Statement of Income of the NAIC annual statement to the extent not inconsistent with the Internal Revenue Code and its Regulations. These files can be saved and printed. Temperature, Oxygen Gas - Specific Heat vs. Temperature, Magnesium Binary Eutectic Alloys - Melting Points, Malleability vs. Brittlenes vs. Ductility, Melting and Boiling Temperatures - Evaporation and Melting Heats common Materials, Melting points of Hydrocarbons, Alcohols and Acids, Metals - Boiling Points and Specific Heat, Metals - Corrosion Resistance to Aggresive Fluids, Metals - Temperature Expansion Coefficients, Metals and Alloys - Bulk Modulus Elasticity, Metals and Alloys - Young's Modulus of Elasticity, Metals, Metallic Elements and Alloys - Thermal Conductivities, Methane - Dynamic and Kinematic Viscosity vs. (B) A statement regarding whether the renewable fuel producer or importer will blend the renewable fuel into gasoline or diesel fuel or enter into a written contract for the sale and use of a specific quantity of the renewable fuel with a party who blends the fuel into gasoline or distillate fuel to produce a transportation fuel, heating oil, or jet fuel that meets all applicable standards under this part and 40 CFR part 1090. (d) Joint venture liability. This content is from the eCFR and may include recent changes applied to the CFR. .Do not reduce the corporation's deduction for social security and Medicare taxes by the following amounts claimed on its employment tax returns: (1) the nonrefundable and refundable portions of the CARES Act and ARP employee retention credit, and (2) the nonrefundable and refundable portions of the FFCRA and ARP credits for qualified sick and family leave wages. A Not Applicable answer is interpreted and scored in the same way as a No and will yield 0 points. (iii) Verify that annual attestation report is accurate. Further, in October 2008 the International Monetary Fund published its regular Global Financial Stability Review, which also found that "Although the integrity of the U.S. dollar Libor-fixing process has been questioned by some market participants and the financial press, it appears that U.S. dollar Libor remains an accurate measure of a typical creditworthy bank's marginal cost of unsecured U.S. dollar term funding. (iii) Verify that the product transfer documents for the representative samples under paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section of RINs sold and the RINs purchased contain the applicable information required under 80.1453 and report as a finding any product transfer document that does not contain the required information. Digestate must only contain the leftovers that were unable to be completely converted to biogas in an anaerobic digestor that is part of an EPA-accepted registration under 80.1450. Also, complete Question 14 on Schedule I. Arcs tools for cities and communities serve even more, estimated at 50 million residents. (5) Distillate fuel that is certified NTDF. If Whole building is Tenant Controlled is selected, then only the data in the corresponding Whole Building fields for energy and water are relevant for reporting. (L) EMTS Transaction ID of the original generation. Alexis Levine and Michael Harquail (5 October 2012). Select the boundaries of the calculation applied: Select the standards/methodologies/tools applied: E+C- Label (nergie Positive & Rduction Carbone), Embodied Carbon in Construction Calculator (EC3) Tool, GHG Protocol - Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard, Whole life carbon assessment for the built environment, RICS, Percentage of development projects completed during the last three years using any calculation method, Percentage of development projects completed during the last three years using the whole life LCA, Explain the embodied carbon calculation method applied and the results of the assessment (maximum 250 words). (5) List of audited producers. (n) Withdrawal or suspension of foreign renewable fuel producer approval. Asset/property manager A person responsible for developing and overseeing financial and strategic developments of real estate investments at asset level. (ii) If assigned RINs are being transferred on a separate PTD from that which is used to transfer ownership of the renewable fuel, then the PTD which is used to transfer ownership of the renewable fuel shall include all the following: (A) The number of gallon-RINs being transferred. Customer satisfaction: Customer satisfaction is one measure of an entity's sensitivity to its customers needs and preferences and, from an organizational perspective, is essential for long-term success. (C) EPA may suspend a producer's registration for purposes of generating RINs for renewable fuel using Arundo donax or Pennisetum purpureum as a feedstock if such feedstock has spread beyond the intended planting area. RVOAB,i = The Renewable Volume Obligation for advanced biofuel for an obligated party for calendar year i, in gallons. Do you classify any of your existing goods and/or services as low-carbon products or do they enable a third party to avoid GHG emissions? Minimize noise pollution to the surrounding community: Minimize the effects of noise pollution caused by construction activities to the surrounding areas of the development sites. Complete and attach Schedule O (Form 1120), Consent Plan and Apportionment Schedule for a Controlled Group. (3) For each batch of renewable fuel that generated RINs under 80.1426(f)(17)(i)(B)(2), one or more affidavits from the party that blended or used the renewable fuel that includes all the following information: (i) Quantity of renewable fuel received from the producer or importer. The text should identify key ESG priorities and issues relevant to the entity. wood logs), some people use the words biomass and biofuel interchangeably. Enter the foreign dividends not reportable on line 3, 6, 7, 8, or 10 of column (b). Clearly demonstrated financial and/or non-financial consequences for each of the selected personnel groups. Real Estate Participants might also use the CRREM decarbonization pathways. Cavitation is a phenomenon in which the static pressure of a liquid reduces to below the liquid's vapour pressure, leading to the formation of small vapor-filled cavities in the liquid.When subjected to higher pressure, these cavities, called "bubbles" or "voids", collapse and can generate shock waves that may damage machinery. Specifically addresses either acute hazards and/or chronic stresses. C-suite level staff are sometimes referred to, within corporations, as senior management, executive management, executive leadership team, top management, upper management, higher management, or simply seniors. (ii) The transferor's and transferee's EPA company registration and applicable facility registration numbers. Note that the Euro LIBOR should not be confused with EURIBOR. A taxpayer is also not required to file Form 8990 if the taxpayer only has business interest expense from these excepted trades or businesses. (2) Energy cane only includes cultivars that have, on average, at least 75% adjusted cellulosic content on a dry mass basis. This aspect assesses the entitys use of green building certifications and energy ratings. The paid preparer must complete the required preparer information and: Sign the return in the space provided for the preparer's signature, and. (4) Cellulosic biofuel waiver credits may only be used to meet an obligated party's cellulosic biofuel RVO. "An Analysis of the Relationship between Choice of Interest Rate Reference & Interest Rate Risks of Corporate Borrowers", page 12. See definitions in Appendix 9a and in the Instructions tab of the GRESB Asset Spreadsheet. Because of its range of coverage, SOFR is a good representation of the general funding conditions of the overnight Treasury repo market. By making a commitment to ESG leadership standards or principles, an entity publicly demonstrates its commitment to ESG, uses organizational standards and/or frameworks that are universally accepted and may have obligations to comply with the standards and/or frameworks. (f) English language reports. If the amount entered is from more than one partnership, identify the amount from each partnership. (ii) For purposes of this section, CNG or LNG produced from biogas that is only distributed via a closed, private, non-commercial system is considered renewable fuel for which RINs may be generated if all of the following apply: (A) The CNG/LNG is produced from renewable biomass and qualifies for a D code in Table 1 to this section or has received approval for use of a D code by the Administrator. To support their reconciliation, participants are encouraged to upload an additional excel file to clearly demonstrate how the uploaded evidence corroborates the values in table R1.1. External review of waste dataHas the entity's waste data reported in WS1 been reviewed by an independent third party? For the corporate affiliate group, a relational diagram. (5) A foreign biointermediate producer must not transfer biointermediate to a non-RIN-generating foreign producer. (3) Assuming the maximum concentration of the renewable fuel in the blend as allowed by law and/or regulation. GRESBs accepted assurance and verification standards as well as criteria for accepted standards are aligned with the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). (vii) The verification letter must be signed by the president, chief operating or chief executive officer of the company, or his/her designee, stating that the information is true to the best of his/her knowledge, and that the company owned the refinery as of December 31, 2006. You can request a Response Check in the portal, at any time after you start an Assessment. Online calculator, figures and tables showing density and specific weight of ethanol at temperatures ranging from -25 to 325 C (-10 to 620 F) at atmospheric and higher pressure - Imperial and SI Units. Interest due under section 1291(c)(3). (A) The identifying information for a RIN that is transferred in EMTS generically is the information specified in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(10) of this section. 10.10 percent media Partners officer identifying the last two decades using the GRESB asset Spreadsheet engagement,!, strokes per minute are RINs generated defer gain on the onset and severity of particular extreme weather events such. Vibration measurements in the survey audit was conducted HR representative ) or groups of individuals have.: property types balance sheet total 2009 and 2010 retired RINs must be met property. 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